On my way to Cleveland for the 2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come" District Convention!

by MrFreeze 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jamiebowers

    Mr. Freeze, Happy Dad, and vanyone else in Pittsburgh, I'm in Newon Falls, OH, just a few hours away from you.

    TotallyADD, I don't remember what town you're in, but I looked it up when you guys were moving. It's about six hours from me, which is a little too long of a car ride for me. I'd love to see pics if you have an aposta-fest though.

    SafeatHome, have you heard about the ex-jw meet-up in Akron this month?

  • EmptyInside

    Mr. Freeze ,check your messages.

  • noni1974

    JamieBowers I think it's in August becasue the email I got said Satureday August 27, 2011 at 4 PM at a coffee shop in Akron. I thought it was this weekend until I read the email again yesterday. LOL Anyway I was hoping to go. I hope to see you there next month!!

  • hellenback

    They shuld name one "The more chance of Joining the Beatles district convention .

  • TotallyADD

    Sorry MrFreeze I did not mean to take away from your thread. I wrote the post last evening when my ritalin wore off. LOL When it comes to conventions I am so glad I don't go to them anymore. I hated seating all day long in a place meant for only a few hours watching a sporting event. My butt and back would hurt for days after that. All I got out of most of them was 110 mini naps. But on the bright side everyone around me thought I was agreeing with the talk. I will sending you a PM. Totally ADD

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    My last one was Deliverance at hand in 2006....5 years later is NOT AT HAND! Frickin LIARS!

    Hey Botz, wasn't 2006 the same year they had the "special" tract campaign of "The End of False Religion is NEAR!"? Five years later, religion is rolling along status quo.

  • Woody22

    The last assembly I went to was in pittsburg at 3 rivers stadium.

    This was in the late 70's. I left the borg in 1980.

  • SafeAtHome

    I wouldn't mind meeting some of you, if it was close to me in Akron. That is, if you let "newbies" into your group. And, an old newbie at that. You guys all sound young enough to be my children! I'll just say, I was 10 when my parents joined the JWs, I was in for 25 years and have been out for 25 years (although family still in). Do the math, I am really old.

  • WTWizard

    I missed every single one of them since day 1 in 2001. No traveling for me--they were all within 10 km of where I live.

    No matter. I don't miss wasting the time picking up rides to and from the Grand Boasting Session, missing work for that crap, wasting days off and/or vacation time, and always getting a headache around 2:30 PM. And that horrible noise--they call that "music"?

  • noni1974

    SafeatHome I'm in Cleveland. I am young enough to be your daughter. LOL My dad is your age. Age doesn't matter and getting together and meeting up would be a great idea. I've been to a couple of apastafests and they are amazing. I've been out for 14 years myself. I will send you a PM about the meetup scheduled for next month in Akron.

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