An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheUbermensch

    Many apologies, I didn't notice that symbol.

    Are you accusing my of misogyny or chauvinism simply because the nonbelievers on this thread coincidentally happen to be all male? Interesting (to me).

    No evidence is required to prove taking something out of context. It's a logical statement that the breaking down of something takes away from the overall whole.

    For instance a piece of apple is not AN apple.

    By saying that you break down a post for your own interests I do not always mean negative interests. It may make it easier, but personally, I would prefer you respond to the whole rather than pick and choose what to respond to and what not to.

    And a quick question (sorry if you've posted it somewhere else or on this thread and I haven't noticed it) do believe in the New Testament AND the Old Testament? Or no or... ?

  • TheUbermensch

    And N.Drew, again, you completely misconstrue what I was originally speaking of.

    This is extremely frustrating, I just thought I'd let you know.

    My scenario was a generalization, one that is quite accurate. There ARE cases where it isn't truth, however, after attending thousands of Roman Catholic masses as a small child and hundreds of meetings at Kingdom Hall's as a small child and teenager I've witnessed the time spent on religion. You can NOT possibly deny that somewhere, in the history of the world, there was someone with a greater potential than they allowed themselves because of religion, and they could have helped the world some way. The amount of humans who HAVE spent time on religion to probability of a life changing invention or finding make it logically probable (and almost logical truth) that multiple human beings dedicated their life to their sky daddy rather than science, medicine, the arts, or philosophy.

    Obviously humans face obstacles outside of religious time, but honestly, thats besides the point.

  • N.drew

    Do you hear yourself TUber?

  • ShadesofGrey

    Here is an idea: Religion and a relationship with God are two different things. Religion is man-made and evil, and it is exactly what Christ came to earth to get rid of.

    When he spoke of people being condemned who was he speaking to/about? Religious leaders.


  • N.drew

    Thank you Shades! Well said. But that aurgument has been beaten to death. They still say god promotes religion. No god, no religion. Or love, or life, but they refuse to believe it. So? If love had a way, the children would be fed, schooled, dressed, loved. Where is love? Or more accurately where is enough love?

  • TheUbermensch

    No, because I am not speaking, I am typing. However I am reading what I wrote, and I believe what you mean is something along the lines of relative value. You find value in things much more differently than I do, that is because I am an evolutionary naturilist and you are a theistic cognitivist. I find joy in the natural world, what I can see before my eyes, and what I can feel with my hands. You find joy in the world of metaphysics and the paranormal. Supernatural occurrences are not real to me. Thus, someone wasting time on strong beliefs considering the supernatural is absolutely diabolic, atrocious, and horrific. Not because the action is diabolic, etc. but simply because of the mass amount of effects that occur because of the horrible causation which is organized religion.

    I find it quite funny that you are asking me if I hear myself when more than 50% of your posts on this thread (I'd say about 80 or 90%) were so far beyond incomprehensible that I stopped reading after the first sentence.

    Anyways, your convoluted ideas written horribly (grammarwise) have begun to bore me. Please stop flogging a dead horse and come with something pertinent to the subject, I am tired of wasting my time on semantics and hurt feelings.

  • N.drew

    And "shut up" is BAD? You are dreaming.

  • N.drew

    One has to wonder why theists get atheists all bent out of shape. Because atheist get theists bent out of shape. Nope wrong. Atheist get religionist all bent out of shape because you threaten their lively hood (is that one work mr. shut up is bad?) but atheists are my toys. I love my toys. I will be sorry I said wrote that, you bet!@

  • TheUbermensch

    please avoid:

    1.Insulting, threatening, or provoking language.

    I'm sorry, but being told on a forum to shut up is insulting. Everyone is having a perfectly normal discussion/debate/argument, and then YOU have to make it personal.

    Who said I was bent out of shape? How deluded can you possibly be?

    Hitler said the same thing about the Jews in his original, first, unedited version of Mein Kampf. " Die Juden sind unser Spielzeug"

    "The Jews are our toys."

    I'm sure you'll be proud that you share the same ideals concerning people who oppose you as Adolf Hitler.

  • xchange

    Sounds a lot like 'bot' talk.

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