"Do you still feel Jehovah is directing the Organization?"

by outsmartthesystem 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD
  • 00DAD
  • outsmartthesystem

    Thank you everyone for your replies.

    In no way did I mean to implicate that there was truly a 5th amendment plea that they would accept. I meant to simply ask if they had grounds to DF me for apostasy for simply refusing to answer their question.

    So is it safe to say that my refusal to answer that question will be interpreted as a "no" by the 3 elders and then the DF process starts? (similar to a person's accepting a blood transfusion as "voluntarily disassociating themselves"

  • steve2


    I am not having doubts. I just have many questions.

    Yeah right. And I'm the king of Tonga. Another apostate falls prey to Orwellian double-speak. Well I suppose if you can't beat him, blind 'em with double-speak!

  • DesirousOfChange

    ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....the best answer IS:

    "How dare you ask me that question! My loyalty to Jehovah/God has NEVER been a question before and it will not be one now. How would you feel if I asked you that same question? How dare you!!!"

    Yep! That's the way to go.

    Now what can they say?


  • justmom

    He (Jah) isn't and NEVER has been behind this man-made organization. It is people who organize and enslave one another in the name of God.

    This organization is NO different than in early history. The WTBS acts as a modern-day Egypt who has enslaved Israel once again. (of course they have asked for it) Just as in early history when the Hebrews became prosperous and numerous as a result of blessings, the egyptians became threatened by them and enslaved them down in egypt. Afraid they would take over THEM. Egyptians became ruthless!

    Modern-day Russellites and Rutherfordites when there was only ONE hope of heaven and supposed to be a remnant not a majority, when the

    peoples IBS became to many in number and growing, they said lets organize into a corporation and control them as slaves and then oops... too

    many partaking and growing. What do we do with them? Oooh lets create an earthly hope for the multitude (overflow) and call ourselves the

    visible representation of Christ on earth. And tell people that the majority will NOT be partaking anymore. "Shutting up the kingdom" and that

    food now comes from them (as faithful discreet slave) and they will work them to death and treat them ruthless and unloving as wolves in sheeps coverings. They will take their children and control their daily activities and no matter how many meetings they go to and hours they spend in service reading, personal study, assemblies....they will tell them it is not enough ...really...

    So....stomp in the mud and make those bricks harder and faster!

    Sorry just venting


  • mP

    jehovah is a very committed coach its just the team he works with is not always the greatest or has weaknesses. a few thousand years ago, jehovah took a small team called israel united into the champions league and they played well. they defeated canaan purples, edom reds and phillistine baals to name but a few. there were a few seasons where they came up in the finals against some massive teams but they always lost. but before that god loved too drain gold and slaves frtom his supporter base, and this eventually resulted in the club splitting into israel un-united and judea un-united. the story goes however that key players all remained w/ the southern team. after a few seasons the north merged w/ athletic assyrian and their heritage was lost. a hundred or two years passed and we fail to see any silverware for the judean team. noone ever replaced the legendary striker david and his glamour wife bethsheba and their famous kids brooklyn, jordan and gallillee.eventually there was a big final against real babylon which they lost in hampden park. everyone remembers ziggaruts famous left foot volley early in the game. even after a big talk and threats to kill and skin all their wives, girlfriends, boyfrinds , kids and so on, the players couildnt come back and defeat the meringuez. there was also a famous game where they choked against a greek team olympiacos lead by antiochus who always wore iv. god never forgave the macabbean brothers for choking some real sitters right in front that day. not that long after the catalan giants as roma went on a world tour. during that time they too crushed the judean team. john, matthais, judas, simeon and many others never played again. the club was destroyed. coach jehovah was shattrered. after over a thousand years, with the best coaching tavtics, the ability to control the ball like magic, unbelievable talent he just couldnt win. judea un-united will always be remembered for its fanatical ultras. famous ultras included jeremiah and is#iah. in fact their racist diatribes back then led to fifa banning racism intodays game. sure isaiah was vile, evil, and alwaus wished death on his opponents but it was all in good fun.even after isaiah and jeremiah the fan base was always strong. the supporter group the prophets alays managed to find new men of words to curse their opponents. the real problem is these words neber really helped but they added to the atnosphere. a famous incident many remember is when a young winger left un-united and joined the romans. during that world tour the jews went crqzy throwing pigs heads when the young portuguese took a corner. after that loss jehovah retired, but he came back to the game in the modern age when a young team known as the witnesses started to play. he liked their supporters. they were always giving out flyers for games. they also loved to make predictions about scores in fututre games. supporters bet big on these promises. jehovah neve delivered the big cups. many try and forhet the disappointing loss in the 1914, 1925, 1975 and 2000 finals.

  • mP

    so yes jehovah is very passionate its just hes not in the same league as the other big teams like the satan red devils or lucifer madrid. he can of course only dream about fc marduklona. i cant tell you why their youth academy keeps producing greats. jehovah has tried to do the same w/ his kingdom ministry yputh system but its failing. magazines like watchtower 443 and awake 3521 seem to be losing fans who are sick of promises and big ticket costs to pay for big players who dont deliver. jehovah has never managed to explain wjy he paid millions for his son jesus who never won them a title. there were also the scandals w/ rutherford and knorr who never scored. for some stramge superstition or religion they never shaved their beards which as they grew got more and more in thebway.

    some say jehovah will leave un-united and goto spain next season to join the xatalans as a junior cvoach to get success. we will have to wait and see.

  • Knowsnothing
    So is it safe to say that my refusal to answer that question will be interpreted as a "no" by the 3 elders and then the DF process starts?

    Yes. You either buy into it, head-nodding enthusiastically, or you're out.

    Think about it this way. They think, "Why would he refuse to answer, unless he doesn't feel Jehovah is directiong the Organization?"

    Either way, depending on your elders, this could be considered "brazen conduct", which is also subject to DF.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Non-answer is an answer.

    If they want to DF you, they'll make something up under the brazen conduct rule.

    Them getting you to incriminate yourself is just making their job easier.

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