Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    if you don't trust that Jesus Christ pays the penalty for you

    I do trust that He does and did.

    You, yourself, believe and have stated that there will be mercy for those people who haven't had a chance to accept and/or know Him. We just differ in opinion on who we think those people might be.

    And again, you do not answer my questions, or respond to just about anything I said to you.



  • AGuest

    Sigh. Once again, some cannot help themselves... and rather than keeping the topic of a thread about the "issue" of universal sovereignty, the reality of that sovereignty, God, Christ, or whatever else is related to that topic... ON that topic... must make it about "AGuest". Talk about calling attention to someone... yet, accusing ME of pointing the finger at myself. You could have discussed ANY thing else... even something off-topic... but, no, you MUST discuss me. Have you (and some others) EVER considered just why that IS? Why is "AGuest" always on your brains??????? Goodness, I believe I'm having a Charles Barkley moment: "if you wake up in the morning and you're worried about what AGuest has posted/is saying/thinking/doing, you're a damn idiot." Or... you're intrigued. By the TRUTH of what was posted/stated. And because of this, simply cannot help yourselves. Thus, the "problem" is with YOU... not ME.

    Now, THAT should be 'nuff said; however...

    This isn't my thread or your thread, Michelle... and both of us should remember that. You want to talk about me? Start another thread, please. I would welcome it so that "we" can discuss hypocrisy - yours in particular. Specifically, what you state here "about" me... and what you just posted to me in a PM. Which doesn't jive, at all. Never does. Because while out of one side of your mouth (the PM) you are "blessing" me, out of the other (here), you are "cursing" me. Sorry, but I don't care to "associate" with one full of such deceit... and contradiction... who blasphemes in her own self-righteousness. Can't do it.

    So, girl, for the last time: LEAVE ME BE. I REJECT you... YOUR "lord"... and your wicked form of "salvation" (the old/written law vs. the law of love). I do NOT receive you... nor whoever it is that YOU claim to follow. Get that through your head. There is NOTHING you can EVER say to me that will change my mind... OR my heart... except, perhaps, for you to repent YOURSELF... turn around... and BLESS him that came...and will come again... in the nam of JAH. Failingthat... you and I really need to stay in our respective corners.

    To that end, consider ALL discussions between us done. Fini. Over. Through. As of right now. I will no longer acknowledge you, other than to expose the difference between your "cursing" of me, here... and your deceitful, hypocritical, forked-tongued comments of "love" made off the board. You show me, repeatedly... who you are "from": YOUR father, the Devil. Belial. But there is no sharing between Christ... and Belial... between the Light... and the Darkness... and therefore, can and will be NONE... between us.

    So, again, be gone from me. YOU may think you're "tormenting" ME... but you're not. You're only making yourself look silly... and even more delusional than some believe me to be.

    We're done, Michelle. If you PM me again... EVER... I will petition the moderators to have you stopped. I don't care if you remain on the board, but you will NOT continue PM'ing me... with your false "love". So... cut... it... out.

    Hear... and get the sense of ALL of that, girl. If you possibly can (which I highly doubt).

    A slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento
    okay, suppose the voice give the person a message which you judge to be in overall agreement with your ideas about what the bible says, and that the person should treat other people well and so on.

    I would say that I was in agreement with "that voice" but that would stil notmean it was a a voice from God.

    Many times our inner voice leads us to doing what is right because we know it to be right.

    Christ speaking to us is only PART of that ( a huge part indeed, but only a part).

    I freely admit that I would be more inclined to believe someone heard a voice from God IF that voice leads that person to be a better and more loving person because that is how I view God and Christ - the sources of Love and compassion.

    I freely admit that it is a preconceive notion that I have that would come into play when I hear that someone heard a voice from God.

  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    on your other thread about faith and the bible you said lots of things, but you didn't agree with the teaching found in john 8:24 and you made the decision that you didn't need to teach it yourself. this teaching is grounded in the Truth(mark 1:14-15)...are you saying that the Holy Spirit hasn't convicted you of this truth? also who is your Lord and Saviour...why couldn't/didn't He tell you His name?

