Carrying a gun out in service

by Blind_Of_Lies 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    KM Nov. '89 ... "Tactful brandishing of a weapon can increase your liturature placements..."

  • Razziel

    You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.

    -Al Capone

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I would have never produced the gun unless I felt my LIFE not my FEELINGS were threatened. At the time I decide to produce and point my gun at someone, I have already made the commitment to kill them. I take it that seriously. I won’t point my gun at you unless I feel that you are willing and able to kill me but once I point my gun at you I will kill you.

    Also, I did call the police. The guy did the same thing to them came out of his house with a hatchet and they tazed him and he was arrested. Had he done that 20 years ago they would have shot him dead. Luckily they didn’t need to.

    Also, In Oregon just a couple years ago a disgruntled ex Jw stormed the building during meeting and brandished a gun then hunted down a man and shot him dead rite there in front of the entire congregation. People are crazy and there are more and more people who have very good reasons (child abuse, ex elders, “apostates”, and generally bad people) who have a vendetta against JW’s in general and are waiting for an excuse for violence.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    There were some wild characters about in our remote rural territory 40-odd years ago.

    One morning, a pair of them fired a warning shot, followed by a burst of choice shearing-shed language. Unfortunately for them,though, the two brothers misread completely the signal, and thought that somebody else had been shot. Believing this to be so, the matter was promptly reported to the police - and the offenders consequently had their firearms confiscated.

    In this particular instance, a pistol in a book bag would have afforded little protection:

    - for anybody exposed on a long farm driveway, a .38 revolver against a .270 rifle (with telescopic sights) would have been no contest!


  • Chariklo

    My goodness, nothing demonstrates the gulf between Britain and the United States more than this thread....that's what I was going to say.

    You probably all know that in the UK carrying any kind of weapon...even a kitchen knife, let alone a firearm, is absolutely illegal. Just carrying will put you away inside.

    And yet...and yet...then I thought, how can I say anything, living as I do in a relatively quiet part of Britain far away from the cities. Only last night I watched a TV drama, Casualty, for those who don't know a hospital drama based on what I think you call an ER department, and it was all about gang crime and a gun.

    Still, reading all this is very odd to British eyes.

  • Pubsinger

    Yep massive cultural differences here.

    Acceptable gun culture (and knife culture - although I thought it was illegal to carry a knife in the US too) by normal responsible citizens is a totally foreign concept to us in the UK.

    But I am not surprised at all that some carried a gun secretly as JWs seeing as it is legal and 'acceptable'
    I am surprised, now that I think about it, that this is the first time I think we've seen this on the forum.

  • passwordprotected

    Wow, Marvin, can't believe how much a patronising douche you've been in this thread.

  • Giordano

    When I was pioneering in a rual area me and my pioneer buddy rented a place out in the country and it had an outhouse. There was a farm house on a hill not to far away and someone had used the outhouse for target practice............. you could sit in that outhouse and look through the bullet holes and wonder..............I think I was consipated the entire time we lived there.

    Never carred a gun out in service. I always had the tire iron close to hand even practiced throwing it....... jeeze anything but pioneering.

    In later years I carried pepper spray but after I accidently shot myself in the butt I got rid of it. That's a story for another day.

    Now we have young grandkids in the house so guns are locked in a safe. It's a quite town and police response is not more then 1 to 2 minutes. Very low crime rate so the police are always ready to get it on. It would be quicker to dial 911 then liberate the guns and then figure out where I hid my bullet ............ Concession to wife.

  • truth_b_known

    There is no prohibition against owning or carrying firearms by Jehovah's Witnesses. However, if you do, you will not be given extra privileges in the congregation. You would probably be DFed for killing someone as the WTB&TS has no clue as to the difference between killing and murder.

  • Chariklo
    There is no prohibition against owning or carrying firearms by Jehovah's Witnesses. However, if you do, you will not be given extra privileges in the congregation. You would probably be DFed for killing someone as the WTB&TS has no clue as to the difference between killing and murder.

    How can there not be a prohibition against owning or carrying firearms by JW's?

    I thought JW's were in a pacifist religion, no violence, don't give back in kind etc. The DVD giving their history has moving testimony from an elderly JW who was a boy in the '30's or '40's telling how he had endured persections and beatings without retaliating.

    I just do not understand how carrying firearms, let alone using them, could not be the rankest and most blatant hypocrisy.

    Please can someone explain for my simple mind?

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