Polygamy question

by equinox 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Until 1947, the WTS allowed polygamy in some congregations. It makes you realize that again the WTS was not clean in "God's eyes" in 1919.

    That is quite true - at least not clean by current WTBTS views of "God's eyes". Actually, as pointed out above - the bible itself is quite ambiguous on multiple marriage, as it is on slavery and serving in the military.

    So too with even smoking tobacco - which many pre-witnesses did long after 1919.

    And all of the above are DFing offenses today, purely by decree from Brooklyn.

  • designs

    Harems are making a comeback

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Until 1947, the WTS allowed polygamy in some congregations.

    Great as a JW back in the day ....

    You could have several wives who will show you what Sexual Frustration is Really all about!!!

    Thanx....but NO THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WontLeave

    You could have several wives who will show you what Sexual Frustration is Really all about!

    Actually, competition creates a buyers' market. Recently, "Hail to the V" commercials have begun airing about how the vagina is the most powerful thing on earth. Eliminate pre-marital sex and monogamy and that goes away. Western women are spoiled, worshipped, and totally absolved of any responsibility for their actions, because our feminist Societies have manipulated conditions radically. Now, many men resort to lying and posturing to "get laid", they are terrified to get married because they know the male make-up isn't satisfied by one woman, they run from the responsibility of fatherhood since they're not married to the women they get pregnant, men are forced to sneak and lie when they follow their natural instincts and "cheat", divorce rates are outrageous because of sexual dissatisfaction, men who should never father children can because the women are spread evenly among all men - even flaming losers, etc.

    The rampant feminism has become so ingrained that even men become self-loathing, thinking of themselves as "dogs" or "pigs", because women have decreed that anyone who doesn't feel or think like a woman is wrong and evil. The Catholic church started monogamy because it was obsessed with self-denial and penance. Sex was deemed a sin, pleasure was forbidden, and the most "holy" members - nuns and priests - are denied it altogether. For some odd reason, no matter how many groups splinter from Catholicism or how far they break away, monogamy is one lie they retain. Sure, there are some tiny cult groups, but they are usually fronts for pedophilia and relegating women to a second-class status. In reality, there is nothing shameful about polygyny, except what has been bulldozed by papal decrees and feminist lies.

    There are two reason women respond negatively about being "cheated on":

    • The man has been cowed into sneaking and lying, which reinforces the idea that it's wrong.
    • Social and peer pressure drive women to believing they've been wronged.

    Just like social and peer pressures made women believe beehive hairdos were attractive, women are very social creatures. They're a prime target for cults, because they easily succumb to being told what to feel and think. Society in general tells them to hate polygamy and they do. Then, they'll try to make "logical" arguments for it, but in reality, they hated it before hearing any reason. Just like Westboro Baptist Church children "hate fags", Western women hate polygyny.

  • james_woods
    Just like social and peer pressures made women believe beehive hairdos were attractive, women are very social creatures. They're a prime target for cults, because they easily succumb to being told what to feel and think. Society in general tells them to hate polygamy and they do. Then, they'll try to make "logical" arguments for it, but in reality, they hated it before hearing any reason. Just like Westboro Baptist Church children "hate fags", Western women hate polygyny.

    Sounds like somebody thinks women are pretty damn stupid!

    You did remind me of a redneck qualification question, though - "Have any of your ex-girlfriends ever gotten their hairdo caught in a ceiling fan?"

  • tec

      Social and peer pressure drive women to believing they've been wronged.
    Um...no, the promise or vow of faithfullness being broken drive women to believing they've been wronged.



  • meangirl

    Oh wow Wontleave your posts are just so sad and amusing.....Love your thoughts on us western women.....glad you have us all figured out. Keep fighting the fine fight. You are just so threatened by women, your poor wife.....

  • flipper

    WONTLEAVE- Your statement, " They're ( women ) a prime target for cults , because they easily succumb to being told what to feel and think. " What women have YOU been hanging around ? I don't know ANY women in my life ( wife, relatives, friends ) who " easily succumb to being told what to feel and think ". To make an all encompassing statement that ALL women do that is pretty naive or chauvanistic or both. Kind of sounds like very WT society patriarchal men's club only type view. Just my 2 cents

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Wontleave....You astound me sometimes with the things you come out with...can I ask? Do you have any daughters? Would you like them to be treated like that?

  • WontLeave

    Oh, here we go again. Denial and name-calling. How can I argue with such logic? Now, generalities must be absolute or they aren't true. Is it alright to say men are physically stronger than women? Or will you compare the extremes to muddy the waters with your senseless rantings?

    You PC freaks make me sick with your eagerness to be offended. Obviously nobody here cares about facts, statistics, or reality. Doesn't anyone understand why there're more women than men in JWs (and most other cults) when there're no incentives (elder, MS, C/O, D/O, GB, etc.) to lure them in and keep them? Women are more likely to be emotionally manipulated.

    I never said women are stupid; I merely said women are social. They're also more emotional. If you're the exception, you should realize that and understand it's not the norm. If you're a man and you don't realize that, you're oblivious.

    You people really need to stop getting your male/female relationship advice from feminist, lesbian, man-hating weirdos. Polygyny is far from "chauvinistic" or "threatened". It's not "male-dominated", as there are a finite amount of women. For every man with 10 wives, 9 men will never have sex outside of brothels and goats.

    You feminazis and cowed, emasculated men who worship them are delusional and willfully and woefully ignorant of how people function. You men can "yes dear" all you want, if it keeps you from sleeping on the couch. It's disgusting you should be ashamed of yourselves. As for the bitter women, I'm sorry whoever it was did whatever he did to you, but it wasn't me and it wasn't "men" in general. The chip on your shoulder is your own to bear, so don't try to put it on me.

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