by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    Tec/Tammy well done.

    Loz x

  • mrquik

    So nobody liked the watch analogy.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    zid...I hope I did not make anyone feel excluded...I was mearly trying to make the welcome as broad as possible so that other people with belief other than christian would also share their reasons. You are always welcome to comment and share your ideas.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Hi Lozhasleft...I have read through your first post as you suggested. And you had a very interesting, all be it devistating story to tell. I have read your story before, when I first came here and asked people about being annointed. But left wit the same vague understanding of what you were trying to share about God and wasn't exactly sure what to ask you.

    I can relate to a lot of what you share in that opening thread as my life has been quite similar. In the past I have had times in my life when I felt I just couldn't go on....I prayed...and felt like God was holding me up. I can honestly say I don't know if I would have made it without my belief at the time. But...I am no longer convinced that my experience was anything more that me supporting myself...and thinking I am handing my problems over to a higher power of sorts. I have come to realise that we all need that emotional support in our lives...and unfortunately, due to my upbringing and personality I tend to isolate myself when I need the help most. So the only fallback I had was a god, who loved me unconditionally. Someone who was always there for me, someone I could turn to and they would listen, someone I could trust with all my innermost fears and secrets that wouldn't throw them back in my face. But, was that someone real? That's what I am endeavouring to find out.

    It is not clear to me where you express how you know god is real. You speak vaguely of gods help and support. But nothing I can see. Was there something in there you were hoping I would read? Did I miss something?

    I will go back and have another read.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Sweetbaby...thanks for an awesome post...

    Now I believe my motives were as altruistic as they could be at that particular moment so if I interpreted those feelings correctly, then maybe I should still be a JW, eh?

    This is one of the things that really bothers me. And I just can't shake it. How could we be having such genuine feelings when we were involved in a lie? And if we were confused, how would we ever know what is real when it comes to spirituality?

  • tec

    This is one of the things that really bothers me. And I just can't shake it. How could we be having such genuine feelings when we were involved in a lie? And if we were confused, how would we ever know what is real when it comes to spirituality?

    Oh yeah, I struggled with this one for a while. Really struggled. How could I ever trust myself again, when I was so wrong and thought I had been so right that time?

    But that is just it. I don't trust myself. I trust God, and I trust Christ. That is what I did after torturing myself with those doubts and feelings after the JW's. I mean, I never doubted that God was real. I just doubted me and my judgment on what might be the truth. I just literally handed myself over into God's will, and both asked and trusted Him to guide me where he wanted me to be, no matter how long that took.

    If I don't hear for a long time, then I can start to doubt too. Because I am doubting ME. But when I am hearing something, there is no doubt. I know. I remember. When He speaks, there is no doubt. None at all.



  • TimeBandit

    You know what? I wanted to beleive in God after leaving the bOrG. I wanted to be a spiritual person. Well, I got to thinking about all the nasty killing he did in the Old Testament. After that I didn't want anything to do with Him any more. C'mon, would you worship Adolf Hitler, Jeffry Dahmer or the Boston strangler?

    Well, that's what God is like, those people. I sort of felt since He's the High and Mighty Supreme End All Be All of the Universe He ought to be able to come up with a better way of dealing with His enemies in the 'promised land' than having the Isrealite's slaughter them. Or kidnapping the virgins left over after the mayhem, raping them and forcing them to marry thier rapists.

    I know that sounds harsh. It should. The 'God" of the Hebrew scriptures is a jealouse narccesistic murdering Borderline Personality Disorder son of a bitch...

    So, that's why I feel that either there IS NO god. Or is he there, but just really twisted and on vacation right now? I can't decide between the two scenarios. Maybe Jehovah's parents discovered he was f_cking around with his powers without adult supervision and sent him to his room. What if He's grounded? No lunch money? Nothing?

    He needs anti psychotic meds and some bi-polar disorder meds, or maybe go back to the ganja like when he designed the Duck Bill Platypussies. Didn't he create the 'shrooms and the Hemp plants? To hell with Him.



    CursingShowing fat assFlipping the bird

  • snare&racket

    The god you imagine is not even the god of the bible.

    Pick up,your bible and you will see he COMMANDS genocide on people's that did not know his laws, could not know his laws as there was no bible, not to mention they we're not born Jewish and so would face no other fate, he commanded slavery, including sexual (for women) and unlinke men, women were not limited to 7 years of slavery. He commanded infanticide, verses clearly describe god commanding the pillaging of nations with everything to be destroyed, even the suckling child. Incest, this was commanded and took place in many places including Noah's grandchildren, lot and his daughters (disgusting!) and many more . Rape, kidnap, terror, torture, racism, sexism, homophobia, the list of disgusting commands and acts by god is endless in the bible.

    Is that the person you imagine when you talk to him? When you pray to him? How do these verses sit in regard to your imagined perception of him? What about his apparent desire to destroy everyone that doesnt worship him? What about the most horris of bible accounts when he asked a man to,sacrifice his son to him... What a horrid, disgusting thing to do. Do you have children? Would you cut that throat? Would you tell that god you would rather die than submit to such filth!? Do you imagine the god that commanded the death of David and Bathshebas baby as a punishment? When you look at cancer do you think as you do when you look at a flower..

    "ooh my god designed that marvellous complex cancer!" and he did it to be so amazingly painful and punishing due to Adams scrumping!

    Is this the god you really believe in? Go and read your bible, you will hate the god in the bible, you won't want to worship him, you will then lose the fear to research his invention,and when you do you will be enlightened with conclusive evidence the god of the bible was completely made up. Do you realise how relatively new the Jewish god is in world history? Do you realise he is an accumulation of many other gods? Gods much older but with varied morals and stories, yet all sharing undeniable themes!

    When people talk of the love of god, they are in self delusion with psychological need for imaginary comfort. When was the last time god gave you even a hug!

    Knowledge is power. Ignorance is wasteful.


  • sizemik
    So nobody liked the watch analogy. . . . mrquik

    LOL . . . I feel bad and good about that at the same time. I used to use it a lot.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    sorry mrquick....I saw your post and kinda blanked that out...a bit like the bible verses...sounded very JW...I have a mental block to those types of comments I think.

    Is that your primary reason for knowing God is real? Because life cannot create itself?

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