Good to study JW past .... New "Writing Archives" under direction of the Writing Committee

by wannabefree 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    Teary what the hell are you doing on an apostate site?

  • wannabefree

    @ moggy lover

    Apparently it was released too soon on the website, some were able to download it during the short window it was there. Google did a conversion to HTML before it was pulled. It will probably available for download tomorrow.

  • fresia


    p.s., you DO realize that many Halls have PHYSICAL libraries right? Teary's old Hall had all of the Watchtower bound volumes going back to 1879, in addition to many other 50+ year old books. If the Witnesses were deliberately trying to 'cover up' their history, then why allow the Kingdom Halls to have these big physical libraries?


    must have been awhile since you attended a meeting then, most KH have got ride of all old pulications of Russel and Rutherford, they simply were told to take them out of the libraries, this happened in the early ninties.

    We have always been warned not to read older publications as many things are no longer taught.

    It was when the internet came on the scene that the WT decided on this. I have only seen the older publications at bethel, and one in a coastal KH they had a couple of Ruthefords books.

    The WT will select which books will be on their archives. There is no way they would have anything that was to critical of them. They just don't want the r/f going on the internet ready any old thing.

    Many of the old books have caused b/s to be critical of the WT and some have been stumbled by the obserdity of doctrines, flip flops, and out right prophecies.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    SABASTIOUS - you know, I really wished the whole thing didn't come tumbling down either. I would be half-tempted (well, maybe one-quarter tempted) to stick it out here the rest of my life if they instituted some kind of social programs... a food bank, or whatever. But THEY REALLY COULDN'T GIVE A SHIT. I will NEVER happen.

    As far as PHYSICAL LIBRARIES - this is not what they are worried about. For instance, EVERY SINGLE GODDAMNED AUTHOR in both their recent 607 articles is available in a PHYSICAL LIBRARY SOMEWHERE!

    The thing is, with electronic media, whether online or CD ROM, it is SOOOOOO much easier to search and locate damning information than slogging through volumes of text manually. Its just the nature of our INFORMATION AGE.

    If they really wanted, they could put the whole goddamned Watchtower archives, from Photodrama of Creation to nuts, either on the Internet or a DVD ROM. It is no technological impossibility in these times.

    Information control. That's what they want to, and must, retain.

  • factfinder

    personally I would not want to download onto my computer a file that large- I don't need to see the old literature from Russell and Rutherford's days.

    I would like the books " You May Survive Armageddon Into God's New World" and "Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose" included in the WT library Cd.

    I agree with teary about the amount of time and work it would take to scan every publication.

    I don't think most people realize all of the work the WTS does to publish their literature. Did you know they produce over 500 magazines every month? That is over 100 every week! That is just for the magazines. What about the hundreds and hundreds of tracts, brochures and books and booklets? The WTS does more writing and translation work than any other publisher. I can't imagine all of the work they do! Think of how much organized teamwork it takes to publish each issue of The Watchtower in 188 languages simultaneously. They do an incredible amount of work. And most witnesses have no interest in the very old publications anyway.

    I think it will be interesting to see what the archives articles are like when they come out each month.

  • transhuman68

    The pictures tell the story: WTS will only show knick-knacks and souvenirs from the past- just enough to satisfy the sheep-like ones. No way would they publish anything like the Finished Mystery book or Russell's Watchtower. It will just be a peep-show...

  • cantleave

    Factfinder - they are a PUBLISHING company. It's waht they do. DuPont, make chemicals, Ford build motor vehicles, Exxon drills for and produce oil products, Sony make electronics, The Watchtower Society prints magazines, it isn't a miracle - its's a business.

  • undercover

    Haven't read everyone's comments so I apologize if I'm repeating someone else's thoughts...

    but, I am perplexed...

    This is the organization that said for decades that Armageddon was imminent. Don't go to school, don't pursue careers, don't put faith in worldly possessions, don't buy green bananas...

    Yet, now this deep in the end of this system of things (their phrasing), they're going to set aside a group of people to acquire, analyze, cataloge, restore, preserve and store past WT heirlooms?

    Shouldn't that time and effort be better spent preaching the good news in order to help more people learn about the truths of God's Kingdom that are evident now and not what happened 60+ years ago?

    Is it me, or has this cult just completely lost their focus and are grasping at straws to try to keep what dupes they have left distracted by whatever means possible from the fact that "the End" was a bust?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I'm sure they will only reference curious things. Things not important or insightful. It will be a true scrub job. We'll see.

  • factfinder

    cantleave- Of course what the wts does is not a miracle! I am just mentioning that the AMOUNT OF WORK they do at Bethel to get all of these publications written and translated all at the same time is beyond what we can imagine. I do not see how they could take the time to scan every single peice of literature they have ever published for over 130 years . And why should they- who would download such a file into their computer anyway?

    There is no other publishing company on earth that does the amount of writing and translating the wts does. For example:

    The largest printing company in the world is RR Donnelley & Sons. They print billions upon billions of publications for over 1,000 different publishing companies each year. They print in 80 something languages-and brag about it!

    Reader's Digest is published in 21 languages.

    The Watchtower is published SIMULTANEOUSLY in 188 languages. The wts prints in over 500 languages.

    This is not a miracle-no! But it is very time consuming!

    They are not going to try to take time away from this work in order to produce a cd of every publication they ever made and which 99% of the witnesses would not use.

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