Why did you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Celestial 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LV101

    I liked all the fantasy --- perfect world very soon on the horizon and no sickness/no death. Had lost the major family (bio) members I dearly loved and could rely/depend on. I liked the fact they don't kill in wars and some how would listen to my sister talk about this religion that seemed so right (so right but so wrong!). I became brainwashed reading some of the mags (talk about stupid!). Once I was attending meetings/studying it didn't add up (the people were awful -- sure, a couple of decent ones) and had decided I would never be baptized. The power of wanting to fit in/be accepted --- more ignorance. This should have been a clue I needed a shrink not a religion. I'm sure it's coming from a dysfunctional family (not the grandparent/aunt I lost -- they were perfect to me) and trying to replace them or desperately needing God in my life. Trying to reconcile all the evil that had taken place and totally ignoring the evil inside the hall.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Mom: 3rd generation JW.

    Dad: 3rd generation JW.

    Me: 4th.

    My kids: 5th.

    My kids and I are out as of October 2005.

  • jemba
  • umadevi

    I became a JW because I was interested in Bible and Christianity. I had doubts but I seriously thought there was something wrong with my way of thinking and that I need to be submissive in order to experience the spiritual joy the JWs always bosted about. So I became a publisher, then got baptised, then got involved in field ministry.

  • WTWizard

    They promised me everlasting life in paradise, and that they would help me meet the opposite sex. Then they insisted that I needed to follow them right up to baptism, and ultimately pious-sneer and beyond. They never kept their end of the deal, despite the requirements to keep at it (which is how these scams work). Rather, the scumbag that dragged me into the cancer (dangling the possibility of the opposite sex as well) proceeded to attempt to set me up with his 8-year-old NEPHEW (he failed only because I refused to move to the complex he was managing).

    Now that I got tangled up with one of Jehovah's scams to fix me with the opposite sex, I will never fall for another of his scams. Soon as he promises (or uses someone else to promise) that I need only go to church, I begin looking at the far horizon and typing in what kind of lifetime missionary work they have in store for me in Nigeria. Whether they go directly with the Nigeria mission or try dangling the opposite sex in front of me, always the step just beyond the one completed, I will never have any faith that Jehovah will stop short of having me going into some missionary work in Nigeria and leaving me to rot there.

  • TOTH

    I wanted to make my folks happy after having been a very shitty teen.

  • noni1974

    Lucky vagina I guess. Being a born in takes the choice away.

  • besunny
  • besunny

    My mom started to study when I was 4,,my Dad soon followed,,my Dad's family was exposed early to one of the early pioneers in this area of the US,,he would call on my grandmother,so my aunt and uncle have been in the truth since the 40's or 50's,,,so it was natural to my dad to come in since his wife and brother and sister were already in,,,,I truly believed this was the truth until about 2004,,until I started having extreme family problems,,and started missing some meetings and no one from the Hall seemed to care or tried to support me,,I had went to this hall faithfully for over 12 years,and when I would go I found out there had been gossip about me and so fourth,so this along with some other stuff is what turned me off,,my parents are still in and cousins,,,,you find out who your true friends are in these situations,,that being family and my best friend growing up who fell away in the 80's,,and yes I shunned my best friend for marrying out the Truth back in the mid 80's,,,I'm soooo glad we are back together now,,,and now we are both out of the truth,,,,,sorry I guess I got a little off the subject,,,,I love this website,,it has helped me so much with my soulsearching process,,to be able to express myself and read everyone elses experiences,,,,,,,,,,luv you guys!!!!!!

  • Terry

    I was absorbed.

    I simply attended meetings with my best friend because I was spending the night at his house and that's what his family did.

    At book studies I was handed whatever book they were studying.

    I was directly asked "put-on-the-spot" questions.

    It was self-defense to study and prepare to avoid embarassment.

    Time passed. I made friends. I became socialized within the group.

    The awkward lingo lay more comfortably upon my eardrums. I could speak the argot.

    Years passed.

    I was feeling "pressure" to be baptised.

    I relented.


    One minute I was a free citizen in a free country and the next I had signed away my rights and subsumed under a heavy Soverignty residing in Brooklyn.

    You'll notice at no point in the above litany of steps did a LARGE decision really present itself to my mind.

    I was like the virign who starts dating.

    I held hands.

    I cuddled and made out.

    I got carried away.

    Suddenly I was pregnant with Jehovah's baby!!

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