Christians Please Explain

by AK - Jeff 134 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No...that God has NOOOOOOO sense of humour

  • sizemik

    The moral of the story is to choose your God wisely.

  • lovelylil

    I don't get the hostility either against those who wish to remain christian. I think Mary said it all really and I totally agree with her point. Not all Christians are alike in belief, I personally do not believe hell is a fiery place. I am also anti religious establishment but am all for personal spirituality and belief in Jesus Christ.

    I don't find any of the teachings of Christ harmful to mankind in any way. Its when man gets involved and adds to these teachings that we have a problem. Religion is a way for man to dominate other men and that is all. Christ calls us to be free...."you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".

    Peace to you Jeff, Lilly

  • OnTheWayOut

    Jeff, I have enjoyed watching your conversion take place because mine was taking place at the same time at a slightly different rate and on a greatly varied path.

    I wish the following were my words, but they are a quote from Richard Dawkins on his recommendation of the book, Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists

    "Conversions on the road to Damascus are for those who hear voices and fall prey to delusions and who would be better off seeking professional help. Much more valuable in the human story are the reflections of intelligent and ethical people who listen to the voice of reason and who allow it to vanquish bigotry and superstition."

    To me, that means that once we get our heads out of our asses, we cannot be afraid to speak out in order to move forward and help others to do so.

  • ProdigalSon

    Disclosure will put an end to all this nonsense very soon.

  • N.drew

    Yes sir sizemik, you are a good reader, a rarity, that was the question. The children of the nations that were executed might have been the same persons who birthed them who had the power that would destroy even more, even all the people. Now that we know it is possible, how can you say it wouldn't be possible?

    Now cowards say "why doesn't God show his/her/it 's self and stop the madness"? And the same say "oh look, that bad god killed (don't forget cold heartedly) all those cute little babies". Is it not weird they can take both sides? Being careful careless are we? You can argue that there is a cold hearted god, but also that god knows not what we will be. And you wonder where confusion comes from?

    Good question, thankyou.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interesting reaction. This thread is obviously controversial - as was intended.

    I do find it odd and interesting, that although I kindly pointed out just what I observed, and my personal viewpoint about the universe - that somehow, even Mary and others whom I love dearly found it needed to attack ME - ad homonym instead of logical pursuit of facts and opinions.

    I do not believe that I EVER stated that I was the 'all knowing atheist' as has been asserted in this thread. I am an atheist. I am an atheist because I find the evidence for ANY GOD totally lacking. I suppose that at times I view the deluded with pity - but mostly I view them as pawns in cruel game that wastes lives. Still, that is a far cry from insisting that MY VIEW is the ONLY VIEW.

    I started the thread. So beat me if you need to - but still I have seen no evidence for GOD - which is what I have asked Christians to provide here.


  • N.drew

    Did I attack?

    Evidence of God, I think you meant to say. Or, evidence for yourself believing in a god power. (you have) "seen no evidence for GOD"? What is evidence for GOD? What should we "believers" be looking for? GOD'S evidence?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Simple Drew.

    If I drop an apple - there is evidence of gravity or some force that compels the apple to the ground. All scientific theory is based on testing and evidence leads to a conclusion. SOmetimes conclusions are adjusted as empirical evidence suggests other ideas. Still, it is a far better way to arrive at a conclusion than 'my mommy told me that Jesus is real, and my culture supports that he is real, so therefore he must be real'.

    On this planet are billions of people who have never provided the first bit of datum for the existence of the particular god they worship. Yet they build their lives around this imaginary being, driven by fear that they will be 'lost' somehow at end of life if they don't do so.

    My contention here, though it was obvious to me, but perhaps not to others, is that culture is the only reason we accept god as real. Not evidence. Science has been successful in overturning much foolish culture [the earth is flat, etc], but with this matter Christians/Muslims/Jews/Etc hold on to belief in the face of reason and rationale to the contrary. And that makes no sense to me.

    Simple fact is this: If you were born in Bankok, your god-concept would be arrived at based on the culture in Bankok. If you were born in SA you would worship a different god and believe he was the true god. Yet the concepts of these two cultures is nearly polar opposite on many levels. In the West we believe the Bible god is the right god, the true god. But it is not because we have more evidence of that being true than do those in Bankok or in SA - it is because we are in a culture that encourages delusional though about the bible god and not the Bankok gods.

    I find it sad. That's all. If God anywhere ever shows himself [comes out of the privy as the Jews challenged Baal], I will be happy to look at evidence - but cultural 'belief' is based on nothing with structure.


  • N.drew

    That's funny. God should show God's self so we can test to see if God is the REAL THING. Good idea!

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