Theists, why does God allow suffering..

by The Quiet One 754 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • adamah

    TEC said-

    Well, Adamah, you are entitled to your definition of free will. There are more out there than the one, and even the links that you gave me show that.

    Moving the goalposts again? Don't drag OTHER definitions in to defend "free will": I AM talking about the Bible view of free will.

    This is the THEOLOGICAL Judeo-Christian definition of Divine will vs free will, which anyone who claims to hear Jesus' voice SHOULD already know that God expresses Divine Will, God doesn't give permission to sin; mankind has to obey His laws, or face the consequences (as Adam and Eve did).

    But to repeat the brainless saying of, "God is so loving that He gave Adam and Eve free will, so they would've HAVE to follow his orders like robots" is poppycock.

    Adam and Eve disobeyed, so it wasn't even a "free will" decision. I think it is moot. Because the fact does remain that man is free to choose whatever he wants to choose. You are of the opinion that this is different than free will... well, again, you are entitled to your opinion. A man can teach his child what harms them and what benefits them, telling them the truth in all matters... but that does not mean that he has taken away their free will.

    Oh, I never expected you to engage in an intellectually-honest manner: why start now? I'm posting this for the lucid cogent thinkers who can exercise a bit of rational thought, not being blinded by their desires of what they HOPE to be true.

    Adam and Eve were free to choose. They freely chose to eat something that God warned them would cause them to die. They made that choice... and they even made it despite His warning against it. That should show you how very free they were to decide for themselves and to choose their own path.

    I discussed the ADDITIONAL problem of the story saying Eve was desirous of wisdom in Genesis 3:6 in my blog article on the paradox of Adam and Eve, which implies Eve LACKED wisdom. People lacking wisdom make FOOLISH choices, so why did God punish Adam and Eve for making the foolish choice to disobey God's law, and doing what came naturally to a pair of fools?

    Unfortunately, they chose to place their faith in the serpent, who told them what they wanted to hear... instead of God, who told them the truth.

    Yeah, thanks. I've studied the story in depth and clearly a bit more than you have (unless you've also looked at the Septuagint, Masoretic Text, various Wisdom traditions of the account, etc)....


  • snare&racket

    That animals get cancer and are mauled to death without REAL biblical explanation shows well how man has created religion around the story of, explaining his situation in the universe with no interest in whether that story fits in with for example the animals. The story of adam and eve may explain why we get cancer now to a non skeptical believer, but it does not explain away why monkeys get cancer etc.

    it amazes me how many people blame violence, disease, starvation, natural disasters that kill humans etc on satan and the end of the world, but all those things on the animal kingdom they would never say was satans fault!

    Two packs of lions go to war...satan? Nah nature i.e. Jehovah!

    A river bursts its banks and kills a load of wildlife....satan? End of the world coming.Nah nature, i.e. jehovah!

    An elephant with a kidney tumor....satan? Nah...nature i.e. Jehovah

    ....when will they relaise that when it happens to humans it is nature too? Nothing special..... It isn't that complicated!

    Religious texts and people put humans and explaining our situation above ALL OTHER life. How egotistical and narcissistic.

  • adamah

    SNR said-

    The story of adam and eve may explain why we get cancer now to a non skeptical believer, but it does not explain away why monkeys get cancer etc.

    I believe the ancient Hebrews accounted for such "wickedness" and sickness in animals by saying that the evil inclination of mankind got so bad before the Flood, that it corrupted all other life on the entire Earth, including the plants and animals.

    Curiously, the Divine Prohibition of Bloodshed handed down to Noah after the Flood (in Genesis 9:5-6) mentions that God will demand an accounting for the blood of mankind that was spilled by not only other humans (manslaughter/murder) but even blood spilled by animals, demanding their life blood in retribution.

    This is later revealed in Exodus, which shows how animals can be held accountable for their "sins":

    Exodus 21:28-29

    "If a bull gores a man or woman to death, the bull is to be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the bull will not be held responsible. 29. If, however, the bull has had the habit of goring and the owner has been warned but has not kept it penned up and it kills a man or woman, the bull is to be stoned and its owner also is to be put to death."


  • tec
    Also how can it be free will ? Jews and now Christians say god offered....
    a) humans can obey god and see how things go
    b) humans can rule by themselves and see things go

    God gave them life... and warned them against what would bring them harm (eating of the tree of knowing good and bad). Consider that eating of Christ brings life, because He is the Life. What do you suppose eating of something bad is going to do for a person?

