Polygamy question

by equinox 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • lifestooshort

    Sounds to me like WntLeave has a point.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Western women are spoiled, worshipped, and totally absolved of any responsibility for their actions, because our feminist Societies have manipulated conditions radically.

    bullshit...what a generalization...many western women are treated well...many are treated like shit

    Now, many men resort to lying and posturing to "get laid", they are terrified to get married because they know the male make-up isn't satisfied by one woman, they run from the responsibility of fatherhood since they're not married to the women they get pregnant, men are forced to sneak and lie when they follow their natural instincts and "cheat", divorce rates are outrageous because of sexual dissatisfaction, men who should never father children can because the women are spread evenly among all men - even flaming losers, etc.

    Some men lie because they are liars....and as for them being forced to sneak and lie...what sort of MEN are they?

    because women have decreed that anyone who doesn't feel or think like a woman is wrong and evil

    Are you for real?

    In reality, there is nothing shameful about polygyny, except what has been bulldozed by papal decrees and feminist lies.

    There may be nothing shameful...and 'some' men might enjoy that...but I doubt if you asked the women who are generally forced into this situation if they like it that they would say they do.

    Just like Westboro Baptist Church children "hate fags", Western women hate polygyny.


  • tec
    You PC freaks make me sick with your eagerness to be offended. Obviously nobody here cares about facts, statistics, or reality. Doesn't anyone understand why there're more women than men in JWs (and most other cults) when there're no incentives (elder, MS, C/O, D/O, GB, etc.) to lure them in and keep them? Women are more likely to be emotionally manipulated.

    OR... women are more in tune with their spiritual needs/seeking.

    I never said women are stupid; I merely said women are social. They're also more emotional. If you're the exception, you should realize that and understand it's not the norm. If you're a man and you don't realize that, you're oblivious.

    You did imply that women are more easily led and/or deceived, yes? Or did I misunderstand. That implies weakness - of the mind and will.

    You people really need to stop getting your male/female relationship advice from feminist, lesbian, man-hating weirdos. Polygyny is far from "chauvinistic" or "threatened". It's not "male-dominated", as there are a finite amount of women. For every man with 10 wives, 9 men will never have sex outside of brothels and goats.

    Is it your opinion that a feminist is a lesbian, man-hating weirdo? Or is it perhaps your opinion that a lesbian is a feminist man-hating weirdo?

    I can tell you that I would NOT want a relationship with someone who told me that he felt as you do about women, up front. And I am not a man-hater, or a weirdo, or a lesbian (as if lesbians hate men). I am a feminist though... if by feminism, we are talking about equality between men and women. Of course, some men as you say, lie to keep from revealing their true selves to a potential 'lay' or even mate. But that's the fault of the women, right?

    Funny, how that never gets old.

    You feminazis and cowed, emasculated men who worship them are delusional and willfully and woefully ignorant of how people function. You men can "yes dear" all you want, if it keeps you from sleeping on the couch. It's disgusting you should be ashamed of yourselves. As for the bitter women, I'm sorry whoever it was did whatever he did to you, but it wasn't me and it wasn't "men" in general. The chip on your shoulder is your own to bear, so don't try to put it on me.

    Actually, the only person who sounds as if he has a chip on his shoulder is you. You sound like you hate women.



  • tec

    Oh, and not all women, even in the west, hate the idea of polygamy. Some women want the help - especially those who might have a misogynist take-care-of-me demanding attitude husband.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think it's interesting that there never seems to be an inbetween with this guy....either women are week, emotionally controlled sheep...or feminazis.

    You people really need to stop getting your male/female relationship advice from feminist, lesbian, man-hating weirdos.

    LOL...so much better to get our advice from you...LOL

  • talesin

    still thinking,,, loved your post up there, it expressed how I felt perfectly,, tks

  • cyberjesus

    Ok so if you dont agree with Wontleave's argument why do you attack him and call him names instead of his arguments........ who is really an idiot?

