Whats your personal perception of Religion ?

by thetrueone 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    Hey ex360! Glad to have you here.


  • thetrueone

    It has to also be recognized that certain religious beliefs can stimulate people to care for one another with human compassion.

    There are other sides to perceive when evaluating religion, that even I can recognize.

    Being brought up a JWS, my religious perspective is somewhat derived from that belief system.... unfortunately

  • sabastious
    Its a shame that my family who genuinely love me would disown me if I told them I don't believe in God the same way they do. So, I think that most ORGANIZED religion is destructive and hurtfull.

    I agree, many groups are wonderful and the world would be worse off without them. These groups are the ones that create well thought out guidelines because they know their community will rally around them. The more organized a group is the more the group is about being subject to the organizational procedures instead of getting behind ideologies the people of the group believe in.


  • cofty

    Welcome ex360shipper.

    Personally I think that what is true is more important than what gives hope or comfort. All religions are ways of avoiding truth.

    I don't buy into the increasingly popular idea of christians that they belong to Jesus (insert favourite version of name here) and not to a religion. From personal experience its just semantics.

  • Qcmbr

    Ex360 is disorganised religion the opposite of organised religion?

  • Fernando

    Religion deliberately misrepresents all key aspects of faith and spirituality.

    The idea is to keep us in a "spiritual union" with the "God of religion" instead of the "God of Abraham", for as long as possible.

  • cantleave


    All religions are based on the premise of mythology and legend, they are constructs that have been used to control people.

    Some do great charitable works and there is no denying that there are some good religious people. But religion also attracts the control freaks and those intent on abusing the trust that people place on "holy" institutions.

    Religions have added a great deal to our historic culture, but should gradually be consigned to history along with the gods and myths that spawned them.

  • Qcmbr

    Anyway the Xians are forgetting that God organised a church all through the OT in the form of a priesthood , a set of ordinances and even a temple. Jesus didn't come to replace the Mosaic Law but to fulfill it. So god likes churches even if some Xians find it too hard to knuckle down to being told what to do and prefer to freelance. God is all about telling you what to do.

  • Qcmbr

    It's odd but the best effects of belief are manifest by churches ( cooperative effort, charitable efforts, group support , family unity etc.) seems like the rejection of an organised group of believers renders the whole body of Christ, with it's pastors, teachers, apostles and prophets fairly useless. So we now have a bunch of solo believers unable to organise a single useful coordinated effort between themselves lest they be accused of being a 'religion'.

  • cofty

    This trend for ego-centric religion and the rejection of corporate worship is a very modern western/American one. Its a natural development of consumerism where the individual is made to feel like they are making free independent choices.

    I feel a new thread coming on..

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