What exactly is a relasionship with God?

by tootired2care 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    How did your god create the world N.drew? Can he not provide a means for them to feed themselves? Is he that useless? If he can create the universe...why can't he create rain clouds? I have provided 'scripture'...bible verses that say he can do this, but they have been dismissed as ignorance by the writers.

    We know that helping villages to dig wells helps them to grow crops and feed themselves....Can God not give them rain? Why not?

    By the way...didn't JESUS produce food by magic? Didn't he feed the 5,000? Oh, I suppose that is just a fairy story too.

  • N.drew

    How many people have the means to feed themselves? How many people have starved to death? The world should be perfect?

    Can he not provide a means for them to feed themselves? Is he that useless?

    ? Have you never heard of food getting stolen at the deliver sight by fat men? Is HE that useless OR are some people that BAD? I think you are attacking the wrong entity.

  • N.drew

    Think deeper. If rain came to water that ground (that may have been misused for many years) what do you think would happen still thinking?

  • N.drew

    Yes, a flood. The ground is too dry. Also the water would wash away any precious nutrients that are in the soil.

  • tec

    The fact of the matter is that we have the means to end starvation. This planet has enough, and humanity has the ability... but we spend our money, time, focus, and resources on 'other' things. We have always done so, and so the problem compounds.

    We do not do what God said to do; we do not do as Christ did or taught us to do... so we cannot rightfully blame God for these problems that we have the means and ability to alleviate.



  • N.drew

    So getting rain to him might cause worse problems. Getting food to him will likely be thwarted by evil men. The solution is to move the people out of the terrible God dishonoring tribulation. Any ideas how to do that?

  • tec

    Getting food to him will likely be thwarted by evil men.

    Getting food to him IS thwarted by evil men.



  • cult classic
  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Let me try this again.


    There is a stage of starvation that includes hallucinations and malfunction of brain power. Perhaps during this stage, one who is starving would feel better than a person who has had a full meal. However, during extended episodes of starvation, the body turns on its vital organs and muscle for nourishment. When this happens the sufferer experiences horrific neurological and muscular pain.

    During this process, when and how do you surmise that God has possibly provided comfort to the one suffering?

  • tec

    Butterfly - that sounds like a really good book, and also witness. Thansk for sharing.



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