Two Elders just left.

by mouthy 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    I often wonder if I am given the opportunity to stand up for what I believe (and no longer believe) whether of not I would have the courage to say something of value.

    Your example is a tremendous example of faith and courage. I stand in awe of your experience.

  • Bangalore

    Great job,Mouthy.


  • jookbeard

    great stuff Mouthy.

  • Quandry

    I wonder if the one who asked if he could give you a hug felt bad because he knew the pain that shunning causes.

    They can talk to you because they are elders and don't have to go by the same rules as the lower ones in the congo. But "no one is higher than anyone else" in the congregation-ha!

    Don't you think you could get a small tree and enjoy it? I certainly am, and I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! Just think how old some of the songs are-yet all sung to praise the son of God. I feel that it unites us with our ancestors through so many years.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Beautiful experience, it was truly handled with the utmost tact and the proper amount of emotion, I bet their hearts melted for a moment.

    You never know when you might make a dub think for just a second about what they are doing.


  • mouthy

    Thanks for all your responses...My Computor has been in the shop $113.00 to get it fixed. So I was not able to read all the
    replies, I think they were hurt when I started crying as I told them my daughter ,grand daughter, must not talk to me

    because i dont believe the invisable coming of Christ in 1914.I also mentioned I have a new Great grandson who I will never
    be able to see. THATS whe the older guy asked it he could hug me....

    I am off to the Dr tomorrow 10.00 a.m so much pain in my kidneys, so if ya dont hear from me again. Maybe I will be in hospital

  • PaintedToeNail

    mouthy-I am sending you hugs , and get well wishes! I hope the Dr. can do something for your pain.

  • mouthy

    PaintedToeNail Thanks love I hope so too.

  • ldrnomo

    Everybody loves you mouthy, please try to let us know how your doing.

  • redvip2000

    It's truly sad to see how much the Watchtower society restrains the natural decency and mercy that humans are normally compelled to extend to others.

    Likely those elders were touched by the raw emotional account from you, but that feeling was superceded by the sense of duty to obbey the organization that is constantly in the back of their minds.

    I remember in my hall, when we had DFed people, although nobody would talk to them (publicly) many of the brothers and sisters would " sneak in" a smile, or a wink, or even a silent "hello" to them, naturally motivated by common decency in their hearts, while "mommy org" robbed them of the proper christian right to show mercy and love to the struggling brothers among us, as shown by Jesus.

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