Good to study JW past .... New "Writing Archives" under direction of the Writing Committee

by wannabefree 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    LOL @edmond dantes comment about heritage and generation

  • sabastious
    I personally can't wait for this "feature". Having already done extensive research into JW's history, it may prove to be a useful tool in showing others the phony version of history as they presented.

    Usually in such a case Witnesses will steer the debate towards a "your word vs theirs" type of argument of which is a stalemate. If the Watchtower does indeed create a comprehensive revisionist historical archive it will mislead most of the flock.


  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    Because they know that no one reads them, in all the congregations I attended they were there mostly for decoration purposes, everybody knew they were old, outdated stuff and funny how no one really is into them ...

    So if nobody actually reads the books, even though they are readily accessible in many Kingdom Halls, then why are several here wanting the Society to fill the current WT Library with a bunch of century old literature that people aren't even interested in?

    And in light of that, doesn't the current arrangement make perfect sense? Just let the WT Library have the practical stuff that people will actually use, and if the JWs want more than that because of a need to satisfy historical curiousity, then they can just go use the physical Hall libraries (Teary used to stay after meetings on Sundays and read the physical books).

    Again, there isn't really any information access problem, and there is no historical cover-up, because any Witness that wants old publications can just go to the physical libraries if they really want to. This is more of a complaint coming from ex-Witnesses than it is a complaint coming from current Witnesses.

  • Quendi

    This is an exciting development me for me, my friends? Why do I say that? Because it shows that websites like this one, jwfacts, and others are having an effect, a tremendous effect, on the highest levels of the WTS! They finally have recognized that the Internet has exposed them for what this hypocritical organization really is. More and more Witnesses are going online to get their questions answered, to meet others who have similar doubts and concerns, and to recover the free will and power of reason they surrendered to the organization. The Internet has been proactive, making the WTS reactive in turn. That tells me that we "apostates", questioners, and other dissidents are now in control of the debate. We have created the agenda and the WTS knows it.

    These developments are occurring at warp speed. Do they signify that "the end is near" for the WTS? Maybe not, but I can certainly hope they do. I want to thank Doug Mason and others who have set up alternate places for researchers to go to get their questions answered and I will certainly make note of them so I can tell any and all who ask. I know they will appreciate that.

    My friends, the WTS is now under siege. No, its walls have not been breached, and the gates are still closed against us. But I believe it is clear that events have been set in motion that are causing much internal disquiet among the ruling coterie of the WTS. They are looking out of their ivory tower windows over their beloved WTS city and see themselves surrounded so they are finally taking countermeasures. I can only hope and pray that their actions are, as they oftentimes say in American football, "Too little, too late."


  • sabastious

    I personally would be satisfied more with a transformation of the Watchtower to something worthwhile rather than to have them crumble into waste.


  • sir82

    Quendi's point is well taken.

    There is a lot of information being written about subjects that happy, loyal, obedient JWs just aren't asking about and simply don't care about.

    10+ pages on "Was Jerusalem destroyed in 607 BCE" across the October & November WTs? Happy, loyal, and obedient JWs aren't asking about that - they just accept it and move on.

    Numerous pages in the "Bearing Thorough Witness" book attempting to "prove" (rather lamely I might add) that 1st century Christians, even Jesus Christ himself, went "door to door"? Happy, loyal, and obedient JWs don't need such justification - the GB just says do it, and they do it.

    A QFR in a recent Watchtower emphasizing that the Governing Body doesn't know who the "real" anointed are, and doesn't care anyway? Happy, loyal, and obedient JWs weren't asking about that topic.

    If they're not writing this stuff for happy, loyal, and obedient JWs, then who exactly is their audience? Who are they trying to convince?

    It's pretty apparent they are directing their words at criticisms levelled at them from "mentally diseased" websites such as this one.

    Perhpas it's finally setting into their thick collective skull that there are large numbers of JWs who are not happy, loyal, and obedient, and are looking for answers wherever they can be found.

  • Quendi

    I can understand your wish, sabastious, concerning the WTS, but I think that's all it is--a wish. This organization cannot and will not be "transformed into something worthwhile". I don't doubt that was the wish of many reformers who wanted the Roman Catholic Church to undergo a similar transformation. What they got were cosmetic changes, but the core issues they raised went unaddressed. It is likewise with the WTS, I fear. There is no way it will undertake the necessary reforms because doing so would amount to ending the religion itself. It's not just the corrupt leadership that must be removed but the corrupt and wrong-headed teachings it has maintained as well. Its cornerstone teaching, that the "last days" began in 1914, has no scriptural support. Take that away and the entire structure would collapse. That being the case, why would anyone want to "reform" it?


  • MrMonroe

    Did someone say "pyramid"?

    The Watchtower Heritage Series could include a quote from The Way To Paradise (1924):

    "In it (the Great Pyramid) have been discovered some of the deepest secrets of geometrical, geographical, astronomical, and mathematical science. The pyramid also outlines in its own peculiar way the same plan of God that we find in the Bible, and it dated beforehand some of the most notable events that have occurred in the history of mankind. It gives the date of the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, and the date of birth and death of Jesus. It gives the date of the French revolution as 1789, and the great World War as 1914, besides many more. It was built over five hundred years before Moses wrote any part of the Bible. It is so far in advance of the wisdom of that day that no man could have been the architect. Its harmony with the Bible teachings prove that God designed it."

  • nugget

    Teary I attend university and they hold on line libraries of scholarly works thousands of them. It is really not beyond the watchtowers capability to do this. To suggest that they can't is foolish. They have already downloaded many books onto the CD the rest is not a great streatch. What is an issue is remembering the stuff they have changed.

    Have you checked any of the appendices and bibliographies back to the original sources? Your comment shows you have not whereas I have. If you are too busy to do this then make time it is worthwhile. You spout the truth as the watchtower tells you and therefore your comment lacks validity.

    It was finding out the lazy research and deliberate misquotes that made me question my faith if they weren't so blatent I may still have confidence in them.

    A lie is a lie even if the person who tells it says they are the truth.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover


    Something wrong with me downloads, methinks. I can't get this issue.

    The site does not have the Jan 15 2012 Watchtower. The latest they have is Dec 15, 2011.

    Where did you guys access it from?

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