So What Would You Do If You Won $550,000,000?

by Mary 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • zoiks

    SBC- Titan, you say? Sounds swell to me.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    we could produce the new show: "what JW will shun their newly funded multi millionare df'd relative."

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    up to 640m

  • Magwitch

    I would first have to answer to my father as to why I would disobediently buy a lottery licket when it is so clear that Jehovah hates the lottery. After that I would...

    • Save all the homeless cats in the world
    • travel the earth with my girls
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Save all the homeless cats in the world

    That's what wifey would do. I'd end up living in a kennel

  • Lozhasleft

    Ooooh I'd buy a house in uk and a few the world...all the usual stuff really....and every Xmas hubby asks for a Mercedes so I'd get him a second hand one from a reputable dealer....

    Loz x

  • Magwitch
    I'd end up living in a kennel

    Wha Happened...that is why it is very important to be on your best behavior with us crazy cat women.

  • av8orntexas

    breakfast of champions,

    Hahahahaha. I've already faded. Since I live in a different city than alot of my former friends,some know. Some don't. Mainly the ones in this current area.

    I always thought I'd go back just to see how long some would shun me,or how I'd be treated. I always thought brothers who were well off got appointed reagardless of how much they were or weren't reaching out. Mainly just for what they could get from them. Use their house for ther bookstudy because it was the biggest, resources for quickbuilds, etc.

    As to answer the original question. I'd keep working. I love what I do and I'd work at least another 10 years. That'd give me 20 and I'd probably hang it up after that. I would ceratinly work less though. I'd buy my mom a house,car and 20 million in her account. I'd give my two cousins tracy and terry a substantial amount in the millions. My other cousins ? Probably 100k each and say spend it wisely. I'd probably give alot to the ronald mcdonalds house for sick kids. Or something like make-a-wish and enable some kids to do whatever it is they really want to do with no actual limits due to money.

    I'd re-enroll at Boston College and finish school.

    I certainly wouldn't tell anyone. I'd buy a large house, but I'd claim I invested in stocks at work, which would be true. Except its not nearly enough to do those things,lol

    As much as I'd like to get married one day, I'd be leery of anyone I met after winning.

    I'd say either marry a friend or someone you really know, or just stay single.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I might be daring and actually fill my gas tank up.

    Evidently you do not live in the UK. Most petrol stations here are either empty or closed at the moment due to panic buying in the vague threat of delivery tanker strikes.


    I may treat myself to the new Ducati Panigale.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well if I disappear and u see alot of fat cats around, well then u know what happened

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