Childbirth, A Protection For Women (Per Paul)... How?

by AGuest 212 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    I never forget about Lilith. I think about that screech owl every night, Zid.

  • sabastious
    OK. You said he was convicted of NOT murdering someone. You are contradicting yourself and making no sense. Starting to sound like God, actually. YOU AM WHAT YOU AM?

    You pounce on mistakes like a viper. My point is still made even with the grammer correction.


  • ziddina


    That screech...

    Music to my ears...

    Song of freedom as opposed to theocratic enslavement for wo- "wimmin"...

  • EntirelyPossible

    You pounce on mistakes like a viper. My point is still made even with the grammer correction.

    Then stop making them :)

    Your mistake was making the wrong point. You italicized the word "not" in your post, emphasizing it. After I said he wasn't convicted of NOT murdering someone you had the chance to correct it. You did not.

    Your original point was about a robot hitting a baby. Without knowing the details of how you built the robot, how it hit the baby and how you handled it afterwards, there are no real parallels to this case. The devil is in the details.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Hooray for Lilith, a real role model! Go, Lillith, Go!

  • sabastious
    Your original point was about a robot hitting a baby. Without knowing the details of how you built the robot, how it hit the baby and how you handled it afterwards, there are no real parallels to this case. The devil is in the details.

    EntirelyPossible is in the details the devil aint got anything to do with it. I'm not sure why I indulge you, maybe it's because I like you. You consistantly give typical responses that I could fabricate you saying my mind. Maybe I just feel it's a challenge for me to evoke a non typical response from you.

    The reason for my italics for the word "not" was in reference to his NOT actually pulling the trigger and then going to jail for murdering someone who he didn't actually physically kill. You are trying to trap me logically and it wont work. If I build a robot that kills somebody there are no details that could absolve me from all responsibility because even though my creation is not animate or intelligent it still cannot assume all the blame for it's actions and in some trains of thought it shouldn't get ANY of the blame because of how it was caused to be. Since a robot cannot be prosecuted then the blame will default to it's creator. This is the general argument of atheism: that there isno God that cares.The second I create my robot capable of harming sentient life I am responsible for it's actions. God takes responsibility for me, and my actions, as his creation. That doesn't mean I have no responsibility, but it also doesn't mean that God is never fully to "blame" for my actions. That's why the narrative of the Bible is so touching to me because it shows God working as part of the problem and the solution. He truly is I AM.


  • ziddina
    "If I build a robot that kills somebody there are no details that could absolve me from all responsibility ..." Sabastious

    [face/palm slap...]

    Band on the Run, could you double-check my comment?? I believe that the situation Sabastious is referring to, is called "conspiracy to commit murder"...

    Am I right??

  • sabastious

    Usually people who are the conspirers are the ones with the lesser sentences, but not in all cases. That is because one's actions can be attributed to another person, just like our actions can be attributed to God. If God tells you to kill your son and you DO it, then God helped kill your son. That's why he BROKE up the test with Abe.


  • sabastious

    It's an incredibly complex concept. How old is the law of "Conspiracy to commit murder?"


  • EntirelyPossible

    EntirelyPossible is in the details the devil aint got anything to do with it

    Tell that to the courts, forensic investigators, computer programmers, engineers, doctors, scientists, artists. The details are often the most important parts.

    You consistantly give typical responses that I could fabricate you saying my mind.

    You could just imagine my answers, realize why I am right and not bother posting at all, then :)

    You are trying to trap me logically and it wont work.

    I was just posting your own words. I didn't make you write them. I wasn't trying to do anything. I didn't write two logically inconsistent things, you did.

    If I build a robot that kills somebody there are no details that could absolve me from all responsibility because even though my creation is not animate or intelligent it still cannot assume all the blame for it's actions and in some trains of thought it shouldn't get ANY of the blame because of how it was caused to be.

    Ah, now let's talk about the devil in these details. If you built a robot that killed someone (details you changed from your original premise), it's very possible you could be free of all blame. Let's say it was robot built to move shipping containers. Someone wasn't paying attention and robot places a shipping container on the person. It was running automatically, someone just happened to be standing in the wrong place.

    Is that your fault? Your robot executed the action that killed the person. You designed and built the robot. Are you to blame?

    Not let's say you built a robot to run on remote control with a camera and a gun. You maneuvered the robot into someone's house and killed them. You operated a robot purpose-built to kill someone. Are you to blame?

    In both cases, your robot killed someone.

    Since a robot cannot be prosecuted then the blame will default to it's creator.

    Maybe, maybe not. Was someone else operating the robot? Was there an accident out of your control?

    This is the general argument of atheism: that there isno God that cares.

    Fixed that for you.

    The second I create my robot capable of harming sentient life I am responsible for it's actions.

    So all this shit of people killing people is God's fault? That's the logical conclusion of your argument.

    God takes responsibility for me, and my actions, as his creation.

    No, he get's off scot free with glory and worship and everyone else suffers. It would be the same as your robot on a killing rampage an you having an off switch and not pushing it.

    That doesn't mean I have no responsibility

    As God's robot, you don't.

    That's why the narrative of the Bible is so touching to me because it shows God working as part of the problem and the solution.

    It's touching to see someone with the power to stop killing, disease, starvation and war doing nothing? The only thing the bible says God likes to touch is baby penis and Mary's vagina before Joseph got to it.

    He truly is I AM.

    He am non-existent.

    Dude, I have to ask, do you think these things through before you post them? First you come up with a ridiculous idea that details don't matter, that a creator is always responsible the end results of it's creations, then you contradict it by say God is only partly to blame. Come on, dude, it's like you're not even trying.

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