A reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging

by thetrueone 233 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Thank you... and certainly me included as well.

  • ziddina


    tec's use of my descriptions of my "biological incubator", did not hurt me - however, it demonstrated yet again her tendency to be too facile with actual comments...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Please resume discussing the BABBLE...I think zids post 9826 are valid.

    So many things in the old testament point to Christs coming it cannot be easily dismissed from a christian perspective.

  • ziddina

    And repeating my post #9826, above...

    "...The ONLY information that has come down to us about what "Christ" did, came from other people...
    "Christ" never wrote a thing.
    We only have the words of imperfect men as to what "he" said and did - exactly the same as with the old testament - which "Christ" allegedly quoted from to support "his" ministry - again, according to OTHER men.
    Reject the old testament, which laid the prophetic foundation for "Christ's" birth, ministry and death, and you're rejecting "Christ's" "divine" origins and birthrights..."

    Obviously, I modified this re-post of my original... For emphasis.

  • ziddina


    Still Thinking beat me to it...

  • tec

    I DON'T reject the old testament. I do reject specific or individual things in it if those contradict with Christ. Even more specifically the things said about God in the OT. (that God demanded babies heads be bashed in, for one... this is in conflict with what Christ shows about God) Since Christ is the Truth and the Image of God (not the OT, not the law - which is a shadow - not writings or other prophets... just Christ), then I look to Christ to know God.

    The OT is not all one book either. It is many books, and they also do not all claim to be inspired. Even those that do claim this are not free of the possibility of error, or mistranslation, or the 'lying pen of the scribes'. So again, I look to Christ.

    Yes, he is in the book that is subject to all of those things (error, mistranslation, lying pen of the scribes), and so the writings about Him are also subject to those possibilities. (Even so, according to that book, He is still the one to look to for truth; so I do not understand any other view). So I do test what is written, and use some discernment and reasoning. There were witnesses to what He taught, and they passed that on, and this got written down. None of his teachings are in contradiction with one another, nor his deeds. The only contradictions are perhaps within some of the details of when he did something, or his lineage... all of which had nothing to do with him. What He taught - through word and deed - speaks about Him. Not the order that people remember things. For me, the coherence and truth behind those teachings gives them, and He who taught them, credence.

    There is more of course. My views on anything written is never 'set in stone' unless He confirms it to me in spirit. But that is not something that will be accepted by someone who does not believe, and there is nothing I can do about that.



  • ziddina

    Oy yi yi yi yi, I'm certainly glad that scientists don't do what you do, tec....

    I can only imagine what the world would look like, if someone had refused the vulcanization of rubber, adding various trace metals to iron, the research into nutritional deficiencies, the anthropological digs in Africa, the paleologic digs illuminating further what the dinosaurs were really like - especially the latest discovery regarding a near-relative of the T-rex having feathers....

  • cofty

    My views on anything written is never 'set in stone' unless He confirms it to me in spirit.

    I guess it must have worked like that with the High Priest who had the Urim and Thummim. If he declared "thus sayeth the lord" who could argue?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL zid....using tecs explanation of the phenomina...I think it's beginning to apply to us....LOL

    My views on anything written is never 'set in stone' unless zid confirms it to me in spirit. I think I am doing spiritual writings...I am tuned in to your wavelength.....LOL

  • tec

    I can only imagine what the world would look like, if someone had refused the vulcanization of rubber, adding various trace metals to iron, the research into nutritional deficiencies, the anthropological digs in Africa, the paleologic digs illuminating further what the dinosaurs

    were really like - especially the latest discovery regarding a near-relative of the T-rex having feathers...

    Zid, I don't understand what this comparison has to do with what I wrote. Might you break it down further?

    I guess it must have worked like that with the High Priest who had the Urim and Thummim. If he declared "thus sayeth the lord" who could argue?

    I don't understand your comparison either. If he (the high priest) said it? If so, then what does that have to do with what I wrote? I am not a high priest and no one has to listen to me, and I have never stated otherwise



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