What exactly are men at the back of the hall taking care of?

by howdidtihappen 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrMonroe

    I used to go up the back and read the noticeboard, even go out the back to the library and flick through the old volumes. Anything to alleviate the boredom. It was while scanning the schedule of WT readers during a meeting that I realised I had been dropped from the list as a punishment for something I'd done. I went and asked an elder what was going on and he said, "Oh, Brother X was supposed to discuss that with you. Did he not?"

    I wonder now what would have happened if the whole congregation, one by one, had gotten up and wandered around the back of the hall with their hands in their pockets, whispering to each other and passing notes.

  • Jim_TX

    howdidithappen - the fella checking you out... keep in mind that he may be awkward around gals. Lord knows I was. I wouldn't know how to approach a young gal that I liked. He may be having the same problem.

    Of course, he may also be having issues with your not being an 'approved sister' - one that is baptized - or pioneering, etc. (Which means that he can't ask you out - with an approved chaerone, of course.)

    You should probably cut him some slack. Of course... he should be made to realize that he is making you feel uncomfortable. Someone should have a talk with him. If he wants to get to know you - then he should step up and say, 'hi'.

    It's obvious that you already throw him off-balance. He forgets his 'duties' (door opener - haha), etc.

    If you wanted to play with him, you could show him some 'knee'. (No - don't knee him in the groin - just allow your dress to show some leg up to and including your knee.) He would probably fall walking past you, staring at your knees. ;-)

    Since you're studying, you are probably able to get away with wearing dresses that are not 'JW-approved'. This means that you might be able to wear pencil skirts, or skirts with slits up to... well higher than they like, and perhaps show a bit more cleavage than the 'sisters'. Of course, this will mean that you will be talked to about how you should dress - that is appropriate - so as to not cause fellas like this young fella to have... problems.

    I was where he is - long ago. It ain't fun.


    Jim TX (an ol' fart now, but an awkward teen long ago)

  • angel.face

    Its amazing how zoned out the bros at the back are.

    We had a CO visit a few weeks back. The CO was coughing quite a bit and was struggling through his talk. It took 3 brothers to get the retards' attention to get the CO a drink of water. He finally understood just as I was about to get up (a sister) to get the CO water.

  • finallysomepride

    During my last 10 years of attendance I would stand at the back of the hall for much of the meetings, had to do something to stop myself from falling asleep. On a few occasions I even went for walks up the street, one time I was even hungover LOL

    Just noticed this is my 1914 post LOL

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    It took 3 brothers to get the retards' attention to get the CO a drink of water. He finally understood just as I was about to get up (a sister) to get the CO water.

    I remember a very elderly sister had a coughing fit during a meeting once, and no one did anything for her, so I got up and got a glass of water for her. Stuff the brothers who were too lazy to get off their bums.

  • 00DAD

    They're takin' care of bidness!

  • snakeface

    When I was a MS, sometimes I'd be an attendant. It was easier just to stay in the back and stay, to help latecomers find seats or to be ready for whatever was needed. However much of the time I and other MS would just stand around because we'd get tired of sitting. Sometimes during the Thur nite meeting we'd take turns taking naps in the supply closet. Sometimes just as the School was about to start I'd be asked to do a substitute talk. So I'd stand at the literature counter and work on it during the first couple of parts.

    Since we were MS, no one questioned what we did. If a "publisher" were to be standing around during a meeting, you know the attendants would be asking him what's wrong. The publisher would be expected to provide an explaination (back ache, etc).

  • bioflex

    The poor sister had to go back home to a very upset husband and we all knew what happened to her...the next meeting she showed up with a black eye...

    This is the funniest thing i have heard all day, well i would say she should have come out to meet her husband initially, i am sure all the time she sat at the hall shew was thinking about what she would go through at home. i bet she wasnt even paying attention to what was being said.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    There was a period when the WT reader was seated in the main auditorium, not on stage. I was the assigned reader one particular Sunday and had to be called by name several times by the conductor before I awoke and began reading as if nothing had happened.

    CoCo Snoozer

  • dgp

    Interesting. Bookmarked.

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