Carrying a gun out in service

by Blind_Of_Lies 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    Blood transfusions are legal in America and in Britian but a JW can't have one in either country, even to save a child's life . "Blood is sacred, life is in the blood and its against God's law to use if for any purpose" yadda yadda. But a JW in the U.S, carrying a gun with the intent to kill another human, if need be, is perfectly ok but in Britian it's not only illegal but it's also immoral for a JW to do so. Where's all this unity we hear about ?

    Some here in America feel that if guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. But it seems to me a society that has a zero tolerance toward anyone owning or carrying a firearm is far more civilized and the odds of one encountering a lunitic with a gun at a door,shooting ones self, having ones child take their gun to school or having one's head blown off in a traffic altercation, are far lower if not non existent.

  • talesin

    My goodness, nothing demonstrates the gulf between Britain and the United States more than this thread....that's what I was going to say.

    Yes, same with Canada. I just don't 'get' the gun culture. Most of our shootings are between rival drug gangs (in my city), and the only crimes of passion involve long guns.

    Very few citizens have the license to own handguns, and those are supposed to be only for 'collectors'.

    ah well, c'est la vie!

    to each his own, etc.


  • Refriedtruth

    Its dead wrong most cases illegal to carry any kind of weapon door to door especially when you are cold calling without invitation on private property.

    I would have liked to,and in fact sometimes carried dog repellent (never used it) to hostile calls and I now recoil in horror that I was brainwashed to think I had a right to assault somebody's dear pet.How would I like it if someone hurt my pets?

    I went to courthouse the other day and had to pass through a metal detector they allowed NO weapons of any kind and no recording devices and if you don't like it keep out.

    I am all for self defense,the JW should not be going door to door without trusting in their angels or just forget about it.

  • notjustyet

    exwhyzee said:

    " Some here in America feel that if guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. But it seems to me a society that has a zero tolerance toward anyone owning or carrying a firearm is far more civilized and the odds of one encountering a lunitic with a gun at a door,shooting ones self, having ones child take their gun to school or having one's head blown off in a traffic altercation, are far lower if not non existent."

    I think that sounds reasonable at first, but when you think about the bad guys who do not care to follow the laws of "turning in the guns" when a country makes that decision, then only the bad guys will have guns as the lawful citizens will have obeyed the law and disarned themselves. Then the bad guys, the ones that have kept there guns, now know that the good guys are disarmed. They do not have to worry about someone fighting back with a gun or at least not as likely as before the "turn in your gun order"

    So since guns exist, and are out there already, would it not be better to allow law abiding citizens the ability to protect themselves from those that are armed and have ill intentions toward others?

  • exwhyzee

    So since guns exist, and are out there already, would it not be better to allow law abiding citizens the ability to protect themselves from those that are armed and

    have ill intentions toward others?

    And that exactly why the citizens of America, as a whole, for good or for bad, want and have the right to bear arms.

  • notjustyet

    If still questioning whether or not it is wise to have a gun for protection, go to youtube and search for "911 intruder gun" and take a listen to hear what actually happens. It's like health insurance, you don't want to have to use it but if you do, you're glad you have it.

    Then listen to some of those that were being broken into and did not have a weapon to defend themselves.

    If a bad guy had you and your family cornered in a restuarant and was going down the line killing people and you are your family were close to getting shot, would you want a background checked, certified, law abiding citizen to take out the bad guy with his weapon or would you rather wait for the police to arrive and take the shot?

    If I were the family that was going to be shot I would want any relief that I could get, by any means.

    Remember when seconds count, police are only minutes away!!

    I think you have to plug in the idea that bad guys do not follow the law, that's what makes them bad guys, right?

  • Remington
  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I carried Mace and had to use it on a dog once. Had my hands on it a dozen times but only pulled it on a dog that I'm sure would have bit me.

  • Balaamsass

    LOL- great thread. An old C.O. from a Latin American Country had me in stitches with stories of special Pioneer missionaries 1940s Mexico who had a .357 in one saddlebag, and a bible in the other. "This is for da Sheeps and dis is fo de goats!" Did you know the Bethel Watchmen used to carry a 6" S&W 38 special on rounds? That was untill one got spooked and shot holes through some giant rolls of paper...making see-through holes in lots of WATCH towers....:) Knorr said enough of that!! late 1940-50s). THAT story is somehow missing in the Proclaimers book. One time a Deputy Elder (1960s) was giving a talk- and his jacket moved...exposing his gun...on the platform. I would imagine he carried a heater door to door..actually I thought it really cool as a kid. "Momcan I get a gun for field service too? Please Please Please! :) Only in America P.S.- I understand Mexico has very strict gun control laws..they are very effective...

  • 144001

    I support legalization of all weapons, including fully automatic guns, grenades, and brains.

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