The great unanswered question - WHO chose the Governing Body to serve as representatives?

by cedars 105 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    The obvious answer of course, they've chosen themselves and selectively self identify themselves as it was beneficial to create a sense

    of viability toward the strength of the WTS. Publishing house.

    In respect to god having anything to with these men starting up a publishing company with a bunch a inaccurate false doctrines,

    well thats openly up to the consumer to decide.

    Who choose the GB of the Mormon church or the Scientology church or the Freemasons ....... ? just men

  • wannabefree

    *** w01 1/15 p. 29 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation ***

    " the governing body of the ‘slave' class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by . . . Jesus Christ , the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the ‘faithful and discreet slave' class."

  • cedars

    wannabefree - wow, great find! That's a very bold statement indeed. It certainly answers the question posed in this thread.

    It's just a shame this grand "appointment" by Christ can't be backed up by any scriptures!



  • cedars

    Further to wannabefree's comment, here's the same quote in full from the Watchtower of December 15th, 1971 (I suspect this is taken from a Freddie Franz talk)...

    "Hence the question arises, Can this majority of voters who are made up of such “other sheep,” by voting in the directors of the Watch Tower Society, at the same time be voting in the members of the anointed governing body of the “faithful and discreet slave” class? Scripturally, they could not do so. Not just because they are not anointed heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, but because the governing body of the “slave” class is not appointed by any man. It is appointed by the same one who appointed the twelve apostles in the first century C.E., namely, Jesus Christ the Head of the true Christian congregation and the Lord and Master of the “faithful and discreet slave” class."

    So, the ONLY scriptural justification given for the appointment of the modern Governing Body by Christ is that Christ chose the twelve apostles in the First Century, so therefore be MUST be choosing each successive member of the Governing Body today, whether this is scripturally supported or not. Makes perfect sense, huh?!

    Here's an interesting quote from the same 1971 article...

    "Let us keep in mind that the governing body must be made up of dedicated, baptized Christians who are anointed with God’s spirit and begotten by Him to be his spiritual children, and who are to be united with the glorified Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom. This must be so because, as in the case of the twelve apostles of Christ, the governing body is part of the “faithful and discreet slave” class and presides over it as spiritual shepherds and overseers."

    So there you have it, enshrined in the Watchtower's constitution dating back to the early seventies and the birth of the modern Governing Body: the belief that the Governing Body is selected by Christ and "presides over" the faithful and discreet slave class. And there was I thinking the Governing Body merely served as representatives of the slave class! The Slave Class are actually answerable to the Governing Body!

    Crazy stuff. Thanks again to wannabefree for finding this.


  • St George of England
    St George of England
    They have managed to plant the idea that the "8 directors of the WTBTS" who were imprisoned in Atlanta in 1918 were the "Governing Body".

    There are many photographs of this group. However I have never seen a photograph from pre-1971 titled 'The current Governing Body (year)'

    Has anyone else?


  • JakeM2012

    It used to irritate me that brothers would pray for holy spirit on the governing body when they meet on Wednesday. If God were with them on Wednesday they should have a glowing face like Moses had after talking to God.

  • wannabefree

    Cedars .. Great catch!

    And there was I thinking the Governing Body merely served as representatives of the slave class! The Slave Class are actually answerable to the Governing Body!
    the governing body is part of the “faithful and discreet slave” class and presides over it as spiritual shepherds and overseers." - Watcthower 12/15/71

    Which of course adds nuance to ...

    *** w10 9/15 p. 23 par. 8 "Your Leader Is One, the Christ" ***
    The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.

    Hmmmmm ... leaders claim divine appointment ... the Governing Body presides as spiritual shepherd and overseer of the faithful and discreet slave ... now how can the seven divinely appointed men in New York "know the appearance of your [little] flock" (Prov. 27:23, Acts 20:28,29) to shepherd and oversee them when they don't have any idea who they even are?

    *** w11 8/15 p. 22 Questions From Readers ***
    The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.

    So the Governing Body "represent" the "faithful and discreet slave [class]" ... but who represents the Governing Body?

    *** w57 5/1 p. 281 par. 7 Trust Your Proved, Faithful Brothers ***
    The rich blessing that has been poured out upon the visible organization is evidence that the governing body and those who represent it are deserving of our full support and trust. This we can demonstrate only by accepting every provision as coming from the Lord through the "faithful and discreet slave."
  • wannabefree

    *** w10 9/15 p. 23 par. 8 "Your Leader Is One, the Christ" ***
    The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.

    Could aslo be worded this way ....

    The 11,000+ spirit anointed remnant of the "faithful and discreet slave [class]" and the 7,000,000+ faithful and active members of the great crowd recognize that by following the lead of Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, M. Stephen Lett, Gerritt Losch, Anthony Morris, Guy H. Pierce, and David H. Splane, the modern-day representatives of the Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.

    So, on the ENTIRE EARTH today, there are technically only seven followers of Christ ... ALL other [True] Christians follow the lead of these seven and by doing so are conferred the status of follower of Christ.

  • cedars


    So, on the ENTIRE EARTH today, there are technically only seven followers of Christ ... ALL other [True] Christians follow the lead of these seven and by doing so are conferred the status of follower of Christ.

    That pretty much nails it - although obviously the publications will never put it in quite that way! The term "Governing Body" always sounds far more awe-inspiring than "seven guys in Brooklyn".

    It still amazes me how the Governing Body speaks with such ambiguity and deception about their own role within the organization. This thread is now fusing with another thread of mine (below)...

    It seems that, on the one hand, the Governing Body wants to appear humble and deny that they are our leaders, but on the other hand, they want to be seen as the ones "taking the lead". Which is it?! They must decide - they can't have it both ways!

    There is also the confusion over the role of the GB in relation to the FDS. The following organizational chart gives the impression that the GB is subservient to the FDS...


    However, as we've now established, the VERY SAME article in which the above chart was printed made the following statement...

    "the governing body is part of the 'faithful and discreet slave' class and presides over it as spiritual shepherds and overseers."

    Which conclusively shows that, technically, the FDS answers to the Governing Body - and not the other way round. All the while, we are told to remember that the Governing Body members do not consider themselves to be our "leaders".

    It's all so confusing and ambiguous. How did we every believe this stuff?!!


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Jesus chose the 12 apostles but of course Judas Iscariot proved unfaithful and had to be replaced. How was this replacement chosen? Jesus was dead so he couldn't appoint a replacement.

    The answer is they cast lots and Matthias got the job. So when Paul visited the "governing body" only 11 had been apointed by Jesus, the 12th guy was just lucky.

    The only appointments Jesus has ever made were the ones he made whilst on earth.


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