Anyone here use a tablet computer

by maksym 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • maksym

    Just curious here who uses the new tablet computers, whether they be android based or ipad ios from Apple. Does anyone here use a phone to post and what is your experience with that?

    I'm curious as to how much more time there will be before these devices are the main computers for people. I envision a cloud system either at home or commercially to access files and such.

    I'm also waiting until Wednesday to see what the new ipad will entail.

    Any thoughts?


    Edit: Need to buy a new computer soon.


  • mrsjones5

    I mostly use my iPad when I come here. It has it's drawbacks (right now I'm having a problem posting pics and I can't post clickable links) but I like using the iPad and it serves my needs otherwise.

  • baltar447

    They seem to be neat "toys". If you need an ereader, they make sense. They are cool but honestly you can buy alot of computer for what you'd spend on a tablet.

  • maksym

    Dear MrsJones5,

    Thanks for the input. I think the biggest worry for me is how the operating system handles the web, including the browser. I realize that these devices have a hard time doing flash videos but I think some other kinks need to be ironed out, like you mentioned.

    Dear Baltar447,

    I guess you are right in that the tablet runs about the same as a cheap laptop, but the laptop can do a whole lot more. However these pads seem to be really handy. I'm waiting for the Wednesday kickoff of the Apple event. I want to see what is up there sleeves for improvements.

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, thanks for mentioning that...I hate that I can't do flash on this iPad. I'm hoping one day it will be possible.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I think this will be an issue going forward - I can't post on this site on my iphone, it doesn't wok properly on an ipad and it isn't compatible with IE9.

  • snare&racket

    I am in univeristy and spent some time researching them all, I didnt have the money to spare but I still went for the best option by far... I got an Ipad 2.

    If you are interested, number 3 is due so number 2 will be cheaper.

    I sincerely thought I would be bored in days and regret buying it like I do normally. I swear to you !I use it ALL the time, I take it EVERYWHERE and despite being very IT savvy, I am blown away at how good it is and what it can do.

    Its great for working on, great for being organised on, amazing for web use, fantastic for gaming and relaxing, very good for reading (esp comics), superb at watching tv and films, unbelievable sound quality (using phones) when listening to music, i love painting and drawing on it, I am an inventor and so I use 3d cad apps for that too, as a medical student all the interactive med apps are just perfect.... ! From a kid I went to sleep listening to the radio or podcasts, something the ipad does perfectly, and i wake up and watch the news in seconds on the ipad.

    It looks good, feels good, weighs nothing and I would cry like a baby if anything happened to it. The other day I went to visit my family. I took 4 years of medical work, plus all my fav entertainment on something the size of a small book. I love technology :) and Apple (despite my years of doubt) do it better than anone else x

    so yeah i love it.

    Snare x

  • maksym

    Thanks Snare and Racket,

    I'm in uni as well. I'm looking forward to checking out the ipad 3 on Wednesday. I'm hoping I can log into my online classes and post there and get assignments. I use my laptop all the time but I find that what I mostly do can also be used on a tablet computer. It's the browser internet compatibility issue that has me stopped from pulling the trigger on buying one. In any event I'll keep my laptop for backup.

    We'll see how this new ipad 3 will be.



  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Hi maksym. I post from an iPhone quite regularly. And overall I think it meets my needs. It is much easier on a computer, but in my case, I do not always have the privacy needed.

    For anyone not able to post from an iPhone/smartphone/iPad/tablet, I keep sharing the following thread because I think it can be of help.


  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I, too, would like to thank everyone for their help on using the iPhone and Ipad to access JWN. After work requirements and email, JWN is my most frequently visited site.

    Particular kudos to C of C for his invaluable advice. Using Atomic Web set to identify itself as Firefox 5 works great! Pure genuis! Thanks, friend.


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