JW Cable TV Installer Counts His Time.. Home owner very pissed off !

by Hairyhegoat 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hairyhegoat

    The direcTV guy came by today to install our new DVR. A pretty simple install as I already installed the telephone line, and the amp/switch box is about 5 feet below where the extra line needs to run.

    So all the installer needs to do is give us the new DVR receiver, run one coax line, plug it all in and leave.


    First, he shows up two hours late. I expected as much so I've already resided myself to working on some projects around the house.

    After arriving, he spends a fair amount of time apparently doing "prep work". I don't have a clue what he was doing to tell you the truth. But he spent a good 45 minutes doing it. He then decides to install new face plates on our coax and telephone jacks behind the television. Granted, if he's going to install an extra line, might as well make it tidy by giving us a dual coax face plate.

    This is when the install turns sour.

    First, he says he has to go to another install and he will return to finish mine in a few hours. He did say he would get our system going with the one line before he leaves. When he returns he'll run the second line and finish up.

    Right at the moment he's got his ass hanging out from behind the television he professes to me he's a Jehovah's Witness. He proceeds to inform me all about his church, his beliefs and how his life improved after converting to Jehovah's Witnessism He says had pretty much written off getting married, but apparently thanks to Jehovah's Witnessism, he's found true love. By golly that god fellow is a swell chap.

    I'm not really in the mood to get into a big debate about religion. I'm not religious in the least and I find Christians attempting to convert me extremely rude. So, I excused myself to continue working on my project in the other room. In a few minutes Jehovah Bob calls me back to ask a question about our DirecTV service, which was just a sneaky ploy to get me back into the room for more of his Jehovah's Witnessing. He asks me a very direct question "How do you feel about this stuff?" -meaning religion, church, etc. I tell his straight out "I have read the bible, I've read about various Christian religions, and have decided I do not and can not subscribe to Christianity." I was foolishly thinking this would clue him into getting back to my install and away from Jehovah's Witnessing. WRONG!

    He starts back in. Once again I tell him I do not subscribe to ANY religion and excuse myself.

    Moments later I'm called back into the room by Jehovah Bob and asked another stupid question about my service, which, of course, moves very quickly towards religion. By this time my daughter has returned home from school and is doing her homework at the kitchen table (within earshot of this fucking maniac). She keeps looking at me with a puzzled look on her face. In a few minutes she gets up and hands me a note (she's 12 and passing notes are very important to a 12 year old). The note reads:

    "Is he supposed to be doing his job or talking about religion?"

    I almost died. What a funny kid.

    Anyway.. It is now two hours past when he said he'd be back -currently 8:00 pm. If I knew DirecTV was going to expect me to waste all day with what the installer has done so far, I could have done it myself in 5 minutes. Let's see. Unplug old receiver, plug in new receiver, attach phone line. DONE!

    Look. When a Jehovah's Witness comes to my door Watchtower in hand, I have the option of letting them in to talk religion. You sneaky little -uckers have no business Jehovah's Witnessing to me while doing a hired service in my house. I tried to be very polite and explain I did not witness Jehovah, Jesus, Andrew, Bob or anyone else. The only thing I ever witnessed was someone getting run over by a car, but that's different. You sneaky little -uckers stay out of my house unless invited to enter to witness. If you enter to fix my toilet, install the DVR, paint my living room or clean my carpet, keep your -ucking mouth shut about your religion! It is rude, unprofessional and quite frankly pissing me off.

    I don't hangout at your church talking about my house so don't come to my house and talk about your church.

    I've now called DirecTV and complained about their in-house Jehovah's Witness religious services and their half-assed install procedures. I told them if this -ucknut comes back and Jehovah's Witnesses to me I'm dumping their service on the spot. This happens all to often, talk about a captavie audience.! HHG

  • NewChapter

    Tell him you're an apostate. You'll be blessed with silence.

    Your daughter is funny!

  • mrsjones5

    How rude! Yeah, I would have told him I was an apostate just to shut the freak up.

  • ziddina

    I'll bet that DirectTV now understands why he can't handle the same number of daily installs as the rest of their crew...

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    If it was me after hearing he was a JW and seeing him start to Preach.......

    "Hey you're paid to fix the Cable not Preach........... Jesus!!!"

    I lost patience with People along the road LOL!

  • Quarterback

    Just think if every one working for a living talking about their faith.

    The Bill Collector: " I'm calling about your overdue account. Tell me when will this be paid, and do you believe that hell is a fiery furnace?"

    The store clerk: "Can I assist you in finding your size in those pants? What do you think about God and Gluttony?"

    The Dr: " Now, turn your head and cough. Do you think you will live forever?"

    The Garbage man: " This f..king bag is too heavy. Do you know about armageddon?"

    The teacher: "Now let's see who didn't do their homework, last night. Since it was math, how many will be called to heaven?"

    The principle: Well, well, now let's see how many times you have missed geography classes. Wow, that many times. Did you know that since 1914 we have been living in the last days?"

  • InterestedOne

    I wonder if he'd cry religious persecution if the company told him to stop that behavior.

  • ziddina

    Ha ha ha, Quarterback!!!

    Welcome to Christian school, by the way!!!

  • Quarterback

    Yeah, Zid.

    Been enrolled for a long time. Still can't graduate from that one.

  • Violia

    at this point I'd probably not tell anyone you are an apostate. Reason being, the installer will plead with his job that you just hate anyone in the religion and he did nothing wrong. At this point you are on the righteous side, it is your house and he had a job to do. Bringing in being an apostate will only probably NOT get him fired or disciplined. I hope they warn him.

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