Two Elders just left.

by mouthy 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy
    Must add they asked if I celebrate Christmas. I said "No I spend it alone praying for all those I made JWS"

    Gave me a heartwarming chuckle it did..


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Mouthy you are one awesome lady! x

  • sizemik

    Wonderful stuff Mouthy . . . you gave them plenty to think about.

    It all depends on whether they have the right heart condition

  • PaintedToeNail

    Dearest Mouthy, Granny,Grace-What a sweetie you are-to invite them in from the cold and also have hugged them. You did yourself proud! (sending you a little warm sunshine)

  • greenhornet

    Very good Grace. You gave them true Christain love. You truly planted a seed. How many Ex JWs are there then?

  • HappyDad

    Thank you Grace.

    We who embraced real Christianity after leaving the WT can be happy in spite of family that doesn't talk to us. I would love to have a relationship with my one brother in law who doesn't even go to meetings anymore but still holds on to the false idea that it is the only true religion and that I'm very very bad. LOL

    All I can say is that I have more REAL friends today than I ever had for over 30 years. And I have a hope ....reality of where I will be in the future.

    Love you,

    HappyDad (Bill)

  • Listener

    That visit sounded very emotional. It must be hard for some of the elders to reconcile the concept of love for others at times.

  • MartynAndrew

    Love it!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They needed a bit of tough love. Bless you Grace.

    & a Merry Christmas ((((Grace))))


  • Azazel

    Its always with mixed emotions i consider JW.

    One side is angry with the unscriptual cruelty they inflict but then the other side see's the one's like the two who called on Mouthy and they were no doubt sincere in what they believe.

    It' really distressing. i really mean that.

    These poor people including our loved one's still within the JW are so blinded to be able to see the truth.

    So sad.......sigh.


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