    It was not really a 'lets see how things go' kind of deal.

    They just made the choice to listen to someone other than God and eat from something that God warned them against eating from.

    but that is not what happened, humans chose b
    , god made them instantly imperfect,

    But God didn't MAKE them imperfect. They did that to themselves. They sinned in disobeying God and not showing love... because of their own desires... and they ate of something that brought them harm.

    but took them out of a paradise,

    This vessel (body) cannot be in that paradise, as that is the spirtual realm. One needs a spiritual body to enter the spiritual, and they were given this vessel (the long garment of skin... that has sin and death in IT... so that the spirit dies not HAVE to die).

    But if you cannot obey the rules of the house you have been brought into to govern, to the point where you might well trash that house and any other occupants who might come after you, should you be allowed to remain?

    made them diseased and ill,

    Again, they did that to themselves... by bringing sin and death into the world.

    made them toil to survive and pained when giving birth AND gave them an inclination to do wrong, to sin.

    What about Adam? His inclination to do wrong, to sin... came from within him, and not from God, not even from the flesh that he had not yet been given.

    He made sure they failed according to the biblical account! He rigged the game in his favour like a dodgy fair stall attendant!

    How so?

    He warned them from the start.. eat and you will die.

    How was that comparable (a to b) or free wiLl? Option a did not equal option b!
    Free will would have been to leave them be as perfect creatures in a paradise without god demanding attention and worship and petty rules about fruit like a spoilt child. How do you not see the idiocy of this bronze age human explination for life, death, illness, birth pains, strugglies for life in a harsh enviroment and human interaction.

    But it was not God who made them 'less than perfect'; they did that to themselves.

    Think of fruit in the same way you might in this: 'by their fruit you will know them'.

    Think also of how one can eat of Christ.. and have life.

    The tree of life = Life. Eating the fruit of the tree of life brings life.

    Subsequently, eating the fruit of something that is bad... brings that bad into yourself.

    ***** Eden is equivelant to putting a mouse in a maze with the option of left or right and calling it free will, where as free will would really mean to take the mouse out of the maze....

    It was not a maze though... just a warning of something that did exist... and not to eat from that which does cause harm.

    FREE WILL DOES NOT EXIST. If you lived the last 24hrs over sgain (without knowing you were) you would make the exact same desicions as you did the first time for the exact same reasons. External influences and past experiences contribute to the desicions you make , you will always make the same desicions in life...,therfore how could a god judge you for them ? There is no crossroads... On tuesday at 8:13am on 0ct 1st 2013 you will always fancy cornflakes for breakfast, because you are hungry, your wife put the box out on the table, you saw a cornflakes advert on tv the night before etc etc etc etc no different to deciding to steal a car, you needed to pay rent, you saw a car you knew you could steal as your uncle taught you some weeks back and he told you where to take it, you think about it being wrong, you think about how it will solve your money problems...*smash* break the window... Replayed over snd over that person will ALWAYS steal the car everytime. How can you be judged for inevitible actions? Adam and Eve would always eat the fruit!

    Becasue of what is in them, yes. But people can LEARN from their choices and consequences... n so that on another day, having learned the hard way instead of listening to the truth, they may make another decision.

    Walking by sight (experiencing the consequence) instead of walking by faith (listening to the one teaching you what is good and what is harmful)

    By the way this is not fate or pre-written destiny, it is a philosophical free will topic called DETERMINISM.
    Stick in your heels and scream that free will exists all you wish, but it is just words, neither daily life or the deal offered in eden was free will. Biologists theorised we evolved the assumption of free will as it is advantageous in our consideration of consequences. Hence when asked if he believed in free will, Hitchens replied ironically "no but I have no choice but to believe it"
    It isnt complicated ....stop fighting these obvious biblical flaws! ... Start being honest with yourself. Spending years looking for loopholes in peoples comments so as to not answer them or quoting an out of context shepherd/fishermans reply from ancient jewish scrolls , does not answer the issues it just allows you to throw a blanket over such questions in your mind.

    Does that mean that no one is responsible for crimes that they commit, or bad decisions that they make? They had no choice in the matter?

    You are humble, sweet and loyal tec, you are intelligent and dedicated.... But you repeatedly cover your eyes and ears and play dumb when ever someone gets close to what you have decided to put on a pedastal as absoloute truth, above all other logic, reasoning and evidence. Don't deny that,

    Thank your for your kind words, Snare (though there are many who would disagree, even me much of the time... though I can be those things at times)... though I must deny what you have said about covering eyes and ears, because I am here listening and responding, etc.