    How beautiful upon the mountains
    Are the feet of him who brings good news,
    Who proclaims peace,
    Who brings glad tidings of good things,
    Who proclaims salvation,
    Who says to Zion,

    “ Your God reigns!” isaiah 52:7

    to be convicted of this truth and then deny it applies to others as well is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit...that is why I said your answer was very important(yes, the bible declares that God is going to merciful to those who haven't heard the gospel{they are a law unto themselves}...but still thinking has heard the gospel and made the decision to is possible to come to a decision a day too late)

    personal salvation changes things...all those things about you that we think are righteous are but filthy rags if they don't procede from the indwelling Truth AS fruit of the Spirit.

    I'm not surprised that AGuest has remained quiet in helping you understand your this a continuation of her plan to see as many people (as she can convince) take the bread and wine in an unworthy manner? Like earlier this year just before the memorial she encouraged people to go to the halls and take and eat and drink...without even confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. She encouraged people to get in on the ritual without the commitment. This is only a different twist on the blasphemous heresy the WTBTS teaches.

    dear did I bless you in the pm I sent?...I suggested you turn from the demon that is leading you (I thought you were strong enough to do that)...all the drama...all the time

    love michelle

  • tec

    No. I am done. You've made terrible, and false, accusations against me and yet you continue to proceed without answering any questions I ask you. I've said just about everything I can think to say to you. If you want to continue (or rather, start) to discuss anything with me, then you can answer some of those questions and address the answers that I gave to you.



  • still thinking
    still thinking
    but still thinking has heard the gospel and made the decision to is possible to come to a decision a day too late)

    I find you to be a sad....sad...person sit in judgement and truth be known you do NOT know what you are talking about. Did Jesus tell you I had rejected him? Or are you telling him that on my behalf?

    dear did I bless you in the pm I sent?...I suggested you turn from the demon that is leading you

    I really am struggling to understand how you claim to KNOW everything about everything based on that book that you misquote all the time.

    I am going to quote my friend Gandhi again when he says....."I like your Christ....but I do not like your Christians"....this applies to YOU give Christians a bad reputation...with your false display of 'love'. Your double speak, I love you...while I'm stabbing you in the back and condeming you...go READ your bible myelaine...find out what love is.

    dear Tammy...
    on your other thread about faith and the bible you said lots of things, but you didn't agree with the teaching found in john 8:24 and you made the decision that you didn't need to teach it yourself

    And YOU have made the decision that YOU need to teach her....which I also find ironic...because YOU could probably learn a lot from the way she treats people and what a christian REALLY is.

    Sorry for being completely off topic. But this is really pathetic.

  • gubberningbody

    I still think it's rather Anton-Babinski-esque that so many here can't answer how it is that the US-TOE (Universal-Sovereignty-Theory-Of-Evil) is an adequate argument for Jehovah allowing child rape to happen.

  • AGuest
    I'm not surprised that AGuest has remained quiet in helping you understand your this a continuation of her plan to see as many people (as she can convince) take the bread and wine in an unworthy manner?

    (Smile)... Ain't gonna work, Michelle. First, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!) made/stated no error. So, nothing to help her "understand" (and if there WERE, I trust that MY Lord, the Holy Spirit... would "help" her do so... and not use me!). Second, MY Lord is recorded to have said:

    “I am the bread of life. Y OUR forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness and yet died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.”

    Given that he is also recorded to have said, "Go, make disciples... teaching THEM to observe all of the things I commanded YOU..." I have absolutely NO problem inviting ANYONE to partake of the manna. Because this IS the "good news" of the kingdom: that ANYONE may eat of it.

    In YOUR wickedness... and utter evilness... however, YOU wish to place further burdens on people. YOU wish to bind them... AGAIN... back under the Law, which Law MY Lord fulfilled... so that it was impaled WITH him... opening the Way to those who wish to be covenanted to God pursuant to a NEW Law.

