{Sigh}, I could use a hug...

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity


  • NewChapter

    Ah Billy. I understand too. I'm taking 2 anthropology classes, and my first exams are next week. They have been incredibly rough because of all the years denying evolution--so on top of trying to learn science, I have to talk back to the old mind tapes. We just have heavier burdens than younger classmates who take to this stuff instinctually. Keep up the good fight--it's worth it and it will get better. Conincidentally, I too have just started reading Combatting Cult Mind Control---we still have a lot of work to do.


  • ziddina

    Hugs, Billy!!


    Hang in there - what others have said about not hammering yourself with all the difficult classes the first year... You've been thru a lot of life-changes in the past year; give yourself some space to get your head into gear.

    Is there anything else that you can cut out of your life? A hobby that you can put on the shelf for a while? Visiting this site? I know it's addictive, but sometimes ya gotta step away from the keyboard, man... [I'd miss you, but I would also be damned proud of you when you came back in a few years with a brand spankin' new diploma!!]

    About your family - if you put your head into your studies and minimize all distractions, you might find that the distractions will go elsewhere, looking for someone more responsive and easily distracted...

    Just don't send those distractions over to me! I've got enough of them to deal with, as it is!

    [A very proud of Billy] Zid the She-Devil

  • Qcmbr

    Gruff voice - manly back pat - 'hang in there mate'

  • DarioKehl

    (((Billy))) ...no homo

    Anyway, dude, relaaaaaax. It's Friday. Snap open a can of 7Up and pour it over some tanqueray on the rocks and loosen that tie and collar. Onesurprising thing you'll learn in college is how bell curves work! You said things didn't go well on your 1st exams this week? lol! That's what 90% of your fellow students are thinking right now. Trust me, I'm sure you did fine compared to many others. You were distracted for legitimate reasons (stress, anxiety, and lotsa apostacy-related animosity). Most of the other guys have been tokin' it up every afternoon and drinking themselves stupid since Labor Day weekend. They're are the reason bell curves are employed in the first place. Enjoy them while they're around because they help your final grades tremendously. Tests were SO bad in some of my classes (especially physics and O-chem) that low 70s would be A's after the curve! lol! Seriously, man, you're going to be totally relieved next week and ready to get back into attack mode. It's still not even midterm yet, you got this

  • Heaven

    Squishy Hug

    B the X... so sorry to read you are having a tough week. Just wanted to say (and remind you) that you are a smart, funny, witty person and there are many, many things you can do with your life. I personally feel you could easily write a book. Royalties are a very nice thing.

    Teaching is something I think you could do as well but the real question is what do you want to do? If Chemical Engineering is your thing, stick with it. Is there someone who can mentor/tutor you? Sometimes all we need is some help; a different way of looking at things.

  • discreetslave


    Hang in there. The roller coaster ride after leaving can be a bitch. As for school give it time you're just getting your feet wet. We're here for you

  • sizemik

    Kia Kaha = be strong. Hang tough there Billy boy.

    Rain today = Roses tomorrow.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Billy, what about forgetting the WTS for good and concentrating instead on maths and science, which are more productive.

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    I am sorry you are having a hard time but I agree with the others starting school is hard, and with the WT junk that has been going on it is just adding to your stress.

    Hope next week is better, hang in there and you always have this place to fall back on, as we will be here for you.


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