....And what if it IS the truth????

by MsGrowingGirl20 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrMonroe

    Notreadytorun, Good thing you removed your email address ... though I was about to email you! I'll send you a private message instead. Check on the little envelope, though you may have to go "back" a few times till the stupid thing works.

    I'm in Melbourne and left the religion four years ago (my anniversary of leaving is next month, as it happens!) I have met a few other ex-JWs and contacted some more in Melbourne, some via JWN and others through other means.

    And yes, it is very good therapy to meet others who have escaped and share experiences and feelings.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    What if it's the truth? But that would assume that God chose the Society in 1918, according to the Society's teaching, and here's why that is logically impossible:

    If it is the truth, than what was taught in 1918 was false, because almost every teaching has been changed/altered/abandoned since then. But if what was taught in 1918 was false, God would have had no reason to inspect and chose the Bible Students as His people.

    On the other hand, if what was taught in 1918 was true, and God did chose them, than what is taught now is false, and the Society has abandoned truth and turned into the Evil Slave class.

    So either way, there's no possibility that the Watchtower's current teachings are the truth, just from this one single point of reasoning on their own doctrine of being chosen.

  • Notreadytorun

    biometrics, very helpful post, thanks! It is of the most help when posters who have left for reasons of conscience rather than they wanted to do unscriptual things. Because I would guess that most of us "teetering on the edge" and starting threads such as this one are still lovers of God and his son and the bible. We dont want to sin against our heavenly father, we just want to do "the right thing"

    It is a really serious matter to us, not something to be poked fun at just because we havent yet come to the conclusion of "This is definitely NOT the truth" yet.

    By the way I am not getting at anyone who has left for non scriptual reasons, I sincerely believe that we all have freedom of choice as to how we live our lives. So I apologise if above comments offend anyone, it is not my intention.

    Love to all

    (just read above, i sound soooo self righteous.... also NOT my intention or feelings. peace)

  • Notreadytorun

    hey mr monroe.... thanks I wil look out for your pm. Im in SA! We are close neighbours! As I am married though, I prefer correspondence with other sisters/women at this stage.

  • N.drew

    If it is the truth, than what was taught in 1918 was false, because almost every teaching has been changed/altered/abandoned since then. But if what was taught in 1918 was false, God would have had no reason to inspect and chose the Bible Students as His people.

    On the other hand, if what was taught in 1918 was true, and God did chose them, than what is taught now is false, and the Society has abandoned truth and turned into the Evil Slave class.

    @I Want to Believe That is a very good way to put it.

  • TimeBandit

    Obviously you have not done much (if any) research concerning the JW organization, if you had you wouldn't be asking that question. Here's a link to a website full of facts about JWs that will get you started finding out what's what with the JWs. No, it's NOT the Truth®!


  • ProdigalSon

    00DAD: I ask this in all sincerity because the fact is: 99% of EVERYTHING the WTBTS publishes is demonstrably false, (at least 99% of anything important that is.)

    And that is assuming that the Bible is the "Word of God", which is also demonstrably false.

    There goes the other 1 percent....

  • N.drew

    Greatings Notreadytorun!

    thanks I wil look out for your pm. Im in SA! We are close neighbours! As I am married though, I prefer correspondence with other sisters/women at this stage.

    This might be a leftover Watchtower teaching. I recommend leaving that rule behind. It is alright to be cautious. It is not wise to make blanket rules in my opinion. Most of the best corespondence for me has been from men. Most male posters on forum are former brothers and even elders. And they have a unique unbiased point of view. I would not refuse their help because of perceived intimacy. It is highly unlikely that posters even meet personally. Even when they do, I have read on forum, that it is refreshing and enjoyable. Because we are like family and share similar experiences. Really because of the nature of forum a poster can be lying about their gender. How would you know?

    I am married. My husband does not mind that I engage in conversation with men on forum. (Except when I forget that I have a pan on the stove and it sets off the alarm).

    So be careful because it can get like flirting. I know. OK I'm sorry. It's fun! What harm is there in laughter? Anyone? Men are funny. I like them.

    If your marriage is fine and your conscience is good, why deny yourself a friend because the person is a male?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    One can still do serious research and investigation, and still have as the question as Girl20. Indoctrination into the WTS is a heavy mind f**k. Some of you need to be a bit more sensitive.

    One goes to meetings year after year. You have hope in a new system of things. You are practically imobilized with terror of the world. You are practially imobiliezed with terror of the end of the world. You want to do the right thing out of love for your creator. You sacrifice much. Though some feel it's better out in the world, to others it's a huge loss and dissapointment.

    But newbees also have to understand, many here are jokesters. After awhile, being so serious about something that has been a shitstorm of lies and dissapointment, one needs to have a joke or 1000 about the whole thing.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    thank you mind blown....Come on people! Patience please...

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