It CAN'T go on much longer

by jean-luc picard 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    The End Time doctrine propagated by the WTS. was and still is a marketing strategy for the WTS's own literature

    and thats all it will ever be. It attracts people attention when they see a huge explosion on the front cover of a magazine

    with people looking terrified running away, just like it did 50, 60 years ago.

    Since the WTS says they've interpreted this understanding from the bible, it further makes everything appear more viable., coming

    from the perceived God's book of knowledge and Truth. The WTS. structured doctrines can be seen as the WTS. own advertisement for

    their own published works. There's no truth in advertising perquisite placed upon religions as it is known.

  • slimboyfat
    This is the same crap they were preaching in 1985, when I had my first Bible Study.

    Hey how old are you? I thought you were ages with me. I was barely out of nappies in 1985.

  • straightshooter

    My bible studies with the jws started in the early 70s and they were aglow with the end coming in 1975. The end coming has always been the hope of the jws. I remember a dear elderly couple in the 70s. The wife became very sick and everyone told her to just hang on for a few more months, the end of this world is close. She died without the Armageddon coming. Her husband followed in death a few years later. Such cases as this were truly heart wrenching to see. They spent their whole lives in anticipation of the new world coming in their lifetime.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    same crap they were preaching to me in 1988 whe nI was studying. It's still "just around the corner"

  • ziddina
    "This is the same crap they were preaching in 1985, when I had my first Bible Study. ..." Leaving WT
    "Hey how old are you? I thought you were ages with me. I was barely out of nappies in 1985. ..." SlimBoyFat
    "same crap they were preaching to me in 1988 whe nI was studying. It's still "just around the corner"..." Wha Happened



    I can remember that crap from the late 1950's into the 1960's and all the way to 1975!!!!

    When I was jes' a lil' kid, up into my teens and all the way into my adult years!!!

  • redvip2000

    My mom says that same thing when i go over. Never fails. In fact that is all she thinks about, her whole world revolves around the Big A. The last time i went over she said that she can't wait for it to happen so she can be young again and so that she can have a nice little house in a peaceful place with her family.

    It's at times like those that i realize that at this point in her life, it's probably better for her to stay in her paradise bliss dream, instead of knowing the truth. Ultimately the truth would bring devastation and would break her spirit. I rather her live the rest of her days with some hope, even if it never materializes.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I was never going to school in this old system.

    I am now an Old Age Pensioner. (65+)



  • 00DAD

    Of course it can't go on much longer. It's been unable to go on much longer for about 138 years now, since 1874.

    It's definitely ending soon, very soon.

    I wouldn't buy any green bananas if I were you, because, hey, you never know!

    Green Bananas

  • cofty

    I still clearly remember an incident on our annual holiday when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old so that would be in the early 70s. We always went to stay in a caravan at St. Fillans near Loch Earn in Perthshire, Scotland. We lived in a town in West Central Scotland so the beauty of Perthshire was a real treat. My dad was showing me how to skim stones across the loch (thats a lake to you sasenachs) and we were just enjoying the fantastic views. My dad was saying how beautiful it was and then he said something like "I hope the New System comes really soon". It was a really heartfelt plea that I will always remember.

    Looking back I realise my dad was much younger then than I am now. What a tragic waste of time and effort!

  • Cadellin

    What's particularly obnoxious about this doctrine is how they fan the flames of urgency via official channels, like the District Convention of 2009, where the word "imminent" was used literally in every talk to describe Armaggedon's closeness. It had to have been emphasized in the manuscripts and outlines sent out by the WTBC, because every speaker mentioned it. So what does "imminent" mean?

    Well, it's a great little weasel word that can be used to, as I said, reignite the urgency in the minds of the rank and file. At the same time, when this latest prophecy proves wrong (and that's what it was, a prophecy), the Society can retreat to the defense of "we never actually said when it was coming--we're just pointing out the 'season,'" which is their response whenever anyone attempts to point out their record of failed predictions. IOO, they like to have their "date" and eat it too. (Ok, not such a great play on words, but you get my meaning)

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