"Do you still feel Jehovah is directing the Organization?"

by outsmartthesystem 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • beenthere2

    Question....does anyone know when the theory (WTS is God's visible organization on earth) was first introduced?

    a side note: I'm not active (almost 20 years) but I do go to some of the Sunday public meetings, mainly because there is a lot about the JWs that I do like and agree with. But, the theory that the WTS is God's organization (and sole channel of communication of truth to mankind) is one of the beliefs I do not agree with. I have thought a lot about it. I have thought about how I would answer that question myself if I was asked. Here is my answer to the question......."it might be God's organization;.... it could be God's organization; ....it might not be considered by God to be his organization..... I can't really know for sure..... But I do appreciate many fine things about the organization."

    What is unfortunate is that because I would not answer the question as expected I know cannot be accepted. So I pretty much keep to myself. I don't comment or associate with anyone from the hall....only some brief greetings after the meeting. So the elders do not have any leverage with me. What are they going to do?...DF me?.... what difference would that make? ....none for me. I do wish it was different just as I'm sure many others also wish.

  • Knowsnothing

    beenthere2, if I'm not mistaken it was Rutherford that created this doctrine with his iron grip.

  • biometrics

    Ha. I got asked that by an elder about two weeks ago. I said "I'm still investigating".

  • beenthere2
  • Listener

    It is not up to them to say God is directing their Organization but rather that they should be following God's direction and therefore at best they should be humbly stating that they are doing their best to follow his direction.

  • TOTH

    Nope, I doubt that He ever did.

  • EmptyInside

    "I"m not here to serve men." They took it to mean one thing,I meant something else. No further questions.

    But,then,again,they could care less about me,and I like it that way.

  • EmptyInside

    Actually,if one wants to fade,it's best to keep your mouth shut about everything and disappear. And I wouldn't bother meeting with them at all.

  • whathehadas

    No and this is how I felt learning it wasnt

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7NuFnPR5nvo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • oppostate

    Say? What the hey is mP's problem?

    But anyway, I'd have them define the terms "directing" and "organization" for me and go around at nauseam as to how these can be identified in Scripture... Then all of a sudden quote them the one that deals with arguing about words, and how that's a mental disease, and I don't want to be arguing about words that way, so next question please... and it better not have any hard to define terms not literally found in Scripture otherwise I would have to think they were sadly mentally diseased about words.

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