leaving your family for jesus

by serein 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    So what did Jesus condemnation' of the Pharisees have to do with him inviting men to abandon their families?

    I have no idea. I was responding to you here:

    Leaving what system of lies? Cofty
    You aren't mistaking Jesus for a christian are you? He was a Jew. Cofty

    You asked what system of lies I was talking about... I answered.

    Should the husband and father not be at home supporting his family, sharing his life with his wife and raising his children?

    Husbands and fathers leave their families in war all of the time; as well for work if their work calls for travel.

    This is a case of both. The 'earnings' being knowledge of Christ, Truth, Life. You cannot lead others to Christ and God, truth and life if you do not know them yourself, and those others include families.



  • Lozhasleft

    Cofty, with respect I think you are deliberately failing to see a lot of things. You are repeating your question with blinkers so that you cannot see the responses. I respect your atheist stance, that's your choice, but I joined in here because you didn't seem to be respecting anyone's showing faith. That hampers reasoned discussion in my opinion, and wastes time and energy.

    Loz x

  • tootired2care

    Here is the apostle Pauls words on this too.

    29 Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none, 30 and also those who weep be as those who do not weep, and those who rejoice as those who do not rejoice, and those who buy as those not possessing, 31 and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. - 1 Cor 7:29-31
  • Lozhasleft

    It wasn't a dirty trick, it was a simple analogy to help you to see why these men made decisions to follow the Christ.

    Loz x

  • Lozhasleft

    Too tired - Paul is making a different point there altogether. He is explaining the priority demands of the kingdom and at a different time to the one under discussion.

    Loz x

  • sabastious
    what does it meanin matt 19: 29,does it mean actualy leaving your family or does it mean leaving what they beleive to follow what you beleive,so your family casts you out othere life, or your casting them out of yourswhat does it realy mean.

    Hello Bella15, in my opinion this is one of the tougher scriptures in the Bible to understand. What it means is that what Jesus was doing was GOING to separate families because he was asking everybody to act like him. To act contrary to falsehood, which was considered the bona fide truth at the time. Whenever families separate because of truth the blame always falls on the shoudlers of the ones who allowed contention to come from their own desire to cling onto customs of the past.

    A good modern example would be the topic of homosexuality. Many parents pre-reserve their feelings about it and choose, even before they have children sometimes, that they will disown their child if they ever got into homosexuality. When the time comes when the child of that parent musters up enough strength and courage to come out with the truth about themselves, they are cast into a ditch that has been pre-dug for them. At that point the blame for the family schism lies soley on the shoulders of the parent, not the child. Logically, even when homosexuality is regarded as a sin, the Bible is about loving everybody anyway. Love for child would impel the parent to make the best of the situation with an honest attempt to learn.

    Sticking up for truth, not matter what, always leads to choosing sides, which leads to broken relationships.


  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @tec: and he left for Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he bought him to Antioch.............and the disciples were First known as Christians in ANTIOCH!! Acts ch11 v25-6

  • cofty

    Jesus demanded an unsustainable level of commitment. It was a demand that made normal life and normal reationships impossible. It was predicated on Jesus' belief that the end of the world was nigh and now was no time to pursue normal concerns.

    His false claims damaged lives. We see the church in the later gospels and in Paul's and Peter's letters grappling with the reality that they were going to have to face old age and death. They clearly expected the parousia in their lifetime and later experienced the same dismay that we see now in the borg.

    If Peter could have known that 2000 years later the kingdom had still not come would he have walked out on his family so readily?

    That hampers reasoned discussion in my opinion, and wastes time and energy.

    Sorry if you feel your time is being wasted.

  • tootired2care

    loz - I don't see how it makes a dimes worth of difference. Jesus disciples today are expected to live their lives the same as Jesus disciples did then. Everything Jesus and his disciples said is always relevant and in context when discussing any aspect of Christianity.

  • cofty

    Paul is making a different point there altogether. He is explaining the priority demands of the kingdom and at a different time to the one under discussion. - Loz

    A million times NO! tootired2care is spot on.

    Paul is having to deal with failed expectations that started with Jesus. He demanded relationship-breaking commitment becasue the end was nigh. Paul and Peter did likewise based on Jesus' promises.

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