FADERS: How determined are you?

by VampireDCLXV 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    how determined are you to never return to life as a JW?

    I will never ever ever ever ever ever become a JW again! Ever! (Same answer as Broken Promises with a few more "evers" inserted.)

    Do you still miss old JW "friends"?

    I basically lost my best friend. I miss him. I hoped the JW thing wouldn't get between us. The rest of the "JW friends," don't miss them at all. I have replaced my JW friends network with an ex-JW friends network. We don't care what spiritual path each other takes and we don't judge everything each other does.

    Do you miss the company of JW relatives?

    Fading has allowed my JW mother a way to pretend there isn't a problem. Fine by me.
    She has some JW relatives, but they never even talk to her, so even a full-fledged JW wouldn't get the time of day from them.

    Do even the smallest of thoughts that maybe, just maybe, the JWs are right about some things, still haunt the darkest corners of you mind?

    No, it is better to automatically assume ANYTHING that WTS or JW's say is wrong wrong wrong. Then check it.

    Do you still have the occasional nightmare about dying during the big A?

    Never have.

    So I ask faders here again: how far along are you in your exit and are you doubting yourself?

    No doubts. I fully faded 100% by the Memorial of 2007. I don't go to any meetings. I had hoped to fade from JWN, but the wife and mother concern me and I stay hooked, plus I made great friends here.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Oh goodie! Even more.

    It's nice that you left the old life behind even though your parents haven't. It's just awful how eager hardcore JWs are to cut family ties. Maybe it's for the best that your parents aren't involved with their grandchildren...

    Even the thought of going to even one meeting in my local KH makes me positively ill, never mind returning to full activity as a JW. I'll admit that it's hard to lose the good graces of your family but I'm glad that you see your former "friends" for what they really are. I'm glad that you're keeping yourself busy too instead of moping around...

    The armageddon thing is a lot of bunk, isn't it? The problem often lies in how deep-seated, irrational fears are implanted into the minds of the very young. It can be a difficult thing for some to shake. I'm glad that you can use knowledge and logic to put such fears aside...

    It's good to know that, though you haven't even been out for even a year yet, you don't have any regrets about leaving...

    That really is the one thing that bothered me about JW "friends": how superficial they tend to be. There are hardly any genuine ones that I've ever known. The ones I've known would probably throw me under a bus too if they found out something. I've been thinking about moving away from my area as well, but I count my blessings; at least none of my family are in town. I'm pleased to know that you wouldn't allow the threat of shunning from your family get in the way of what you really want in life. Even though I've always been close to my family, I can't live for them...

    Sing it, sistah! Most JW friendships are indeed a fraud! I wish that I had never believed in the fakers and haters in the first place. It's all so artificial...

    I suppose you still are in the early stages of your exit and I do understand the confusion to some degree, as do many of us here. We are here to support you and hear you out. The confusion does eventually go away, though; trust us. Perhaps you are lucky when it comes to the kinds of people in your local congregation but many of us here aren't. I will admit that there were some people in my local congregation and others whom I really liked and still miss sometimes, but then I think of the many folks whom I can hardly stand to be around anymore as they are the majority, unfortunately for me.

    No need to feel overwhelmed at what to do and where to go. Just take things a step at a time. Live life one day at a time. Keep reading and keep posting; we still want to know how you're doing. You'll find your place in the world one day. Just think long and hard about what you're good at and what you're passionate about. Admittedly hard it's to do when your whole life has been swallowed up by serving a worthless cause...

    It's hard to shake some people off isn't it? There are a couple of individuals in my life who don't seem to get that I don't want to have anything to do with them or JWs anymore. The conditional aspect of JW fellowship is truly sickening...

    It's nice to know that you've begun your fade now. I'm sure it's hard to give up an eldership, especially because of the peer pressure in some congregations. I hope that your fade proceeds with little disruption but don't bet the farm on it. It's good to live your life on your own terms; don't let anyone sidetrack you in that regard and I'm sure you won't. I also believe that the basic moral principles in the bible are fairly sound: no need to throw out the baby with the bath water. Don't worry about your use of parentheses; I use them lots too. LOL.

    @Doubting Bro:
    Most here will agree with you about the WT$ not having anything to do with God; that's why we're all here. LOL! I hope things continue to go well between you and the misssus... maybe she'll see through the hypocrisy and backbiting of her fellow JWs one day as well. I'll agree that there is no need to pull the DA trigger unless it is a life or death matter (and your sanity IS also a life or death matter... literally).

    I've always marvelled at how you could continue to be so angry at an entity you don't even believe exists. I will agree the there does seem to be a conspiracy in some circuits, if not the entire organization, that seeks to keep the ones who are seen as misfits eternally single (regardless of gender). It does seem to be a verifiable phenomenon about the leadership clamping down on organized activities or anything that's actually FUN. The GB really is tightening the screws on the rank & file. There really is no reason to go back...

    Even though I'm not so stuck on what the teachings are, I agree that the history and the conduct of the JWs/WT$ are truly shameful. There are individuals who's company I also miss, but I can't live a lie for them. It really is the ultimate revenge on the WT$ to live your life with happiness ans stability despite what they preach to the contrary...

    It's nice to know that you don't see anything worth going back for. I don't either. You are in an enviable position in that you've gotten in contact with old friends who have left the bOrg as well... many of us aren't so lucky. I wish you and your husband the very best in the new life you're seeking to find...

