More anti-apostate rhetoric from the Watchtower - are they running scared?

by cedars 90 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    However, all persons who have love for the truth are invited to examine this claim that Jehovah's Witnesses really do have the truth. In doing so, they should imitate what those persons in the first century did who listened to the preaching of the apostles: They received the word with the great eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. Watchtower July 1st, 1979, page 25

    Apparently this is an invitation that expires as soon as you are baptised. In fact if you really take them up on it before you get baptised you probably won't make yourself very welcome at the Kingdom Hall either. So not much of an invitation all round really.

  • Celestial
    Yeah they don't seem as confident to come out with statements like this any more.
    How should you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, travelling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken the time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely, believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not. What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are travelling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life! You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth pages 32 and 33.

    Are you saying you would be willing to change upon a thorough examination of the Bible?

  • slimboyfat

    Huh? I am saying they don't live up to their own statements about being open to an examination when it comes to their own religion.

  • inbetween

    Let the witchhunt begin....

    articles like this are designed to raise suspicion among the witnesses,

    Lately people tend more and more to mention concerns about certain methods or teachings, the WTS knows that and reacts with articles like this.

    Its nothing new actaully, and years ago, this tactic may have well worked, but now, the evil internet......

  • punkofnice

    We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates

    or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually

    dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet.

    Oh, good Gordon Bennett!

    This is a plea veiled as a threat not to investigate the WBT$ because they know any reasonable thinking person will wake up and exit.

    Nice catch Cedars. Y'see, I need guys like you that can read the literal-trash without being a ill as I am when I see it.

    Nice one!

  • Celestial
    Huh? I am saying they don't live up to their own statements about being open to an examination when it comes to their own religion.

    A religion is a specific set of beliefs and practices agreed upon by a number of persons. This set of beliefs in the context of Christianity can always conform to “God's Word,” the literary text that defines the ecclesiastical standard of morality in the Christian world. JWs are open to an examination of their religion from the perspective of Christendom, deism and secularism (atheism). JWs are also open to the examination of eastern religions (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism) although they are bizarre in contrast with the physical laws of nature.

  • Gayle

    Has anyone read to Questions From the Readers article? Sounds strange, contradictory and why the boxed comment "God will never permit his people to be exterminated" ??? is this some reassurance or something that some fear,,is paranoia setting in among them or some of them?? Actually the whole article point is so vague.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Given the history of JWs for leading "double lives", I think statements like that would be more likely to build curiousity to just have a look at what it is that they're not supposed to look at.

  • Godsendconspirator

    Today at the Circuit Assembly I went to, it seemed like the organization was trying to rid of certain doubts. They had a skit where one brother was encouraging another brother because he was tired of constant "new light". The discouraged brother brought up the whole "this generation will not pass away" bullshit. And the other brother encouraged him to rely on Jehovah. It seemed like a little nod toward apostates. The organization knows of their bullshit teachings are trying to rid doubts of those who are doubting or about to leave by making it seem like they're humble enough to admit them.

  • Ding

    The dissent must be widespread if they mention by name dissatisfaction with "new light" and overlapping generations.

    I wonder how many who hadn't thought about those issues will now start thinking about them.

    I wonder how many who thought they were the only ones bothered by such things will now realize that many others are troubled as well.

    I wonder how many will realize that "wait on Jehovah" is just one more similar WT dodge...

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