What exactly are men at the back of the hall taking care of?

by howdidtihappen 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    They're probably just taking care of homework so they won't have to do it at home... field service reports, territory assignments, part assignments, bills, accounts, literature orders, etc.. They usually want to be able to get as much of that BS done during the meetings so they don't have to waste anymore valuable time that they could spend with their families. But somehow, the Watchtower always seems to keep them busy at home also...

  • Violia

    safety and security for the jws attending and the KH itself.

  • nugget

    Serving no purpose except a break from the boredom. Oh and keeping apostates from disrupting proceedings.

  • Cagefighter

    Anything, you do anything to keep from falling asleep. Worked all day, got home just in time to scarf down some food while your wife gets the kids ready. Rush to the Hall, say hello, sing a song. Sit down, monotonous crap you have heard a million times becomes a lullaby at this point in your day. You do ANYTHING to keep from falling asleep.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Makes them feel important.

  • Jim_TX

    Cagefighter has it right. I would always get up and walk to the back to keep from falling asleep. Very boring, and very monotonous.

    I also liked to be the one adjusting the volume on the amplifier in the back. Good excuse to get up and look 'official'.

    I remember at one KH I attended, the overseer there (Yes, old term - I know), was upset that I would always be in the back. I guess he felt it was disruptive to his precious words of wisdom or something. Anyway, he got to where he wouldn't call on me during the Watchtower study for answers.

    It was funny. I would 'study' my watchtower, get there and do my best to get called on. My mother would fuss at me later, telling me that I should answer more. I tried telling her the reason, but she didn't believe me. She thought that I was just sitting out the hour or something.

    I even told a fellow young friend - who also didn't believe it. So, we both decided to raise our hands at the same time - while in the back (behind the counter). Sure enough, he got called on - I didn't. He was still not sure, so we ran other tests. He would move ten feet away from me, etc. He would still get called on - I wouldn't.

    I musta really ticked off the fella in charge.

    But yeah. Standing up in the back - wearing a suit - looking all official... is just so you don't fall asleep in your chair.

    This also works for women who have babies and need to get up and 'bounce' them so they go to sleep, or to quiet them down.


    Jim TX

  • OnTheWayOut

    WT is a good-ole-boys club. Combine that with the mind-control training and you get this flaw in the programming. Men, especially men with titles in the congregation, think that the talks are for the weak-minded sisters and newbies and men without titles. Since it is a good-ole-boys club, the boys will feel free to pretend they are important and do things at the back of the hall during meetings.

    It's way worse during assemblies. The men are attendants and are also put in charge of everything from scrubbing the bathrooms to collecting the money. They would rather be doing anything besides sitting through the endless talks. They do their jobs and then joke and whisper with each other. The funniest ones are the men with the "TAKE YOUR SEATS" signs. They drive the guilt factor of the crowd, causing them to get back to their seats, then they go back to male gossip and whatnot in the corridor.

  • darthfader

    The elders in my hall would stand at the back and anyone who got up stretch his legs or keep from falling asleep was "polietly" told to sit back down. I guess standing during the meeting was only something Elders were to do. So most of the time when I had to get up to keep from falling asleep, I walked outside to my car to pretend to get something out of the trunk and walk back in. This would usually take me 5 minutes - just enough to revive me.

  • NVR2L8

    Attendants usually help people who are late to find their seat in the least disruptive way...but since all the back rows fill up first, the late comers usually end up going to the front row or chairs are added to the back...A long time ago I had to intervene when a man irrupted in the hall to force his wife to leave the meeting. I kept him at the entrance while the other attendant told the sister her opposed husband wanted her to come home right away. The sister decided to stay...so I told the husband that his wife would be out at the end of the meeting. He was very insistant so I escorted him to the sidewalk and told him that we would call the police if he attempted to come back inside the hall. The poor sister had to go back home to a very upset husband and we all knew what happened to her...the next meeting she showed up with a black eye...

  • DesirousOfChange

    Hilarious! No one stays in their seats less than the elders. They wander around, check the board, take a look outside, but the best part is the looks on their faces--serious men doing serious business!

    They're bored as hell too! They're the same ones who take the attendant assignment at conventions and walk the halls with signs that say "Please Take Your Seat". It's part of the reason they don't know their own religion's doctrines. Many of them would never know there was a change about the idol's feet if not told by their wife or someone else because they never heard one damn talk at the convention.


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