The New World Translation Quote from an Elder

by howdidtihappen 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Give me the bad news. I don't HAVE friends if i stop studying, right?

    Yup... you got it in a nutshell. You will just become another worldly person to be avoided even more than the rest because you will have returned to your own vomit.

    lovely people those JWs...


  • Sulla

    A fellow named Jason BeDuhn wrote a small book outside his expertise a few years ago that claimed the NWT was the most unbiased translation out there. The Dubs really get geeked up over that, but his opinion is shared by nobody else with any qualification. To be honest, it isn't clear he is really qualified to hold that opinion; and suggesting that the 300 cases where the JWs insert "Jehovah" into the NT is not a profound bias is inexplicable.

  • cantleave

    Here, indeed is the Rolls Royce it is based on....

  • Atlantis

    Rolls Royce?

    So, which Rolls gives the better ride? The NWT with [ brackets ] at Colossians 1: 16-20? Or the NWT [ without brackets ] at Colossians 1: 16-20? (See NWT 1984, printed in 1989, with the word [ other ] in brackets at Colossians 1: 16-20) (See NWT 1984 printed in 2006 with the word "other" without brackets at Colossians 1: 16-20. This Bible can be downloaded at the Watchtower website here: N.
  • Wonderment

    sulla said: "A fellow named Jason BeDuhn wrote a small book outside his expertise a few years ago that claimed the NWT was the most unbiased translation out there. The Dubs really get geeked up over that, but his opinion is shared by nobody else with any qualification. To be honest, it isn't clear he is really qualified to hold that opinion; and suggesting that the 300 cases where the JWs insert "Jehovah" into the NT is not a profound bias is inexplicable."

    Jason BeDuhn is Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Chair Department of Humanities, Arts, and Religion, at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. He holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Illinois, Urbana, an M.T.S. in New Testament and Christian Origins form Harvard Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Study of Religions form Indiana University, Bloomington.

    By the way, Dr BeDuhn has taught Greek for years. He has the necessary qualifications to express his viewpoint. Can you best that?

    He did take the NWT translators to task for incorporating the divine name in the NT. I have read the book, I am not quoting someone else.

  • botchtowersociety
    You've probably heard this before, but at a meeting last night the elder called the NWT the "Rolls Royce" of Bibles.

  • Wonderment

    Atlantis: The NWT Large Print Online edition of 2010 shows the brackets:

    "16 because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. 17 Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist..."

    All bible translators make changes to the text according to their beliefs, not just the NWT translators. For a consideration of whether "other" at Col 1:15-17 violates translation principles, see Jason BeDuhn's explanation of it in his book. At least, is another viewpoint to consider.

  • Wonderment

    Pams girl said: "If the NWT is the Rolls Royce of Bibles, why oh why are they using multiple quotes in the Awake and WT from other bibles?"

    Because it adds variety to the material expounded. Also, it is used to let others know that other bible versions express it in a way that the writer wants to focus on. As to the comment of the elder saying that the NWT is the Rolls Royce of Bibles, I would say that is a meaningless statement. Bible versions are a matter of choice, and all bible translations fail in some way at their task.

  • NVR2L8


    Thank you for your clarification on some of the statements commonly used to discredit the WT. When I was doing research about the "truth" and trying to decide if I was going to remain or leave, I found that many opposers misquote and twist the facts and it got me thinking that the WT may be right when they warn JWs that information on the net is designed by apostates to lead people away from the "truth". Fortunately for me people like you or Mary, Blondie and a few others take the time use quotes in their context. WT lies can only be dispelled by using accurate information, not other lies...otherwise how can one distiguish who's right!

  • Wonderment

    NVR2L8: Thank you for your kind comments.

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