    A comment like Wontleave's will only receive that type of answers in a website filled with ex-cultist.

  • talesin

    A comment like Wontleave's will only receive that type of answers in a website filled with ex-cultist.


    I am proud to say I left the KH at age 18,,, over 30 years ago. ALL my friends are WORLDLY and have never been JWS.

    Both the men and the women I know would rip Wontleave a new one for his stone-age attitude and disrespect for women. He has no argument. All he did was hurl a bunch of mysoginistic slurs.

    Puh-leeeze, let's get real.



  • cyberjesus

    ok, so you left the cult 30 years ago and still call regular people "worldies", thats funny.

    Coming back, to my argument. Which of his statement is disrispectful towards woman and why...... Btw I just want to know what is the attackers arguments.

    I personally dont believe on any "religious" morality. therefore I believe we do what is best for us... individually and as a group. but once again I am curious to hear you guys

  • talesin


    And what other term would I use on this forum? lol, whatever! I wear the label proudly.

    Well, let me see, there's this:

    Western women are spoiled, worshipped, and totally absolved of any responsibility for their actions, because our feminist Societies have manipulated conditions radically.

    I guess we should still be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Imagine, the nerve of us western women, wanting to work so that we are no longer controlled by 'he who holds the purse strings', not wanting to be the 'property' of our husbands, and having reproductive rights over our own bodies.

    And all those wife-beaters who worship their women,,, yes,,, spoiled we are!

    Love this one!

    Now, many men resort to lying and posturing to "get laid", they are terrified to get married because they know the male make-up isn't satisfied by one woman, they run from the responsibility of fatherhood since they're not married to the women they get pregnant, men are forced to sneak and lie when they follow their natural instincts and "cheat", divorce rates are outrageous because of sexual dissatisfaction, men who should never father children can because the women are spread evenly among all men - even flaming losers, etc.

    Men have always postured and lied to get laid. Let's consult our precious Bible. Oh yes, David not only LIED, he had the object of his desire's husband MURDERED so he could take her. Terrified you can't keep it in your pants? Then don't get married! Running from responsibility of children -- yes, it is the woman's fault; men, of course, HATE wearing condoms (wah wah)! and yes, many women are sexually dissatisfied and sick of the whambamthankyouma'am sexual routines (yawn) of their husbands.

    Well, this next statement is downright IGNORANT (ie, foolish, without proof, and obviously malicious)

    They're a prime target for cults, because they easily succumb to being told what to feel and think.

    What's he gonna roll out next? That tired old (and totally false) chestnut "Gurls are no good at math"???? bwah hahahaha!!!

    Oh, yah,,, this one ... which is an unmitigated pile of horse-puckey!

    They're also more emotional.

    I can't help but roll my eyes at this one. It's hardly worth the time to debunk --- we teach little boys to hold in their emotions (big boys don't cry) except for anger, and encourage little girls to act out emotionally only by crying (it's not nice to be angry). Can't tell you how many men (bosses, sibling, playground bullies) who go BALLISTIC when they don't get their way, yelling and screaming -- if that's not overly emotional, then what is? We're not innately different -- it's societal roles we've played for ,, well, it seems forever! Women used to have the 'vapors' and were considered weak in Victorian times --- it wasn't weakness, it was the damn corsets!

    As for name-calling,,, well,,,

    You people really need to stop getting your male/female relationship advice from feminist, lesbian, man-hating weirdos.

    You feminazis and cowed, emasculated men who worship them are delusional and willfully and woefully ignorant of how people function.

    As for the bitter women, I'm sorry whoever it was did whatever he did to you, but it wasn't me and it wasn't "men" in general.

    Yes, I hear BITTERNESS, and EMOTIONAL RANTING,,,, and it's coming from Wontleave. Sounds like an unhappy camper who has a mysoginistic leaning.


    * you asked, I answered * klass

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