Why did you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Celestial 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • goodbye

    Born in

    3rd gen on Dad's side 2nd gen on mom's side

  • kathrin

    I became a JW in my early twenties, no one else in my family was or is a JW. The reason why I guess would be that up to that point, I had been to so many churches and none of them helped me spiritually. I was very close to God as a child. My view of God at that time was that he was a loving God and Father. But the churches taught me differently on so many things about God. So I lost that childlike faith, a simple faith but at the same time I had a very close connection to God. So I was always trying to recapture that and I guess I thought that being a JW, I might be able to do this. Because when this JW lady came to my house the first time, she asked me, "Would you like to hear some good news"? Yes, I wanted to hear some good news for a change. I wanted to hear good things about God, about his love and about love for others. The gospel that Jesus preached, that was what I wanted to hear. But I had to go through this program of being taught what they wanted me to learn first, a weekly bible study, reading a certain number of books, answering 100 questions before I could even be baptized and even then I was told I wasn't ready so I had to wait till they said I was ready. But I guess after all this, I was just so brainwashed that I had all but forgotten what I really wanted to hear in the first place. And I was convinced at the point that this was what I had to do so I did it.

  • Tater-T

    @kathrin .. great share.. classic example of bate and switch...

  • kathrin

    Thank you Tater. It feels good to get that out of my system.

  • Tater-T

    You are welcome.. and welcome to the board.. I went and look at your posts.. look forward to hearing more from you.. I'm new too...

  • Iamallcool

    born in (no choice)

  • Azazel

    welcome kathrin glad your here.


  • kathrin

    Thanks Az.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    Had seen the bs in other religions and was looking for God. Saw some of the bs for what it was and let them move me forward in the study without really answering the ?. My fault and if I would have had the internet would probably had more info and never joined if the first place. Youtube of witness at the door would have probly been enough to turn me away.


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I "thought" they had the real truth. Turns out they took on Rutherford and Russel's personality instead of the Christ.


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