When should you Disassociate yourself?

by happytobefree 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • ZazuWitts

    When they were disfellowshiping in great numbers during the late '70s and into the '80s and announcing from the platforms "apostates" "unbelievers of Jehovah" "unchristian conduct"- people started threatening to sue, many did, they had to back off to some extent. Don't know why this wouldn't be somewhat effective if they take to announcing, without your confirmation,
    "disassociated" - "I'll let you know when and if I decide I'm truly disassociated, "I'm thinking things over," "I'm just inactive right now."
    At least it might buy Simon a little time until he relocates to Canada.
    They will probably write to Society, at least giving you more time, with all the dialogue back and forth between congregation and HQ and legal department mulling it over. Go for it!

  • Simon

    Yes, TW...I would have used my tape recorder a lot more with hindsight.
    I do have some great moments though - like seeing the look on an elders face when he saw the elders manual on my pocketPC and the vein on his head started to throb
    If I've learned anything, it's that even the seemingly 'nice and genuine' elders are just 'bastards' who will stab you in the back and lie about what you say. Seems they lack either the guts or the intelligence to stand up for what is right and for truth.
    But, like Mr president said in Independence Day:
    "We will not go quietly into the night..."

  • minimus


  • Stirred

    Grateful for this post.

  • bsmart

    Time for another bump to the top.

  • BluesBrother

    I can never see the benefits of d/a' ing oneself.

    Why play by their rules,? if they want me out they will have work for it ...and appeals...

    Why stop any family and old friends from talking to you?

    It is announced as if you had been disfellowshipped . They naturally assume the Worst about you.

    It is up to you but I prefer to lie low and let sleeping dogs lie

  • minimus

    Why give the Organization the power ? If you don’t want want to be a JW simply stay away from the cult. Let them get you . Who knows maybe you could threaten THEM with legal action.

  • Tameria2001

    Why give the Organization the power? I don't look at it in that way. 18 years ago my husband and I both disassociated by sending in our letters. There has not been one single day that either of us has once regretted this decision. Our reason for doing it was this. We know that the Watchtower keeps our files and everything in it, including those letters. We wanted those letters in our files so if the government ever does turn their attention to the Watchtower and the government did get their hands on the Watchtower's files on their members, I wanted it to be known that we are no part of that group, when we left it and why we left it.

    When we left the Watchtower we didn't know about the Watchtower's involvement with the UN's NGO relationship, and especially the child abuse scandal that fully being exposed today. If I hadn't left it before the child abuse knowledge, I sure would have after learning that. I too was a victim of child abuse, but I never went to the elders about it. Knowing now what I know, I'm very glad I didn't because if I had, my abuser would have killed me.

    With all the things that I am learning about my former religion, my decision is this. Once a person learns of the corrupt and evil things another is doing, and they don't do anything about it, by just remaining in it and being quiet about it, they are just as guilty as the one who is doing it.

  •  The Bethelite
    The Bethelite

    I respect all the ways there are to leave the Organization (except suicide) whether it is DA DF or Fade....everyone has different circumstances and should be respected for their choices.

    I however chose DA.

    Why? Because I felt I had publicly gone into their organization (by way of baptism) I publicly wanted to announce to the world I was leaving it.

    Many years before I left the tooth, Bob Brock DA himself. It had a real effect on me. Here was a person who did nothing wrong or sinful who said. "This is not for me guys so good bye" He wasn't expelled he just walked away.

    It was one of the many seeds dropped in my head that this church wasn't for everyone.

  • dubstepped

    Disassociation is the best! My wife and I did it together. The need to constantly bash disassociating is more about the insecurity of those unable to do so than those that actually did it.

    Seeing Minimus trolling disassociating is especially ridiculous seeing as how he likes to troll the forum as a whole with posts about how you should take a stand and leave otherwise you tacitly support the JWs. Figure out your stance man. Disassociating is the ultimate in taking a stand against them and not supporting them. You should be in favor. But people just repeat the same tired arguments.

    Do what you want and stop throwing shade at others that do the same. Everyone else thinks they get to speak for disassociating when they can't even do it. If you don't want to, then fade away, do your thing and be secure in it enough that you don't have to start taking shots at others to do it. You don't see the disassociated running down those that are disfellowshipped or fade.

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