"this system is in such a financial crisis now! You can see the time is ripe for the end to come!"

by highdose 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Have they been banging that drum lately? my jw is also saying things about the economy, financial crisis, etc... he stops just short of saying the end is near because of it. He knows better than to say that to me.

  • sir82

    Ask your friend if he would have preferred to live in the 12th century - that certainly was a time of wealth and prosperity for all, wasn't it?

    Or the 13th, or the 14th, or the 15th.....

    Even with the current economic crisis, 80% of the world's population live lives far more luxurious and opulent than any human on earth 500+ years ago. Yes, even today's poor live like kings...compared to the not-so-distant past.

  • Mary
    1)never before in the history of the world has there been another financial crisis like this!

    I had an elder say the same stupid thing to me a couple of years ago. I said "I'm pretty sure the Crash of '29 was alot worse than what we're going through right now. We have on average, about 9%-10% unemployed. In the '30s, it was 25% unemployed and there was no such thing as Unemployment Insurance to help people out."

    He was pissed off at what I said because it didn't fit into his theme subject which of course was "the end is nigh! Come back to the Kingdumb Hall before it's too late!!"

  • mindseye

    Good points sir82, I think the same things when I hear JWs complain about "things getting so bad in this system...". They need to crack open a history book, and then decide if they would rather live in this present "system" with abundant religious freedom and comfort (in the western world anyway), or during the Crusades, Black Plague, Civil War, Witch Hunts, the REAL Great Depression, etc.

  • WTWizard

    When I was a witless, I remember every little event as meaning that the end was nigh. When times were good, they played on "peace and security". When times were badk they played on that as a sign that the end was here. Thus, you get a tornado outbreak, you are supposed to be afraid to be weak in the cancer. You get a financial meltdown, you are supposed to be afraid to be weak in the cancer. You get a terror attack, you are supposed to be afraid. You get an earthquake, you are supposed to be afraid. Worry that you might not make it, and that there isn't enough time to make up for last month's dismal 5 hours of field circus.

    Now, I can see a total financial collapse for what it is. All the way to total global enslavement--that doesn't mean Jehovah's new order is any closer than it was during the period when the Catholics had dominion of the whole world. The Rothschilds are running it all, not the Devil. They run the banks that run the governments, and destroying someone that "only" got 5 hours of field circus instead of pio-sneering is not going to solve anything. All Jehovah would need do is destroy the 5 people at the very top of the system and install someone or a group that is bent on busting up the whole corrupt system, and we could have a new world order with freedom and real peace, through science, in a matter of months. But rather, he would threaten destruction of everyone not joining the cult while the Rothschilds continue playing games with the whole financial system.

    Last time, the Catholic church. This time, the Rothschilds. Nothing different except the players at the top. And no closer to Armageddon.

  • jwfacts

    That is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard. It shows the lack of education and logical thinking skills of many still in developed countries.

    If the entire global economy collapsed, the world would go back to subsistence living, which is how things were for almost the entirety of human existence. In fact, half the globe is still at that level. Just as it has been for all of human history, we would be at the mercy of the elements and go through mass deaths from famine and disease. The poor economy will not put people worse than before; in a worst case scenario we wlll be back to where we were only a couple of hundred years ago.

    The economy is no where near that bad anyway. Despite people in the US loosing jobs and houses, I don't see many starving to death. So even now, the US is a far better place to live than many third world countries. It is a shame people cannot look any further than their own countries border, or back more than a generation.

  • cantleave

    It is a shame people cannot look any further than their own countries border, or back more than a generation.

    Is that an "overlapping" generation ?

  • NewChapter

    Wow, never before in history? LOL, I won't repeat what everyone else has said, but I think JWfacts has an excellent point. Look beyond borders and generations and they will see that in comparision we are all freaking kings. At least if we don't live in a 3rd world nation that is. I can understand why people living in the 3rd world are ever anxious to an end to their suffering, but living in the US or the UK or countless other nations, we have it very good. Maybe if people stopped looking to god to end the suffering and started to look to humans we could eliminate much more suffering. Oh, that's right, man can't direct his own step, except when it comes to space travel, computers, medical science, art, music, literature, architecture, physics, GOD WE SUCK!


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    never before in the history of the world has there been another financial crisis like this!

    Never before in the history of the world have so many people been united by such stupid ideology.

  • the-illuminator81

    Try to pin them down to a date and then hold them to it.

    "So you think it's near? How near? Do you think it will happen within 2 years?"

    "Are you sure?"

    "So you think it will certainly happen before June 2013?"

    "Ok, so let's say June 2013 comes around and there is no Armageddon, can I get the keys to your car?"

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