Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • myelaine

    "Um... just that I know she doesn't think she's infallible, and to ensure that she knows also that I was also being lighthearted... not mean spirited."

    ...yeah...your explaination doesn't make any sense considering you weren't talking to AGuest...

    you're tangling yourself in her deceptive web...

    love michelle

  • tec

    ...yeah...your explaination doesn't make any sense considering you weren't talking to AGuest...

    But I did know she would read it.

    you're tangling yourself in her deceptive web...

    What did you mean by this?



  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    I mean that I think you will now lie without compunction...

    love michelle

  • tec

    Becasue you don't believe my answer to the winkie smilie?

  • palmtree67

    Alright, I am officially deeply offended by your harrassment of Tammy, myelaine.

    I have met her in person and have contact with her off this board and the LAST, and I mean LAST thing she is is a LIAR!

    "Web of deception"? Sheesh.

    How dare you, you need to seriously re-evaluate yourself.

    You are a disgrace to the Jesus you claim to preach.

    You should be ashamed, but somehow I doubt you are.

    Sorry, Tammy.

  • tec

    No worries, Palm (and thank you for your support, and defense of my character!).

    But when someone's opinion of me is wrong, then it can't really mean anything to me. Michelle doesn't know me, so what she (mis)thinks of me can't hurt me.



  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    on this thread (alone) you have have tried to deflect criticisim on to others while you give the go-ahead to AGuest's abuse towards others while she is speaking in the name of her lord.

    You have become foolish in panting after her...and you seem to have no problem being deceptive yourself if it means not offending AGuest.

    The Jesus portrayed in the bible (and the Jesus I have come to know) is more merciful, loving and humble than her lord has her go about engageing in her ministry. the Holy Spirit helps Jesus' servants to be conformed to His image.(fruit of the Spirit)

    you continually avoid giving straight answers to simple questions.

    let me ask you...does Jesus bring (and the bible teach) the "gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ" or "the gospel of love in Jesus Christ"?...are you willing to deny Jesus Christ supreme authority over your life because you think that your own concept of love is the way to gauge His concept of love?

    do you know that by teaching the love of Jesus Christ and completely forgoing the need of repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ you will be held accountable for their being deceived?...that's something to think about.

    love michelle

    p.s. you are caught in her web, you are hapless, but telling others that it ain't such a bad place to be.

  • talesin

    Re: Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

    In answer to the question (haven't read the flame war thread),

    Of course. Everyone knows the world is controlled by the Illuminati, so our true "Universal Sovereigns" are pure evil.


  • tec

    on this thread (alone) you have have tried to deflect criticisim on to others while you give the go-ahead to AGuest's abuse towards others while she is speaking in the name of her lord.

    Not once have I done this. I have spoken against judgmentalism and 'ad hominem'. But if anyone thinks that I was deflecting criticism onto them, then by all means, let me know and we can talk it out.

    You have become foolish in panting after her...and you seem to have no problem being deceptive yourself if it means not offending AGuest.

    A very silly, and completely untrue statement.

    It does seem however that you might apply your accusation to yourself.

    The Jesus portrayed in the bible (and the Jesus I have come to know) is more merciful, loving and humble than her lord has her engage in her ministry. Holy Spirit helps His servants to be conformed to His image.(fruit of the Spirit)

    Again, apply this to yourself.

    you continually avoid giving straight answers to simple questions.

    Just because I didn't give the canned answer you wanted, doesn't mean I don't give straight answers.

    And AGAIN, apply this to yourself. I have asked you MANY questions to which you have either ignored, or changed topic. One on this thread even:

    You think I am a liar... Becasue you don't believe my answer to the winkie smilie?

    What did you think the winkie meant?

    let me ask you...does Jesus bring (and the bible teach) the "gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ" or "the gospel of love in Jesus Christ"?...are you willing to deny Jesus Christ supreme authority over your life because you think that your own concept of love is the way to gauge His concept of love?

    Both... and no. (straightforward enough for you?)

    do you know that by teaching the love of Jesus Christ and completely forgoing the need of salvation in Jesus Christ you will be held accountable for their being deceived?...that's something to think about.

    Do you know that by teaching the salvation in Jesus Christ and comlpletely forgoing the love of Jesus Christ you will be held accountable for their being deceived?... that's something to think about.

    You might want to consider what the bible you claim to follow says about falsely accusing your 'brother'.

    You have accused me in just this past week of 'being led by a demon', 'following the spirit of the anti-christ', 'being a liar and a deceiver', and you have judged me as being all of these things to the point that you would imply that my 'bridge is out'.

    You have no right, nor ability, to make these judgments. You are wrong.

    I don't judge you or even hold it against you though.

    Peace still,


  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    you said: "Just because I didn't give the canned answer you wanted, doesn't mean I don't give straight answers."... why do you call the truth that christians have been convicted of for two thousand years a "canned answer"?

    if you are a sinner you will die in your sins if you don't trust that Jesus Christ pays the penalty for have said that the one who you listen to is loving and merciful and you seemed to have implied it your other thread that you (or anyone else )don't have to believe this simple truth stated by Jesus in john 8:24.

    love michelle

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