The New World Translation Quote from an Elder

by howdidtihappen 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wonderment

    Sab: "Is that an unreasonable request? Has there never been a group of people capable of translating an honest Bible?"

    In the majority of cases, including with the NWT, the biases reflected in translation are more an indication of human limitations, than it is of dishonesty. I believe most bible versions are produced with the best intentions. Many a times bible translators are forced to make a decision on interpretation because it is virtually impossible to avoid introducing one's interpretation into the translated Text in various places.

    Overall though, most bible versions transmit the bulk of God's message well. Furthermore , comparing various bible versions will only increase our understanding of God's Word. If we lack trust in bible translators, we can always go to the "originals," but we may find after doing so, that their translation product will serve to increase our respect for them.

  • sabastious
    Overall though, most bible versions transmit the bulk of God's message well.

    You nor I, nor anyone else living, is qualified to indentify what the "orignal" message of the Bible was. To make such a conclusion would require the true, and complete, original works, of which no one on earth has possession of. What is it, through your experience, that makes you feel you are even qualified to indentify "consistent patterns" throughout the entirity of the Bible's timeline, so much so that you can determine whether or not it's "original" message or purpose was indeed preserved?


  • Wonderment


    I wrote the word "originals" withing quotation marks, because most everyone here is aware that the Hebrew and Greek texts available today are copies of the originals writings. I reason that most bible translations communicate the concept of an all powerful God who sent his beloved Son as a means of salvation to mankind well enough. Most bible versions talk about sin, life, death, salvation, God's grace toward mankind, God's Kingdom, and so on.

    As an individual, I have seen enough patterns in different strands to form an opinion. And this is what this board is about. We can express our experiences and viewpoints freely as ex-JWs. By expressing my opinions, I don't want to imply that I have a supernatural insight, or other. I left the WT org. for their lack of freedom of speech, and I came here to find "consolation," "understanding," and was hoping to express some of my thoughts on some subjects. That is why I appreciate your observations and those of others as well. I have much to learn from you all.

  • Sulla

    In the majority of cases, including with the NWT, the biases reflected in translation are more an indication of human limitations, than it is of dishonesty.

    Sorry, Wonderment, I can't follow you here. The usage of "Jehovah" in the NT is a) entirely unsupported by any text whatever, making this a whole-cloth invention, and b) inserted into the NWT because is conveys the JWs Arian theology more effectively than a straight-up translation would. This is not a limitation, this is blatant dishonesty. The NWT is blatantly dishonest.

  • sabastious
    As an individual, I have seen enough patterns in different strands to form an opinion. And this is what this board is about. We can express our experiences and viewpoints freely as ex-JWs. By expressing my opinions, I don't want to imply that I have a supernatural insight, or other. I left the WT org. for their lack of freedom of speech, and I came here to find "consolation," "understanding," and was hoping to express some of my thoughts on some subjects. That is why I appreciate your observations and those of others as well. I have much to learn from you all.

    I'm convinced, through my experience so far, that everyone has something to learn and to teach. There is no greater truth finder than a community of open minds that are ready and eager to start bouncing ideas back and forth.


  • Atlantis

    While I agree with Wonderment about the poor handling of 1975, the information posted by sabastious and Sulla are absolute fact. None of us are qualified to know or be able to indentify what the "orignal" message of the Bible was. And, when Sulla posted this: "The usage of "Jehovah" in the NT is a) entirely unsupported by any text whatever, making this a whole-cloth invention, and b) inserted into the NWT because is conveys the JWs Arian theology more effectively than a straight-up translation would. This is not a limitation, this is blatant dishonesty. The NWT is blatantly dishonest.") Can't we agree that these statements are clearly true? Can't we agree that the Watchtower admitted that the name "Yahweh" was more accurate? Then why didn't they use the more correct name?

    Are we working together on this Wonderment?


  • Atlantis

    1969 KIT p.23

    While inclining to view the pronunciation "Yah . weh" as the more correct way,we have retained the form "Jehovah" because of people's familiarity with it since the 14th century.'s_witnesses_and_the_name_jehovah/jehovah's_witnesses_and_the_name_jehovah.htm N.
  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    "biases reflected in translation are more an indication of human limitations , than it is of dishonesty."

