What exactly is a relasionship with God?

by tootired2care 114 Replies latest jw friends


    It also agree with talesin. I would add that our sub-conscious mind constantly attempts to communicate with the so call conscious part of our mind; more accurately called our frontal lobes.

    When a solution to a problem pops into our awareness or we feel as though a voice is helping us, we can attribute this to a god, Jesus, zeus, demon, dead friend or insanity but it is just the normal activity of our whole mind.

    Please don't tell Tammy I said this.

  • LouBelle

    Sorry to have jumped down your throat - it reminded me of administering morphine regularly to my uncle who was dying of cancer, it hardly had the effect you describe.

    Our minds are so desperate to believe in this relationship that it will conjure up all sorts. It's all part of a chemical reaction in the brain and the releasing of those feel good endorphines (to add to what I said before)

  • Fernando

    After a spiritual awakening and intense journey, my conclusion is that God speaks to all of us all the time by way of our thoughts. We simply have to tune in and be more aware. Tuning in is accessible to anyone that follows the map - the full unabridged gospel message - embraces it, and yields to it.

    The higher one's SQ or Spiritual Quotient the more evident it seems to be that the rush of helpful new or profound ideas, concepts and thoughts are from another higher source - although the flow is experienced as very organic/natural, subtle and gentle.

    Religionists being physical, temporal, natural and carnal cannot transcend the time-space domain to tune into and discern the metaphysical (spiritual) since they have not been granted faith (a wide opening of our spiritual eyes).

  • LouBelle

    seems very egoic to me.

    Just doesn't sit right either - but that is my opinion.

  • erbie

    Just do as you are told or get annihilated.

    The most simple and unambiguous relationship one could pray for.

  • panhandlegirl

    I told my daughter, who is a Baptist I think, that I never actually prayed. That I thanked God every morning for my life, for me waking up every morning, for the beautiful day and for the wonderful earth we live in. When I arrive at

    work I thank God that I have a job and can take care of myself. She asked if God knew it was Him I was talking to. I said "Yes, He does; we've been friends for years." I feel that God is always near me, I talk to his as I would to

    a friend. I think he has saved me from harm a couple of times but most of the time he just helps me to know/learn how to help myself. I never feel alone.

  • panhandlegirl

    I would add that our sub-conscious mind constantly attempts to communicate with the so call conscious part of our mind; more accurately called our frontal lobes.

    I had a brain aneurysm. It was repaired by filling the aneurysm with swirls of platnium. After the surgery, every once in a while,quite often really, I would experience an extremely pleasurable feeling all over my body.

    I thought maybe the sac filled with platnium was touching the limbic system in my brain. Unfortunately, after a few months, the feelings stopped. I was disappoined. Just thought I would throw that into the


  • james_woods

    If you have imaginary conversations with God, you are highly religious. It is OK to kill people if God tells you to.

    If you have imaginary conversations with your neighbors Dog, you are the "Son of Sam". It is NOT OK to kill people if Sam tells you to.

  • tec

    marking for after work...



    (Oh, and I saw that, Glad )

  • Lozhasleft

    Thanks Loz, do you feel it?,

    I can certainly relate to the turning on of the tap of holy spirit, the morphine bit may be a little extreme in my opinion, lol maybe more like valium, but certainly a definite calmness and comfort comes with sincere and deep praying, for me anyway.

    Loz x

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