....And what if it IS the truth????

by MsGrowingGirl20 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Twitch
    WHAT NEXT???

    You'd better beg forgiveness for conversing with apostates. Or join the party :)

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I think the question of "what if it's true" does linger on for quite some time. Normally something in the news will trigger it off. However just continue to research and read about the Bible etc and it all soon falls back into place. It's bollocks, we were suckers, we were duped, we believed it. It's a painfull realisation when held as true in our hearts is proven false.

    When doubts as to its' falseness arise again from time to time, then do more reading and research to prove / disprove it again.


    As to your point of what if it IS the truth, ... then it has already been said, the JWs have apostacised away from what Jesus purportedly CHOSE in 1918 / 1919. A reading of the Studies in the Scriptures volumes for yourself (the TRUTH as held in that period) will reveal this fact to be total utter bollocks. I recommend volumes 2 and 6 if you dont fancy all seven of them as they deal with 1914, chronology etc.

  • ohiocowboy

    If JW's really had the "Truth" I would still want no part of it, and would rather die than to live in bondage with the shunning and the self righteous indignation that "Jehovah's happy people" are so well known for.

    Besides, if it were really the truth, it would be able to be held up to scrutiny. Truth is truth. It is not open for interpretation, and above all, is not able to be changed on the whims of a bunch of nasty old men in New York.

  • Chalam

    "...truth is not a teaching, truth is a person..."


  • BroMac

    Quid Est Veritas

  • BroMac


  • flipper

    MS GROWING GIRL- I think you are proving to yourself that the Witnesses don't have the " truth ". You have to trust your instincts and intuition. You, me and millions of other Jehovah's Witnesses were told we can't trust ourselves due to sin & imperfection. So the WT society " guilted " us into not trusting ourselves. In reality though - what happens is once you read factual information disproving what we were taught - it causes confusion within us, or according to Steve Hassan's books " cognizant dissonance " which makes us question on why we were lied to nd taken advantage of. So that is a GOOD thing, it's healthy to inform ourselves and gain access to information hat the WT society didn't want you to see. Think about it - IF the WT society REALLY had the truth wouldn't they be more confident in your being allowed to do outside research about their organization ? What are they trying to hide ? Shouldn't truth win out and not fear being questioned ? Exactly. Unless WT leaders HAVE the fear that you will find out injustices they've pulled.

    We CAN trust our instincts and intuition Growing Girl. We aren't as sinful, imperfect, or untrustworthy as the WT society told us we were. So please keep researching and informing yourself. Hang in there. We're here for you

  • flipper

    Also- A big welcome to NOTREADYTORUN ! Nice to have you here on the board ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Q-When the WTS has the policy of 'lying for the TRUTH', how could you even ask the question?

    A- There's the answer

  • N.drew

    Good point Flipper! " IF the WT society REALLY had the truth wouldn't they be more confident in your being allowed to do outside research about their organization"

    I will add that if the society had the truth it should encourage other research because to measure what they have against everything else would make them come out the winner (if they are true) and strenthen resolve to be steadfast, unmovable. But what they have become are teachers of fear. The Bible says FEAR GOD. God is Love, Truth and Everlasting. But what society members learn to fear are lies. Lies originate with the devil. So they learn to fear the devil and not God.

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