    The academic credentials of the NWT Translation Committee are very unimpressive - almost to the point of being non existent. However, it would seem that F.W. Franz and his co-workers largely got it right, despite themselves!

    Most of the more contentious passages of scripture in the New World Translation are more the result of doctrinal bias than they are of incompetence. (And contentious pieces of scripture do exist in the NWT - take John 1:1, for example. Expect a violent response if the NWT's translation of that text is shown to anyone of a more fundamentalist Christian denomination!)

    It is true that most translations of the Bible to contain doctrinal bias of some sort. However, given the WTS's record of deceit and manipulation, I am not so sure that their bible translation contains "less doctrinal bias than most." (And before anybody jumps down my throat about "how many bible translations are you familiar with," when I first undertook to sit down and read the whole thing from cover to cover, it was the New English translation that I used.)

    Furthermore, all translations of the Bible are made from what are only copies of the original Hebrew or Greek texts. These, too, can differ one from the other. The moral of the story is that, when reading any translation of the Bible, you need to be mindful of (i) any doctrinal bias its translators harbored, and (ii) which Hebrew and Greek texts it was translated from.


    PS: Early in my time with the JWs, you used to frequently be assured at people's doors that "you have to read the King James version of the bible to properly understand it." The King James translation, too, though, contains errors - and not just of the doctrinal bias kind. For example, in one verse, it talks about unicorns as being real creatures!


    Comparison of Scholarly Qualifications Of NWT / NASB Translators

    Although the Jehovah’s Witness leadership desperately wants the names of the New World Translation’s translators to remain unknown (for reasons that shall soon become clear), the names have, in fact, been revealed by former high- ranking members of the Jehovah’s Witness sect (8). Are these men qualified to correct the [allegedly] defective, inconsistent, and unsatisfactory translations produced by other Bible translators? Listed below (in the right-hand column) are the names and academic qualifications of the translators who produced the New World Translation. As a comparison, the names and credentials of the translators of the New American Standard Bible are listed in the left-hand column. We invite the discerning reader to judge for himself which English translation (the NASB or the New World Translation) is more likely to accurately represent the meaning of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic of the Bible.

    The NASB Translation Committee

    The New American Standard Bible was produced by a diverse team of 40 translators, each with earned doctorates in the field of Biblical languages. Their names are as follows: (9)

    Dr. Peter Ahn

    Dr. Warren Allen

    Dr. Gleason Archer

    Dr. Herman Austel

    Dr. Kenneth Lee Barker

    Dr. Fred Bush

    Dr. David L. Cooper

    Dr. Richard W. Cramer

    Dr. Edward R. Daglish

    Dr. Charles Lee Feinberg

    Dr. Harvey Finley

    Dr. Paul Gray

    Dr. George Giacumakis

    Dr. Edward F. Harrison

    Dr. John Hartley

    Dr. F.B. Huey, Jr.

    Dr. Charles Isbell

    Dr. David W. Kerr

    Dr. William L. Lane

    Dr. Timothy Lin

    Dr. Oscar Lowry

    Dr. Elmer Martens

    Dr. Henry R. Moeller

    Dr. Reuben A. Olsen

    Dr. J. Barton Payne

    Dr. Walter Penner

    Dr. John Rea

    Dr. W.L. Reed

    Dr. Robert N. Schaper

    Dr. Moises Silva

    Dr. Ralph L. Smith

    Dr. Merrill C. Tenney

    Dr Robert L. Thomas

    Dr. George Townsend

    Dr. Bruce Waltke

    Dr. Lowell C. Wendt

    Dr. William C. Williams

    Dr. Herbert M. Wolf

    Dr. Kenneth Wuest

    Dr. Fred Young

    The New World Translation Committee

    The New World Translation committee consisted of four members of the Jehovah’s Witness religious sect. Their names and scholarly qualifications are as follows: (10)

    Nathan Knorr : President of the Watchtower Society (no academic training in any Biblical language)

    Fred Franz : (no academic degree in any Biblical language, though he did study Greek for two years at the University of Cincinnati)

    Albert Schroeder : (no academic training in any Biblical language)

    George Gangas: (no academic training in any Biblical language)

    .................... ;-)...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    Dang Outlaw !!!!!

    you got me laughin' and without any pics :))

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