    I have seen you reason from the bible over evidence many times. that is your chloice, and I am sad to see people do it, for in doing so they switch off their minds in my opinion. That being said you can, but dont keep dipping into logic, reasoning, philosophy and science when you already know your beleifs contradict them and that you hold such human mechanisms for truth below the scrolls you have decided are from god and therefore above modern means of enlightenment. The conflicts in this stance are obvious immediately, for the bible is constantly proven false in sll areas...history, science, medicine etc.

    Snare, it is Christ I follow, and not the bible... and I will disregard something in the bible (or an interpretation of it), if it is in conflict with Christ.

    There is OBVIOYSLY nothing wrong with having FAITH in your beliefs, but dont diminish that faith and climb into hot water by trying to find ways to make your faith...FACT. By taking a stand with the bible, you can only have faith and leave the facts to those who hold science and reasoning over religious texts And at best marry facts of modern man with what is said in the bible. But you can't try to use the bible to outweigh conflicts with modern facts, not for everyone that rejects your holy book of choice.

    I don't have faith in my beliefs... what good is that? It is kind of circular, isn't it?

    I have faith in Christ.

    many scientists are religious and square their science away by admitting the bible is simply wrong, whether it be adam and eve 6000 yrs ago and free will or talking donkeys or men with super strength from their long hair etc....

    Again, please understand that my faith is not in the bible... nor do I consider it inerrant or the Word of God (that is Christ), or all literal or all inspired.

    But people don't like that stance either ; )

    I must say that I would have loved to study science as you have (and would if I had the time and money... but I do not have both of these, lol)... for the same reason that I wanted to read the bible. So that men could not fool me into believing that it states something or means something or implies something... that it actually does not. So that I would not be fooled by opinions, in other words, and falsehoods. I have no fear of science, and know that it is not in conflict with God, and so it can be exciting and even revealing as to the how/why of some things that God did or taught; including understanding things that are yet to come.

    The choice is not science or God. Never has been... except in the minds of men.

    Peace to you!


  • tec
    Moving the goalposts again? Don't drag OTHER definitions in to defend "free will": I AM talking about the Bible view of free will.
    This is the THEOLOGICAL Judeo-Christian definition of Divine will vs free will, which anyone who claims to hear Jesus' voice SHOULD already know that God expresses Divine Will, God doesn't give permission to sin; mankind has to obey His laws, or face the consequences (as Adam and Eve did).

    Nope... no goalposts moved. In the links YOU gave, regarding biblical/theological definitions of free will... there are different views, including the one that I gave.

    I never said God gives anyone permission to sin. But they CAN choose to do wrong... or they CAN choose to do right.

    And His laws... all hang upon love, and the golden rule.

    But to repeat the brainless saying of, "God is so loving that He gave Adam and Eve free will, so they would've HAVE to follow his orders like robots" is poppycock.

    He simply created them in freedom... Adamah. What people DO with the freedom that they have is up to them.

    According to you though... I do not have free will because there are laws that provide punishment/consequences to decisions. I cannot FREELY murder someone without consequence... and so I have no free will.



  • snare&racket

    You are saying he offered....

    a)serve me


    b) eat the fruit that is bad for you (by GODS own design) and serve yourself...

    Otherwise known as... BOW DOWN OR DIE!!!!

    THat is NOT FREE WILL tammy, come on , this is obvious.... there is nothing to argue!

    If in Syria Assad said to his people 'do as I say or die' is that free will when he kills them with gas for seeking independance?

    Does god get a free pass to act like an evil dictator? Why? either way it is NOT free will!

    You can't just keep repeating the story from genesis and saying 'that is free will' without explaining the obvious lack of freedom adam and eve were given! They chose to decide right and wrong for themselves and we will never know how well a perfect man and womam in a paradise condition would do without god's intervention because god made sure they failed the moment they chose independance.

    Also don't ignore the obvious fact that god supposedly ALWAYS knew they would choose the fruit if he is omnipotent, so therefore free will has also been removed from them again, they were ALWAYS going to eat the fruit as he foresaw!

