What exactly is a relasionship with God?

by tootired2care 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew
    how do you surmise that God has possibly provided comfort to the one suffering?

    Possibly? I said mind over matter. I'm done. Thank you for reading my post :)


    8 Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. 1 Timothy 2:8

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Well my point was that during the starvation breakdown, the brain/mind would be damaged. So how would mind over matter be possible? I didn't realize my post would kill the thread. I'll exit now, so everyone can continue.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    The fact of the matter is that we have the means to end starvation...tec

    Really? Go do it then...and let me know how you get on. Do you have some magical solution to make the whole world come together to do this for the needy? NO? Maybe god has that ability then? And maybe not since he doesn't do anything about it. Apparently he prefers to sit back, let Satan have his way while innocent children pay the price....I have to admit...I have a bit of a problem with that....orrrrr...is satan a fairy story too?

    N.drew...it would only flood after being allowed to be in drought for so long....now if god didn't let that happen in the first place...what flooding do you anticipate?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I thought it was a good point cult classic...

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. 1 Timothy 2:8

    So I take it THIS IS scripture?

  • LouBelle

    If I was a magical god with powers beyond comprehension, I would miraculously provide food for people, I would listen to prayers, but be wise in answering them - things like "oh god, please protect me as I go to war to kill my fellow man" would fall on deaf ears - I'd likely just make sure all weaponary siezed up, or turn them into vegitables - if they want to beat each up with a carrot - fare enough.

    I would show my might. I would let people know that I existed.

  • Heartofaboy

    It has been a week since I posted the picture of the little child & vulture & I cannot believe the lame excuses Nambo, TEC & others who are so imbued with holy spirit are making for God's inaction. Your responses are always the same, nothing new.

    No stop, this is new.........One of you claims you have to plead with God to stop pouring out his spirit on you as you can't take anymore............sheeesh.

    From what you are saying it seems this holy spirit experience is all about making the recipient 'feel nice'.

    Also from what you have written it seems there are strict rules & regulations the recipient needs to understand & satisfy in order for God or Jesus to make them 'feel nice'................ rules & regulations way beyond the comprehension of starving babies & tiny children in utter agony.

    Damn you it's even beyond the comprehension of most adults!

    James 2:15-17

    15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good [a] is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

  • N.drew
    I didn't realize my post would kill the thread. I'll exit now, so everyone can continue.

    I'm sorry cult classic that I made you feel that way.

    I think I did not post that God IS causing comfort to the children. I posted that no one can know for sure if God isn't comforting them. It is unfair to be saying God does NOTHING when one does not know WHAT God is doing.

    There are many ways people suffer. JWN had adopted starvation and too much water as in floods particularly tsunamies it seems. Some suffering is good. To remove ALL suffering from Earth is bad, isn't it? And some things causing suffering have good purposes. like knives.

  • N.drew

    What else is disturbing me? Multitudes. I'm talking about numbers of people. I know there is one baby who does not get the needed love and attention that he should. And the baby will not grow properly for not getting the nurturing it needs. That's one and it's a big problem.

    Are you angry at that mother and father? I wonder why not? Volume. They don't have enough children for outrage to happen. How many do they need? 10? 100?

    They are not bad people. They have no idea they are neglecting the child just enough for the child to grow up starved and stunted. The child is starved for love. Is food more important than love? I think not. I think water might be, but that's just my opinion.

    So mom and dad aren't bad, they are just too busy making a living. And they tire easily.

  • N.drew

    To imagine a relationship with god and come to an understanding of the complexity of the relationship between Heaven and Earth why not take this test?

    A tsunami is a bad thing that God can prevent I believe. It causes many people to suffer and die. If it were stopped there would be people saved that go on to cause someone else to suffer. I think I understand human nature and odds of things happening.

    Now please picture a family of four that love and nurture one another. There is nothing lacking. It is their day for the beach. They do not get the chance often to have a family day so the Dad will take them hell or high water. But he is not conscious of hell or high water. One or even all have a sense that this day is not a good day to go but they go.

    It is not obvious that the waves are too strong. Anyway, the stronger the better for body surfing. So they do! But a current carries away their only son. They did not listen. Should god have saved the child? Should god save every child? If god was Earth's physical deliverer what would that be? Which child is worth saving? All of them? What happens when a child becomes unsatisfied with his provisions? Does god give him more so that something bad is diverted? Every child deserves water and nutrition. Every child also deserves love. People who are angry at god know this. What good does being angry at god do?

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