    We're happy to see that you live your life as freely as possible despite still having a "faithful" JW for a wife. We're still here for you whenever you need us...


  • flipper

    VAMPIRE- I am so far gone from the JW way of life that I'm on the outer edge of their universe. LOL ! No one could pay me a million bucks to go back ! I have NO doubts about my decision to stop attending in 2003. I made the right decision. And that has been verified by the countless researching I've done since being out.

    Now my motivation is to help any of my relatives who may exit with time and to be here for them if, and when they do exit . And to help any I meet on the board who may be newly exiting or even sitting on the fence deciding about exiting the Witnesses. I'll say anything I can to convince them and help them see they are gaining an important freedom of mind by exiting and give support where needed. I know I had very little support when I first stopped attending - I know how hard it is so I want to be here to help in any way possible

  • moshe

    I see some real personal growth here, that comes from being respected as a human being - Good luck to all, who draw the line against WT shunning/abuse that is abhorrent to all decent human beings.

  • sherah

    Do you still miss old JW "friends"? Yes but not enough to go back.

    Do you miss the company of JW relatives? In my family, blood is thicker than WT ink. My family is know my thoughts and feelings on all things WT. It's not an issue and they won't out me. I' ve made tons of progress with my family. We are still close and get invited to family functions. They don't want to hear my apostate views and I don't want to hear the dub drivel. For now, no worries.

    Do even the smallest of thoughts that maybe, just maybe, the JWs are right about some things, still haunt the darkest corners of you mind? Nada...lots of research and reading on this forum, the bible, secular books and past WT materials have killed any doubts about the JW being right about anything.

    Do you still have the occasional nightmare about dying during the big A? Nope...see above.

    My fade is 85% complete, I occassionally have to finesse the elders and nosy witnesses. I have few things in the works that will close this chapter in my life.

  • Rocky_Girl

    I remember the moment I realized that I didn't care if I were DF'd. It was 3 years ago and it was like a shattering mirror in my mind. All of the sudden, I just knew... It took 9 years out to get there.

  • VampireDCLXV

    It's nice to see the continuing comments. Keep 'em coming, folks!

    Sorry about missing on your previous comments in my last post... Yes, I do agree that fading doesn't guarantee a lack of shunning from family or others. It seems that the WT$ is now trying to put the squeeze on those who are "inactive" as well. Avoiding a DF, of course, is still worth trying for. That was a really good idea for you to threaten those harassing elders with having law enforcement called on them. If, out of the blue, some locals try to pressure me into incriminating myself, I might try threatening them with legal action too if needed. I'm simply not going to play by their rules or acknowledge them in any way. If they want to DF me in my absence, there's little that I can do about it but I'm not going to help them with it at all either. I hope to rid myself of the fear and paranoia eventually...

    It's nice to hear from you again, my friend. You are an inspiration to all of us who are seeking to fade out. Why the hell should we play by their rules or even give them the time of day? It's truly a great breakthrough in life when what JWs are up to doesn't even matter anymore. If there's any help we can offer to others in the same position we formerly were in, that's also a good thing to do...

    I agree; this really is about personal growth... personal growth that the WT$ wants to stunt at every turn. Those of us who have woken up and seen the horrors of the WT$ and the JW religion shouldn't just stay in and watch...

    We are all human and there are individuals inside whom we will miss. The true courage comes in our resolve to never go back, even to appease loved ones, even at the risk of losing them forever (and sadly it often happens). Shedding our doubts about leaving is paramount to our ability to move on. Also, it does indeed take a few years at least to really leave the legacy of the WT$ behind, and for some, the journey never quite comes to an end...


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    So I ask you faders: how determined are you to never return to life as a JW?

    I wouldn't call my existence as a JW "living". I was just going through the motions to make my mom happy, but got to a stage where I couldn't go on like that. I needed to move on. I was never happy as a JW, so I'll never return.

    Do you still miss old JW "friends"?

    Friends? What friends? My so-called "friends" in the Borg were all hypocrites. I never felt truly accepted, so there's nothing for me to miss really.

    Do you miss the company of JW relatives?

    No, I do not miss their company and avoid them at all costs. True, I've had some great times with some of them, but that's all in the past. Those fond memories will always be fond, but I'm now in the process of creating new ones.

    Do even the smallest of thoughts that maybe, just maybe, the JWs are right about some things, still haunt the darkest corners of you mind?

    No, never.

    Do you still have the occasional nightmare about dying during the big A?

    The Big A was never a nightmare for me, even when I believed it was coming. I actually hadn't even thought about Armageddon until I read this post.

  • Velour

    Never going back. I'm an atheist now and I can not think of any reason to give up the mental, physical, and emotional freedom I now have.

    Do I miss ''friends''? This is in between. There are kind people inside the organization who really feel they're doing what is right. They also feel they ARE right and will shun flesh and blood friends for an invisible skydaddy who's failed to properly show himself/itself/herself.

    I miss my siblings.

    When I first left I accepted my mortality. I accepted that at Armaggedon I would die a horrible death. I feared it but put it in the back of my mind. However, after reading books and getting my hands on knowledge not skewed by JW perspective I realized I need not fear Armaggedon anymore than the Catholic Hell, bad reincarnation or any other religions' form of punishment. And after realizing that god is terrible at conveying truth. and reading about this "true" organization's involvement in scadalous behaviour, all fear I had about dying at the hands of god disappeared. Real knowledge is helpful in dispelling JW related fear.

    If you're fading, read some books.

  • VampireDCLXV


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