Finally an Article About Unthank!

by jamiebowers 62 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    @Alfred .......they didn't post mine either. I guess a mod has to review it first, we'll see what happens.

  • Alfred

    Mind Blown... I posted mine very early yesterday morning... it was very polite but highlighted how the WT hides pedophilia... I agree.. if they don't post it, something's fishy

  • ABibleStudent

    In an audio recording of a letter from the Watchtower Society, read to a local congregation in late 2011 and heard by The Express, it was stated door-to-door activities were part of a member's "personal ministry", and 'publishers' were not representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Society.

    If publishers are performing a personal ministry, then why does the WTBTS leaders keep track of publishers time and report that time in the Annual Report? The WTBTS is good at speaking out of both sides of its mouth at the same time.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • SuzyQ49418
    I just found this doing a Google search on the subject of Jehovah's Witnesses not being representatives of the Watchtower. Maybe some of you weren't there then or have forgotten all about it, but, way back in the early/mid 90s congregations were informed they were not to call themselves representatives of the Watchtower while out in the ministry. The society got sued because of a Jehovah's Witness who had introduced himself this way in the ministry and subsequently seriously injured someone. They ended up deciding to settle out of court when they realized there was no way to legally separate themselves from this person's statements.
  • SuzyQ49418
    And, uh, there is a REASON they want NO ONE calling themselves a VOLUNTEER in the ministry. There is a reason they wish to avoid that word. They hope that using the word "unpaid" and doing everything they can to frame this as a "personal ministry" will remove them from certain types of liability.
  • Splash

    There's still the royal commission into child abuse going on over there.

    The WT is being considered between July 27 - Aug 7th

  • zeb

    "In an audio recording of a letter from the Watchtower Society, read to a local congregation in late 2011 and heard by The Express, it was stated door-to-door activities were part of a member's "personal ministry", and 'publishers' were not representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Society."

    Not representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Society.

    well well.

    I hope that comes out at the Royal commission.

  • Splash


    You are first interviewed: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book p.79

    You must qualify: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 81

    The WT has minimum requirements to meet: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 87

    The WT has rules to cater for exceptions: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 87

    The WT's elders uphold the rules: Organized to do Jehovah's Will Book page 87

    The WT train you: km 3/04 p. 4 par. 3 A Cavalry Charge That Involves You

    And equip you: km 3/04 p. 4 par. 6 A Cavalry Charge That Involves You

    And organise you: km 7/12 p. 5 par. 4 Before Preaching, You May Need to Search

    And tell you what to wear: km 3/96 p. 3 par. 6 Preparation—Key to Success

    Then you must report back to the WT: Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 86

    BUT you are not representatives: km 2/89 pp. 3-4 Our Identification as Jehovah's Witnesses

    "publishers do well to avoid representing themselves as agents or representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any other corporation used by "the faithful and discreet slave" to advance Kingdom interests"


    Don't forget about the extra-biblical requirements to wear a suit and tie while checking into your hotel in a convention city. NO JEANS OR T-SHIRTS.

    However, if you are shot, raped, molested, mauled by a dog, or fined for improper litteratrash cart placement, or involved in ANY situation that could cost the WTBTS money, you are NOT representing them.

    They will guilt you by saying that you represent Jeehobo. This begs the question: Does Jeehoober represent the WTBTS or any of its subsidiaries? I bet WT Legal would hand Jeehoober his ass in court.


  • Vidiot

    Do and say everything possible that a representative of the WTS would say and do...


    ...but don't call yourself a representative.

    Talk about having your cake and eating it, too.

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