"Do you still feel Jehovah is directing the Organization?"

by outsmartthesystem 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    For those of you with experience being asked this question.....or those of you that are/were elders.......

    What would happen if you responded to that question by saying "I don't know"?

    What would happen if you responded with "I choose not to answer that question."? And then when they ask why, you say "because I wish to invoke my 5th amendment rights". They could continue to ask why.....but I could easily keep giving them non-answers. They would get the point....they would know how I feel but without me officially incriminating myself. Would such a tactic work due to the fact that they didn't get the answer they were seeking from me, or would they still have grounds to DF me?

  • undercover

    Technically speaking, having doubts is not enough to charge you with, or find you guilty of apostacy. But in real life, all it takes is three elders to agree on any one thing against you and they can DF you.

    But assuming that they'll play by the rules; if you answer, "I don't know...I'm having doubts" this will prompt them to want to help you further. And that opens up the potential for them being on your case more than before. If you go so far as saying, "I don't want to implicate myself" well, in their eyes you already have. So that's not the thing to do.

    If you don't want too much scrutiny or to face the possibility of JC meetings and DFing, then Theocratic Warfare is the best option. Lie. They don't need to know the truth. So tell them what they want to hear, bullshit them on how you're working shit out and you appreciate their concern and that right now you're doing okay but you'll be sure to let them know when you need their assistance.

  • ldrnomo

    I would say, "Jehovah is definitley directing the Organization"

    Then I would think to myself:

    Jehovah is a concept that the organization excepts and they follow the Bible that Jehovah supposedly had written and they percieve these writings in their own way. They in fact allow themselves to be directed by their conceptual god jehovah.

  • skeeter1

    No way is He directing the Organization. He should fire the GB if he is. The Governing Body aren't listening to Him. Too many mistakes to even feign divine sponsorship.

  • leavingwt

    outsmartthesystem: In this particular case, I would avoid being put into a situation in which you're asked to respond. Refuse to meet with them. Or, just don't show up to the meeting. Call in sick, etc, etc.

    PS: There is no reward for telling cult leaders the truth. Further, you can be DF'd for anything that three elders agree upon.

  • Lore

    How you answer that question depends entirely on your goal.

    Are you trying to remain a good witness so you don't get shunned by your family? Then the answer to that question is very easy: "Yes of course Jehovah is directing the organization."

    Their decisions are based almost entirely on attitude. They're not a legal system, they're a cult. You can't 'plead the 5th' since they don't have a consitution.

  • thetrueone

    Yahweh has never been directing this organization, the organization itself self proclaimed this as to create a sense of

    viability to the organization's literature, as well to empower its editorial executive leaders.

    The WTS. is a deceitful commercialized false prophet and most likely remain so into the future.

    The WTS. twisted and manipulated bible scriptures to enhance the commercial needs of their own publishing house, thereby

    identifying itself as modern day false prophet, with commercial aspirations.

  • Dagney

    I agree with undercover. Do and say what is in your best interest for your goal. If you have to keep relationships in peace or at bay for now, then appease the inquirers.

    Some of the things I would say, especially in the early years of separating myself from the org:

    "My feelings are really not important/personal/between me and Jehovah. As I have been instructed, I continue to give all things in my life prayerful consideration and wait on Jehovah."

  • RayPublisher

    One elegant way you can express it is this way:

    "I am not having doubts. I just have many questions.

    The questions that have no answers don't bother me.

    It's the questions that do have answers."

    And then shut up and just look sincerely into their eyes and wait til they blink. This was suggested to me from a mature brother that successfully faded over 10 years ago.

  • 00DAD

    Another strategy is to feign offense,

    "How dare you ask me that question! My loyalty to Jehovah/God has NEVER been a question before and it will not be one now. How would you feel if I asked you that same question? How dare you!!!"


    "I'm not even going to dignify that insulting question with a response. Are we done here? 'cuz I think we are done."

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