    You act like god didnt have a choice, he could only offer serve me or die..... Of course he could offer more thsn that or less....

    it just does not make sense, even a child can see the issue Tammy, come on sista I know you agree, be brave xxxx

    Also you have said before now that you don't deny evolution, so when was this adam? Before neanderthals? After homo erectus? These all died of natural causes and disease, why and how did they fall if before adam? Come on, these are real issues that you have to contend with if you want to believe in eden, adam, eve, talking snakes etc... Not to mention we havent even started on the history of tis myth and the known development and plagirism from other beleif systems... The sacred fruit, the tree of knowledge, the devious serpant, the garden, the first man and woman, the fall, the devil, then there are charachters from eden and events that did not make the bible but existed in the same jewish stories such as Lillith, eve's first wife etc... It is all myth Tammy, put the effort in and research it, you are being duped!!!! And now you know it, you are dupong yourself!

    You know the real answers, it just means you have to give up a lot of comfort to accept them.... think about it Tammy, please x

  • tec

    You are saying he offered....

    a)serve me


    b) eat the fruit that is bad for you (by GODS own design) and serve yourself...

    No... this is closer:

    If I tell you not to drink poison; that if you do then you will die... does that mean I have taken your free will from you?

    There is no bow down to me or die in that scenario... that is me warning you away from something that WILL cause you harm.

    Also you have said before now that you don't deny evolution, so when was this adam? Before neanderthals? After homo erectus? These all died of natural causes and disease, why and how did they fall if before adam?

    Adam and Eve came first... this all happened in the spiritual realm.

    I have said before that I am not sure (perhaps I cannot hear the truth of the matter just yet... ) the timeline/bridge between Adam and Eve and neanderthals, etc.

    Saying I don't know doesn't mean that there is no answer... just as saying I don't know does not mean that there is no answer when science has not answered something.

    Just means, I personally, do not know how it all 'fits'... yet.

    Probably because I am looking more at the science in this instance... and the science is missing something on this particular matter.

    Come on, these are real issues that you have to contend with if you want to believe in eden, adam, eve, talking snakes etc...

    Talking snake... is actually a seraph (described as flying, fiery serpent/ aka spirit being/ aka Satan, the Adversary, the ancient dragon)

    Not to mention we havent even started on the history of tis myth and the known development and plagirism from other beleif systems... The sacred fruit, the tree of knowledge, the devious serpant, the garden, the first man and woman, the fall, the devil, then there are charachters from eden and events that did not make the bible but existed in the same jewish stories such as Lillith, eve's first wife etc... It is all myth Tammy, put the effort in and research it, you are being duped!!!! And now you know it, you are dupong yourself!

    I am listening to Christ... and He has taught me things about this account, and that is why I accept it. Just because there might be similarities means that other cultures knew of these truths... and though they might have been added to or taken away from, some truth is carried and/or prevalent across various cultures/times. Peace to you! tammy

  • myelaine

    Jesus said that to even look at a woman with lust is adultery.

    Jesus said to even hate an enemy is murder.

    Jesus is perfect.

    God is perfect.

    God can not be tempted by evil. In all things Jesus was tempted but He did not sin.

    satan called eve over to contemplate the tree that she hadn't given any thought to before...

    wouldn't that make the sin in the garden the ACT of contemplating or mulling over whether or not to eat?...the actual eating of the fruit wasn't the sin.

    the tree didn't grow death fruit as tammy maintains, therefore eating the fruit wasn't how death entered into the couple. Sin entered the couple and they were no longer allowed access to the tree of life and were cast out of the garden. sin entered "the world" at that time and as a consequence of not having access to the tree of did death.

    love michelle

  • tec

    God can not be tempted by evil. In all things Jesus was tempted but He did not sin.


    wouldn't that make the sin in the garden the ACT of contemplating or mulling over whether or not to eat?...the actual eating of the fruit wasn't the sin.

    If you finish the quote from James, the answer is there:

    When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

    The desire... the anger, the jealousy, the hate... leads one TO sin.



  • adamah

    TEC said-

    "When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it give birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

    The desire... the anger, the jealousy, the hate... leads one TO sin.

    So how could Adam and Eve be said to be "perfect", if they had an inclination to sin?

    See, that's the problem with the concept of claiming a PERFECT God creating PERFECT mankind and PERFECT spirit beings: perfect cannot bagat imperfection, and ANY deviation from perfection only has a finger pointing back to PERFECT God. How did imperfection sneak into God's "perfect" Universe? You cannot blame it on the humans, or Satan, etc. God doesn't seem so perfect if you do.

    That's the problem with the Bible claiming God as omniscience and omnipotence: it only leaves him vulnerable to having to explain WHY God doesn't will evil out of existence.


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