Died and came back with memories !

by oldflame 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia

    I have sleep paralysis from time to time. It is really scary, stress makes mine worse.

    also had a brief nde , saw myself above bed and path with white light.

    note, video has been removed. any back ups?

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Mary in defense of oldflame said: Unfortunately, it is very rare to get a 'open' discussion on the topic of anything spiritual on this board anymore (unlike the old days) and unless you're a 100% confirmed materialist, you're viewed as being off your rocker or on drugs ... and : many are just as closed minded now as what they were when they were Witnesses

    Oldflame then says to those who don't believe his story: who are you going to blame when you are tormenting in Hell for Eternity ?

    So nonbelievers and skeptic questioners are the un-open ones??? The emotional hamster wheels that drive these discussions get more hilarious each time I come here.

  • Qcmbr

    Someone from my old congregation had a heart blip and died on the football field and was resucitated (was in a coma for weeks) and afterwards said everything was just black - no angels, afterlife or anything. I would have been more impressed if she hadn't seen xian memes (angels with wings..really? You must realise that the human torso does not have the muscule structure to support wings AND arms but why do I digress.) Like all things 'spiritual' there isn't really a clear message just a load of ideas that could literally mean anything and you are happily interpreting it as a need for your own salvation. If you need it so bad just do it already.

  • Terry

    When I was a small boy I often peeked through the bushes between my house and the next door neighbor's house to watch a strange sight.

    The neighbor's daughter (so they told) had been "kicked in the head by a mule". (Standard explanation for any mental problems.)

    She'd often be heard walking around having "conversations" with no visible "others".

    I could only hear her side. I could not hear what she was "hearing".

    Some of the neighbors insisted she was actually hearing ghosts, spirits or demons.

    Others insisted she was not doing anything but experiencing the malfunction of her own brain.

    I guess it sort of depends on your own particular view of the World, doesn't it?

    The Law of Parsimony gives a pretty good clue, imho.

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    I have a friend of mine, at the time of the experience were a Witness. He said to me, that what he saw while in that "condition" was incredible and have no words for it.

    That experience transformed the vision he had about life and the after life. Today he is not a witness and believe in life after we died.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've asked several people with near death experiences what it was like for them. No one was afraid. I greatly fear death. They had no profound insight into God, creation, whatever. Their take was not that eternity existed but death should not be feared. I mentioned to an md that I attended high school with my fears. He said to think of animals. All they do is eat each other. Imagine being a munchy. Yet they do not respond as though they are in immense pain. It seems more horrific to me in my living room than it does for the animals. My friend said massive amounts of natural opiates are released. My next question is why this cascade effect. Nature, Acts of God are so cruel. Why would nature trigger these feel good substances?

    I also wonder if different types of death don't trigger other reactions. Personally, I love hearing how marvelous it was. I've also met people who felt nothing. I don't know the professional response. One thing a doctor noted was that dogs are very quiet when they are hurt in the wild. They are very stoic and quiet. Acting out would invite predators. Yet these same dogs are ultra demanding and howl in indignation with humans where vocalizing gets you help.

    I can't take the Nature films on PBS. All the eating of each other. It is far worse than humans. Humans are prey for other humans, particularly in war zones. Look at genocide around the world. Thought provoking.

  • Mary

    just in from Bethel said: So nonbelievers and skeptic questioners are the un-open ones?

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being skeptical of NDE's, but I find it amazing how so many just put it down to drug hallucinations or the brain being starved of oxygen, without actually exploring the flip side of the coin. Many on this board have simply gone from one extreme belief (JW) to another (die-hard materialist) with absolutely no allowance made for anything inbetween. That was my point.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    How do you know that they have made massive leaps from one extreme to another, Mary?

    Have you been with every single person during their journey from JWism to whatever they believe today?

    It's a rather arrogant assumption of yours to think that those who may not believe in a spirit world have not given thought to the possiblity of one in the past.

    Maybe they did, but objectively looked at what science says about NDE and for lack of proof of a spirit world, decided that there is none? Did you ever consider that to be a possibility?

  • EmptyInside

    Well,thanks for sharing your friend's experience. I don't know what to believe about it. I just need a break from religion,I'm just totally drained of it all. And don't know what to believe anymore.

    But,it reminds me of when I was still active in the ministry. I had a return visit on an older woman. I liked talking to older people more it seemed. But,anyway,she told me of how when she had just got out of the hospital,upon waking she just saw a sandal clad foot by her bed. She found it very comforting,since she thought it was Jesus.

    Now,I just let her talk and said nothing as to what I thought of the matter. I knew she was on various medications,etc. When I told the car group about it,one sister thought I should have warned her of the demons playing tricks on her.

    But,now,especially,I'm grateful that I allowed her to be comforted by Jesus being by her bedside while she was ill.

  • Mary
    It's a rather arrogant assumption of yours to think that those who may not believe in a spirit world have not given thought to the possiblity of one in the past. Maybe they did, but objectively looked at what science says about NDE and for lack of proof of a spirit world, decided that there is none? Did you ever consider that to be a possibility?

    Absolutely I have, and I've gone down that path myself. However, the evidence that something might survive the physical death is not as flimsy as some would lie to assert and I've looked at both sides. While I may not share OldFlames view of any non-Christian burning in hell, there seems to be some fairly good evidence that something survives the physical death.

    For anyone interested, here are a couple of links you may enjoy:



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