Good to study JW past .... New "Writing Archives" under direction of the Writing Committee

by wannabefree 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I have saved them some trouble. All they need do is reproduce what I make available to them at:

    I hereby provide them with the rights to reproduce that material, provided they do not amend anything on it.

    I hope they remember to mention the real past, including 1874, 1878, 1925 and 1975.

    I am sure others can provide them with their own suggestions.


  • Stealth

    Information control, a cult clasic.

  • sabastious

    Oy, the organization is quickly degrading into the Governing Body's fanclub.


  • wannabefree
    "To know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from."

    Why? New Light/Progressive Truth, changes the "where we have come from" part regularly, this apparently has no relation to the "where we are going" part.

  • Alfred

    interesting how they use the word "heritage" instead of "tradition"... but they're basically becoming what jesus described in mark 7:7,8... this is nothing more than a lousy attempt to appear "transparent" about their past as they "cherry pick" what the clueless rank and file would consider "old light"... they have entered phase 3 of their attach on apostates with this latest damage control project...

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "That's interesting. Wonder why they just don't make all of their publication's and literature available on the WT cd? That would be a way for JW's to learn about their past history."

    Probably more of a practicality issue than anything. The current WT Library is already about 500 MB in size. Do you realize how absolutely massive the Library would get if they included ALL of their publications going back to the beginning? Not to mention the enormous ammounts of time and labor that would have to be put into digitizing thousands of extra publications, on top of digitizing all of the current stuff as it comes along! It would take years.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Others have beat them to it. Here is an exhaustive list, after this short little intro:

    The difficulty in cataloging, and understanding, the Jehovahs Witnesses beliefs lies in the constantly changing nature of their core doctrine over the past 140 years. A careful study of their beliefs reveals a religion in perpetual metamorphosis justified by the Society's New Light Doctrine. The fallacy with this reasoning goes to the very nature of the definition of truth, for that which is false cannot be true, and the Jehovahs Witnesses beliefs are premised on the notion that they alone possess, and have possessed, the truth.

    Nonetheless, the following websites detail, and expose, many of the Jehovahs Witnesses beliefs; some commentary is mere summary, others go into great detail, some are accurate, others not. Students new to the religion are often not told about controversial beliefs, but are presented with non-controversial, benign doctrine. What is often left out of the discussion at the preliminary stages are such deeply held beliefs as a) pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, the Word, was a created angel, b) Jesus while on earth was nothing more than a man, c) only 144,000 anointed Jehovahs Witnesses go to heaven, d) the 144,000 will rule over mankind on a paradise earth, e) the Bible, particularly the New Testament Greek Scriptures, was written primarily for the 144,000 anointed, f) the New Covenant is temporary, and only between Jesus and the 144,000, g) all non-Jehovahs Witnesses regardless of their beliefs will be killed at Armageddon, h) there is no soul that survives after death (annihilism), i) there is no hell, j) all Christian faiths such as the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominations are the work of Satan, and much, much more. Individuals contemplating this religion as their path to salvation are strongly encouraged to conduct some research into the Jehovahs Witnesses beliefs. To that end, the websites listed below should help further your understanding of this controversial religion.

    See also: Jehovahs Witnesses Beliefs - Part II and Beliefs and General Criticism .

    Roots in the Occult, Freemasonry and Pyramidology

    Failed Dates and False Prophecy

    And if that isn't enough, has a great history section, much recommended.

  • steve2

    Sadly, Judge Rutherford's more madly incendiary rantings won't make it to the archives.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Nothing like looking like you want the flock to understand the past.

    How many will be fooled?

    I recently explained to my teen daughter why the WT lib does not contain all the literature. I told her the old stuff contained some real crazy shit! just ask me i said...


  • nugget

    Teary I am sure that modern computers can cope with the complete watchtower library after all other providers of information manage. It is also possible to set up a library facility on line that people can search. I find their selective presentation of history as worrying. This is not a celebration of heritage but damage control. It is a way of smoke and mirrors appearing to be open whilst at the same time burying the evidence. If they were interested in the truth they would not rewrite old articles in bound volumes, they would not misquote respected scholars and they would be honest about all aspects of their history. This organization disgusts me like no other I am ashamed of it and Saddened by it.

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