This Made Me So Thankful I am No Longer A Christian

by cofty 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garyneal

    Wow, I just finished watching Lee Strobel's A Case For Faith and that was his whole argument for why there is suffering in the world.

    Christianity teaches us to find what is good in even the bad things we experience. Good can come even when evil is visited upon us. Remember, the most important moment in Christian history was the execution of its first leader, Jesus. For Christians, this moment of evil and suffering visited upon an innocent man led to the triumph of good over evil.

    It is moving to be sure and I can see how looking for something good in the face of something evil can really help people to cope with the bad things. However, I still think that the whole documentary needed something more to answer the two questions posed by Charles Templeton.

    1) Why is Christianity considered the only way to God?

    2) Why would a loving God permit so much suffering in the world?

  • Botzwana

    I am a cancer survivor too. Watching alot of TV and sleeping. That was my ticket! I drink two tablespoons of Baking Soda in water now and my body will never have cancer ever again.

  • rebel8

    I remember reading that when I had cancer and thinking, "What a moron. Or just another vulture preying upon vulnerable cancer patients with more woo."

  • cofty

    I love that the "woo" meme is catching on hahaha

  • steve2

    It's similar to the belief that there are good reasons for all traumatic experiences but that we just don't understand the divine plan, which among other things is top test us and teach us valuable lessions. What absolute rubbish.

    On the other hand, given that people do have traumatic experiences, what a shame not to learn something from them - which is so different from religious platitudes.

    Tammy Wynette wrote a song about a young child who died of an illness leaving his parents bereft because God had looked into the boy's future, saw him committing serious sins so shortened his life on earth to "save" him. Sick and offensive at the same time - yet it still astonishes me that otherwise seemingly intelligent people swallow this drivel. From my experience, it is usually Christians whose faith is crazy enough to swallow such appalling drivel.

  • glenster
  • EntirelyPossible

    Strangely I use all those reason to convince women to accept my penis. It's just god's plan, baby. Accept it into yourself.

  • Hortensia

    Really makes god sound like someone you would love to know, eh? Yup, gives you cancer deliberately and lets you suffer, just to prove some obscure point of his own.

  • steve2

    The pitiful story of Job is one of the weirdest and plain stupidest in the Bible - and there's a lot of competition for weird and stupid in that motley collection of primitive writings. His being tested to vindicate the "True god's" name when it all came down to "might is right" because ultimately the god of the Bible said he would destroy the Devil. He who has the most devastating bombs usually wins the war regardless of claimed moral and/or spiritual superiority.

  • transhuman68


    This is off-topic; but the common belief is that the Book of Job was written to provide a counterpoint to the normal way of thinking at that time: that bad things happened to bad people and they deserved it.

    The Book of Job was written for the same reason Satan was written in- to provide an alternative view.

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