Carrying a gun out in service

by Blind_Of_Lies 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee
    But I carried a handgun in my book back at all times. It was a small .45 that had its own little pocket that remained zipped closed.

    A gun zipped up in the pocket of a book bag that contains Bible literature is not only a bit ironic but seems like it would be a bit useless once someone has pulled a gun on you, unless of course they gave you a few minutes to get it out.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    ...I'm not some some kind of arsehole you need to talk down to...

    Then stop talking down to those holding a different perspective than you for reasons you are apparently inexperience with and don't want to answer for, which presumably is why you avoided answering the very specific question I asked of you.

    America has a lot of very, very isolated countryside where violent criminal vermin prevail in the absence of projectable lethal force.

    And, back on subject, all things known, in some remote regions of the USA it is not as uncommon as folks might think for Witnesses to carry firearms for protection, including in field service.

    Any questions?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • iCeltic

    No Marvin, no questions. Thanks.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    No Marvin, no questions. Thanks.

    You're welcome.

    I purchased my first personal sidearm after my wife, children and myself were threatened by two criminals armed with hunting knives in a national park. I wasn't worried for myself. I was worried for my family.

    It was a fluke occurance that an armed hiker came along when she did. Otherwise I doubt we'd be having this friendly encounter.

    I used to hold the same view you share here. No more.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • james_woods

    Agreed and well said, Marvin.

  • Blind_Of_Lies


    Let me give you some background. First of all I didn’t start carrying a gun because I was “scared” or “paranoid” or thought I was John Wayne. I started carrying a gun after I had been quite literally chased out of someone’s yard and off of their rural property and several miles down the road via car by a man with a large hatchet and a crazy look in his eye. All of this happened while I was in a car group made up of women and children and myself working a not so remote portion of our very remote territory. I had driven up his roughly mile long driveway, where there were no KEEP OUT or NO TRESSPASSING signs posted and I approached his door as if it were any other, I even had a 9 year old male child with me. This guy answered his door and instantly told me to get the F off of his property, I apologized for bothering hi and we started back to the car. He this picked up a large hatchet and said he could kill us all for trespassing and no one would care… we started moving faster. We got in the car and started leaving when I noticed he was getting into his truck with the hatchet in hand. He then followed us all the way to the main public road and then chased us back to the highway honking and screaming at us while waving his hatchet around in the cab.

    I can tell you that there is no worse feeling in the world than thinking someone has the fury and the tools to kill you and having him tell you he has the motivation as well… and not being able to do a damn thing about it. I couldn’t call the police because there was no cell service and if I did manage to get a message out it would have at least 20 minutes for a deputy to arrive … IF he just happened to be in the city limits of the nearest little town. If that guy had wanted to nudge off of the road on his driveway and hatchet us all to death then make candy dishes out of our skulls, there was NOTHING I could have done to stop him. I certainly didn’t have large angles show up and keep him at bay.

    After I got home that night I cleaned my gun and bought an ankle holster. I have with very few exceptions never left the house without it ever since. I didn’t go out in service again for several months, I didn’t make a big deal about it. I knew I couldn’t carry a gun on my ankle in service for fear of someone seeing it while I was getting in and out of cars…

    Finally I figured out one of my guns fit perfectly in that little pocket. I practiced getting it out and shooting quickly just in case and I can tell you that I can go from holding it at my side to having it out and shooting inside of about 5 seconds. I can be on the move and saving my own life before most of you could dial 911 and have an operator answer the phone. After that I was back to the preaching work lol

    A few years before that happened a friend and I were out in service on a rural Indian reservation we went into an older neighborhood that was used as public housing, it was basically about 25 homes randomly dropped out in the middle of nowhere it’s like the suburb of a town not big enough to have suburbs. It was also ground zero for the reservations meth problem. There were tweakers and homeless and drunks who inhabited these houses, most of them single men who ALSO had criminal backgrounds they all seemed to be drawn to this place…

    Anyway, no territory is too dangerous… so off we went. We would park our car then work two doors then move it so that it was always close for a quick escape. We came up to a door and got up on the porch before we saw the pit bull/lab/German Sheppard/hound of hell mix dog asleep on the far side of it. He barked and instantly there were 2-3 of his friends showing up from around the neighborhood. We backed back to the car swinging our book bags at them when we tried getting in the car one came up and nailed my friend’s leg, he ended up with 6 stitches and torn pants. Being young single guys living on our own and without real jobs he had no insurance so he got stuck with medical bills and ruined pants. Would I have hesitated to shoot those 4 dogs instead of letting my friend get nailed like that? Yes I would.

    So yea, I carry a gun and I carried a gun out in service.

  • jamiebowers

    I'm a Democrat, not quite the bleeding heart liberal, but a Democrat nonetheless, and we have guns in our house. They're locked up, because the grandkids live here but are easily accessible in case of emergency. My husband and I don't carry them out, because we live in a small town with a very low crime rate. However i we did frequent bad neighborhoods or remote areas, we would both obtain a concealed carry license.

  • Shawn10538

    I guess you had no trust that God would protect you at all then. I mean, does a person have to be criminally insane to undertake a mission into other people's lives and properties, telling them, as you said, how wrong and evil they are and that they are going to die if they don't listen to you? And then being such a bastard about doing this thing that nobody invited you to do, and nobody ever asked you to do (come on their property to change them) that you would carry a gun and use it presumably, if they got irritated at you for being the complete bastard you obviously are? YES! You really do have to be a total wack job, witness or not, to do such a thing.

    "Hey I woke up this morning, got my gun, and came to your front door, just to tell you that if you don't like what I'm doing here on your property without your advance permission I'm going to shoot you in the face."

    No, nothing crazy about that at all. I guess it's what white imperialists have been doing to dark people for milleniums isn't it? Hey we came from across the sea to steal your land and kill your gods, and if you don't like it (while we're also raping your women and children and stealing from you) then we are going to just kill you. Aw heck, we're just going to kill you anyway. Bang!





  • sizemik

    I have a simple and cheap design for anti-personnel mines if anyone's interested . . . can be remotely fired or proximity detonator, or both. Discounts for 500 or more.

  • mrsjones5

    Moral of the story: get a gun if you're going to work a dangerous territory cuz jehovah ain't gonna be there to save your ass.

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