More anti-apostate rhetoric from the Watchtower - are they running scared?

by cedars 90 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ilikecheese

    I understand that this is a semi-separate issue, since they're primarily concerned with people learning the truth here, but they way they are about "staying away from sinners" is so insane. They must think everyone in the religion is so weak and easily swayed that they will just bust out into crazy sin mode as soon as they see someone so much as buying cigarettes. Two people of the opposite sex aren't allowed to be together alone because they will have had sex within three minutes. Don't be around people who are too passionate about sports because then your life will turn into some sort of basketball-driven orgy. Don't let women wear clothing that has been made in the past 30 years or else there will be a masturbation convention right after the meeting. I even heard someone in my sphere of JW acquaintances say that I shouldn't hang out with my gay friend too much because his behavior would start rubbing off on me. I don't know what that means. I'd start being a gay man with him? I'm missing the necessary body equipment to be one of those. But I am attracted to men. Oh no... it's already started...

    At least when I talk about this stuff with the JW boyfriend, he realizes they can be a bit cuckoo. This dude is never getting baptized if he stays in the church, I don't think.

  • DilemmaGF

    Indeed, we ought to move as far away from wrongdoing as possible and not see how close we can get to it without being overcome by sin. For instance, we need to guard against succumbing to apostasy, a sin that would make us unfit to glorify God. (Deut. 13:6-9) Let us therefore have nothing to do with apostates or anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God. This should be the case even if he is a family member. (1 Cor. 5:11) We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet.

    Let us build a cave or find ourselves an island and live there happily ever until Amageddon comes... Amen!

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    we have them on the run...keep talking guys this org is on the rocks...

  • Sulla

    JWs are open to an examination of their religion from the perspective of Christendom, deism and secularism (atheism). JWs are also open to the examination of eastern religions (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism) although they are bizarre in contrast with the physical laws of nature.

    Whaa? The article specifically said not to investigate the claims of anybdy who used to be a JW. How's that being open to examination?

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    The internet is a marvellous thing!

    They are crapping themselves and the noose gets tighter and tighter...........I cant express my joy at being free.

    Thank you Cedars for another blinding post, you are just fandabbydozy!

  • Joepublisher1

    This is one reason why the WTS doesn't want its members debating with ex-JWs on-line:

    @JoepublisherNYThe Jehovah's Witnesses were only influenced by God's holy? spirit, not inspired. They've never claimed to be inspired prophets. There's a difference.

  • CoolBreeze250 3 hours ago

    @CoolBreeze250Why would God's? Holy Spirit "influence" the leaders to wrong interpretations of scripture?
  • JoepublisherNY 3 hours ago

    @JoepublisherNYOnce again,? the leaders aren't inspired prophets.
  • CoolBreeze250 3 hours ago

    @CoolBreeze250I didn't use the word "inspired", I used YOUR expression: "influence". Now, can you? please answer the question: "Why would God's Holy Spirit INFLUENCE the leaders to wrong interpretation of scripture?"
  • JoepublisherNY 3 hours ago

    @JoepublisherNYI knew what you said. Let me explain it to you this way, and then I'll be done with this topic. Jehovah is using the Governing Body (a.k.a. the faithful and discreet slave) to dispense "food at the proper time." (Mt. 24:45) Therefore, we're to follow their lead despite the fact? that they're imperfect. The brothers had a limited knowledge of the truth years ago, and the light became brighter as time passed. (Pr. 4:18) That's all there is to it.
  • CoolBreeze250 2 hours ago

    @CoolBreeze250I? don't see where you address Holy Spirit in your response, despite the fact that I've raised this question several times. Are you implying that the Holy Spirit does not direct the Governing Body in their understanding of scripture?
  • JoepublisherNY 1 second ago

  • Whenever JWs are asked direct questions that expose their belief system, it is ignored like a seasoned politician. I largely blame this on the WTS leaders and their use of propaganda techniques. The flock has been mis-lead, although there's no longer any reason to remain in the dark in this age of the internet. However, I do sympathize with them because I know I was fully duped! (Many JWs are really good people - just mislead.)

  • tornapart

    Best thing to do is just ignore the whole lot and do your own thing..... think what you want... do what you want.. and don't care what anyone else says or does...

    if you still believe God and Christ, do what they want.. if you don't then do what you want... take no notice of what anyone else says...

  • biometrics

    Have you seen this anti-apostate commercial by the Governing Body?

  • designs

    Its interesting that the GB acknowledge their new interpretation of 'Generation' is causing concern and confusion among the Rank and File. 1995 revisited.

  • 00DAD

    Interesting video. Obviously NOT really produced by the WTBTS, but I could see them doing something like that.

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