    Like earlier this year just before the memorial she encouraged people to go to the halls and take and eat and drink...without even confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

    My goodness, the deceit in your, girl! There was no need for them so confess... because any who would DO so, already so confess! It is the WTBTS (and you!) who teaches that my Lord is not THEIR mediator... and so they SHOULDN'T eat and drink! IF, however, such ones believe he IS... or wish him to BE... then they should "ratify" the Covenant that he is mediating FOR them. Of course, though, you don't see this: you are too busy "giving the tenth of the mint and cumin" - you know, gulping down camels while straining out gnats.

    She encouraged people to get in on the ritual without the commitment.

    Oh, Lordy, girl... I did nothing of the sort! I encouraged them to EXERCISE their FAITH... by SHOWING their commitment... BY eating and drinking. You are such a lousy liar, Michelle. Good grief...

    This is only a different twist on the blasphemous heresy the WTBTS teaches.

    The only one blaspheming here... is you. And you are only using that term with ME... because I have already exposed YOU. You are a serious piece of work... so concerned with your OWN righteousness. Hypocrite doesn't even begin to describe...

    dear did I bless you in the pm I sent?...I suggested you turn from the demon that is leading you (I thought you were strong enough to do that)...

    Well, let's see (although you COULD have taken this to its own thread, but since you didn't). Here are YOUR words... and I quote:

    "dear aguest... I would like to continue to plead with you to reconsider your love and devotion to your lord...if there are other folks who are suggesting you are dangerous and I believe that your lord is a danger to you...why wont you think about this?...don't you think that we love you too?...I know that some people on here have picked on you before (maybe they just don't know how to react towards someone like you) on threads, but I haven't done that...please listen to us. I think that you are strong enough to turn away from the one who "leads" you and he will flee from you...I love you. michelle xoxo"

    So much "love"... and "pleading", etc. Seriously. You are so full of deceit, Michelle, I am becoming more and more blown away by it. Just didn't know one could play this game so blatantly. I don't care who thinks I'm "dangerous"; certainly not you. Some... MANY... though my Lord was "dangerous", too. So what? Yet, just like his opposers way back then, no one, including your own deceitful hiney, can articulate that "danger". Why? Because it is for themselves/yourself that they were/are afraid. Of what? Of being exposed for the lying, deceitful, hypocrites that they were... and you have shown yourself to be. The TRUTH that I share isn't as anything else they or you have ever heard... if you REALLY read your Bible... as you want everyone to believe you do. Because much of it IS written in the Bible.

    Problem is... no one has ever said these things to YOU... none of the leaders/men YOU follow... and so you can't handle it. In fact, YOUR fear is stated in another thread, where you expressed your concern that it's different than others have believed "for 2,000 years."

    But that isn't true: it is only those who have been misled... and those who MISLEAD them... who buy the wormwoody poison that you... and those who believe/teach as YOU do sell. I mean, goodness... so WHAT many have believed something for 2,000 years? How long did Israel believe what THEY did... before Christ came to set them straight regarding the errors? And even THEN... many didn't believe... and they had him right there before their eyes... in the FLESH. So, YOU are the one who needs to rethink what you believe... and why (because a whole lot of other people have believed it and for a very long time... versus the Holy Spirit TOLD you... by means OF holy spirit!).

    all the drama...all the time

    Indeed. And I will be SO glad when you CUT... IT... OUT.

    love michelle

    Please: you don't even know what the word means, let alone how to show it. Go find someone who's willing to listen to and agree with your LIES... because that's what YOU need: someone to listen to YOU. You simply cannot handle it that some... perhaps even many... here... don't... and wont. I certainly don't... won't... and never will. So your continued BADGERING is not only unchristlike... but even more proof to ME... that you don't know what the heck you're talking about. Ever.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    so many here can't answer how it is that the US-TOE (Universal-Sovereignty-Theory-Of-Evil) is an adequate argument for Jehovah allowing child rape to happen.

    That's because you're on the wrong forum for that, dear Gubber (again, peace to you!). Since it's a WTBTS teaching/belief... you should most probably ask them (you know, someone who believes it to be an adequate argument)... rather than taking issue with folks who believe it to be total melarkey... but responded out of kindness (and a desire to not just let your thread die the very quick death it might have otherwise).

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • gubberningbody

    So, AGuest.

    Just a test here.

    Can you answer a simple question with a single word?

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