What Are Your Hobbies Now That You're Out?

by lilbluekitty 33 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SouthCentral
  • donuthole

    Does college count as a hobby?

    As a JW I enjoyed screwing around with music, but it was difficult to find places to play out that weren't bars or clubs. I finally found a venue which was an art gallery/coffee shop. However on the night of our performance I was horrified to see nudes on the wall. The band broke up for religious differences (i.e. I got df'd). I haven't done much with it since then.

    Today I do enjoy writing, which is something that I could probably never get away with as a JW. In fact keeping a blog got me in a little trouble and was used against me when I got df'd. I meet with a writer's group throughout the year and enjoy going to open mics. I love having the freedom to write about whatever I want without having to edit it. Not just using words like "damn" or "shit", but not filtering concepts and asking tough questions.

    If you are interested, I posted a chapter of a novel I'll be releasing soon -->


  • Twitch

    Playing bass guitar

    Engineering/recording/mixing music

    Video editing

    Playing league 8-ball

    Online gaming

  • MartynAndrew

    The first thing I did for a while was drink. Once I got that out of the system i started fishing a bit, mostly bass fishing in Ontario. I took some flying lessons at Buttonville and once i lost interest I took up squash. I started running to improve my squash and really got into running. Around that time I went back to school, and really had to start at the beggining. I've been back in school now and really don't think I'll ever stop, it is a real love and I'm committed to life long learning. I hope any young JW who is thinking about it gets another chance like I did. It is very hard to do manual labour when your brain is begging for more. The last few years I took up golf and have really gotten very bad at it, actually worse then when I started, and it's been a horrible addiction, but it keeps me interested. I've also been on many vacations and i've traveled a good deal. I'm very thankful for the life I have today.

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